The U.S. and North Korea agreed to establish working groups on the denuclearization of the

The U.S. and North Korea agreed to establish working groups on the denuclearization of the The U.S. and DPRK agreed to establish working groups on the denuclearization of North Korea. This was announced by the U.S. Department of state representative, summing up the second day Secretary Mike Pompeo in Pyongyang. Set among the experts of the task — ratification of the plan on nuclear disarmament, reports Reuters. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий According to journalists who accompanied Mr. Pompeo, he absented himself from the negotiations in order to inform the President of the USA of Donald trump. Recall June 12 in Singapore hosted the meeting of American and North Korean leaders Donald trump and Kim Jong-UN. Following the talks, the sides signed a joint document, according to which the United States give North Korea security assurances. In response, the DPRK should commit itself to denuclearize. See also: The DPRK has promised US to eliminate

NATO concerned about what arrangements will be able to reach trump and Putin in Helsinki

NATO concerned about what arrangements will be able to reach trump and Putin in Helsinki TASS, 7 July. /TASS/ — the members of the Alliance did not participate in planning the summit, said the coordinator of the ruling coalition of Germany on transatlantic cooperation, Peter Bayer. NATO officials are worried that the President of the United States Donald trump during the upcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin can take steps, coordinated with the Alliance. This was stated by the coordinator of the ruling coalition of Germany on transatlantic cooperation Peter Bayer, reported Reuters. According to him, NATO members participate in the planning of the summit in Helsinki was not accepted. “The Alliance is seriously concerned about what arrangements can achieve the trump and Putin”, — he said in an interview with the publications of the media group Funke published on Saturday. As previously reported by the press service of

In Kiev told what will attempt to take Crimea by force

In Kiev told what will attempt to take Crimea by force MOSCOW, 6 Jul — RIA Novosti. Former Minister of defense of Ukraine and the leader of the party “Civil initiative” Anatoly Gritsenko explained, which can lead to attempt by force to take away from Russia the Crimea. According to the politician, there is an “informal plan” to end the conflict in the Donbass. As noted Gritsenko, this scenario does not provide force. I’ll tell you: if Ukraine elected President, which will begin to take away by force the Crimea and the Donbass, then the sanctions against Russia will be removed, we will introduce, and that Ukraine will end.Anatoly Grizinkalns-Minister of defense of Ukraine He also noted that the plan is not going to implement. “Why is it not implemented? For two reasons. The first plan is designed for three to five years, and it will not be confirmed by

The participants of the nuclear deal Iran will fight for its implementation

The participants of the nuclear deal Iran will fight for its implementation VIENNA, July 6. /TASS/ — the Parties agreed “to protect companies from the extraterritorial effect of US sanctions”. The results of the Ministerial meeting of Iran and the “five” of international mediators (Russia, China, Britain, Germany and France) for a Joint comprehensive plan of action on Iran’s nuclear program (SVPD) demonstrated commitment of the parties to resist US pressure to carry out a nuclear agreement with Iran. At the meeting, in particular, reiterated the commitment to the conservation of oil and gas exports from Iran. In addition, the parties agreed to maintain and develop extensive economic relations with Iran, as well as to preserve and maintain efficient financial channels with this country. The US President Donald trump on may 8 announced the release of Washington from SVPD — transactions, which limited the nuclear program of Tehran in exchange

Ukraine has asked Facebook to ban pages with news of the DNI and LC

Ukraine has asked Facebook to ban pages with news of the DNI and LC KYIV, 6 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of information policy (MIP) of Ukraine addressed a letter to the leadership of Facebook, which accused the company of “restriction of freedom of speech” Ukrainian users, and to facilitate dissemination of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk national republics. The Department asks the company to make it impossible to use Facebook Toolkit “as a means of restricting the freedom of speech of Ukrainian activists, and instead take prompt and effective steps to stop the functioning of the social network pages and groups whose activities are contrary to community standards, since their activities are destructive consequences for the Ukrainian people, but also for the image of the company.” Earlier the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has threatened the founder of social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg that “will work” with it,

The OPCW has presented a preliminary report on the attack in the Syrian Duma

The OPCW has presented a preliminary report on the attack in the Syrian Duma MOSCOW, 6 Jul — RIA Novosti. The OPCW experts have found traces of organic substances containing chlorine, used in the Syrian attack in the Duma on 7 April, according to a preliminary report of the organization. “In samples from locations 2 and 4 detected various organic chemicals containing chlorine, and residues of explosives”, — stated in the interim report. “No organophosphorous nerve agents and / or degradation products either in environmental samples or in plasma samples of the alleged victims is not revealed”, — the document says.

Four times Prime Minister of Pakistan was given a period of luxury apartments

Four times Prime Minister of Pakistan was given a period of luxury apartments Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, who held the post four times, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for corruption. According to Reuters, the terms also got his daughter Maryam and her husband. The trial was held in absentia: at the time the former Premier and his daughter were in London. There treated from cancer with his wife Kools, from June after a heart attack she is in a coma. Sharif was convicted of corruption related to the purchase of luxury apartments in London. Politician and his family were accused of money laundering: they are unable to explain the emergence of money spent on real estate in the British capital in the 1990s. Property in London is now due to be confiscated in favor of the Pakistani government. In addition to the prison term of

Opening Russian schools in Latvia called imagination Ambassador

Opening Russian schools in Latvia called imagination Ambassador The Minister of education of Latvia Karlis Sadurskis called Russian schools in the country illegally. About it reports the edition “Neatkariga”. “The creation of Russian schools in Latvia is just a fantasy Lukyanova (Russian Ambassador in the Republic Yevgeny Lukyanov— approx. “Of the”), not having a legal basis,” said Sadurskis. The Minister of education explained that it is impossible in the country to open a school if its educational program meets government standards. This applies to both public and private schools. Earlier Lukyanov criticized the education reform in Latvia, which stipulates a total ban of Russian-language education in the country. The Ambassador said that Russia is considering different options for support Russian language in Latvia. One possible measure is called the establishment of a school at the Russian Embassy. This step, according to the plan Lukyanova, would allow schools to be