The Federation Council approved the law on the rules for foreigners staying in Russia

The Federation Council approved the law on the rules for foreigners staying in Russia MOSCOW, July 13 — RIA Novosti. The Federation Council approved on Friday a package of laws imposing liability to invited guests of the foreigner citizens, in case if the guest has not left Russia in time or got a job without a work visa. For infringement of rules of stay of foreign citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation administrative fines issued to him an invitation to individuals will be from 2 to 4 thousand roubles, from 45 to 50 thousand for officials and from 400 to 500 thousand rubles for legal entities. In 2017, the territorial bodies of the MIA of Russia stopped more than 136 thousand offences when foreign nationals remained in the country after they expired the period of stay, or there were discrepancies between the declared at the entrance to find

Matvienko welcomed “the French prisoner” Karimov in the Federation Council

Matvienko welcomed “the French prisoner” Karimov in the Federation Council Senator Suleiman Kerimov, on Friday came to the plenary session of the Federation Council, reports “Interfax”. Kerimov long time absent because he was forced to stay in France because of the claims of the authorities of the country. “Let’s welcome our French barman” — appealed to Karimov with a smile, the speaker of the upper chamber of Parliament Valentina Matvienko. I’m really glad you didn’t run away, don’t chicken out, and, as expected, in strict compliance with the legislation was able to prove his innocence, all charges — it deserves respect.Valentine Matvienkova the upper house of Parliament In November 2017, Kerimov, was detained in nice. French authorities accused him of tax evasion and laundering of funds when purchasing property. Russian Senator was released on bail but ordered to surrender his passport. During the investigation in coordination with the Prosecutor Karimov

Matvienko suspected that the head of the Russian post considers the salaries of postmen not the king’s question

Matvienko suspected that the head of the Russian post considers the salaries of postmen not the king’s question Moscow. July 13. INTERFAX.RU — Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko again criticized the General Director of “Mail of Russia” Nikolay Podguzova, which, in its opinion, do not know that postmen on the ground get paid below the minimum wage. “We once again honored these help: very embarrassing for the head of “Mail”, which does not own… Well, that’s probably the postman to do, and it’s like a steel rail and the mailman is the main reference figure in the entire mail system,” said Matviyenko at the meeting of the Council of the Federation. She noted that the senators dealt with the position of the postmen in the regions and intend to pursue this work further. In particular, they found that the postmen in some regions are still receiving wages below

Matvienko welcomed Karimov, calling it “the French prisoner”

The Speaker Of The Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Press service of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation MOSCOW, July 13. /TASS/. The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko welcomed the meeting of the Federation Council of Suleiman Kerimov and told him that all colleagues were worried about him. “Let’s welcome our French barman Suleyman Abusaidovich Kerimov, who after a long break back in our team,” – said Matvienko.

“I have told you how to do Brexit. Mae didn’t listen”

“I have told you how to do Brexit. Mae didn’t listen” Tramp in London to discuss the meeting with Putin. The President of the United States Donald trump arrived in London a two-day visit. July 13, he will meet with British Prime Minister Theresa may and visit of Queen Elizabeth II. Trump has already set an aggressive tone of these negotiations. In an interview with The Sun, he lashed out at the already accepted plan of a British exit from the EU that the politician thinks is too soft. In London, the trump will also discuss the upcoming meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. NewsZakharova said the resignation of Johnson with the words of Lermontov American President Donald trump with his wife Melania arrived in the UK yesterday, in the afternoon of July 12. That the atmosphere around this event is stressful, says at least the action plan of the

Browder has filed a lawsuit against the suspect of money laundering-Central Bank

Browder has filed a lawsuit against the suspect of money laundering-Central Bank Moscow. July 13. INTERFAX.RU — Founder of Hermitage Capital William Browder filed a criminal suit against the Danish Bank Danske Bank, which is suspected of laundering money from Russia, reports the Financial Times. In the lawsuit, which was filed on Wednesday, the Danish Prosecutor, it is argued that at least 190 accounts opened at the Bank was used to launder $203 million, which could be associated with the “Magnitsky case”. In this regard, Browder asks the authorities to investigate the possible role of Danske Bank in these actions. As reported, Danske Bank was at the center of proceedings around the suspicious $8.3 billion from Russia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, which went through its Estonian subsidiary Bank in 2007-2015 Now Danske conducts an internal investigation and intends to publish the results in September. Initially, the scale of possible violations of the

Trump refused to break with Russia over the incident with the “Newbie”

Trump refused to break with Russia over the incident with the “Newbie” The President of the United States Donald trump is not going to break relations with Russia over the incident with the “Newcomer” in the British cities of Salisbury and Amesbury. He declared it in interview to the newspaper The Sun. “I think getting along with China, along with Russia”, — he said, answering the question, does not affect whether the use of nerve agents on plans to meet with Putin on 16 July in Helsinki. July 4, a couple of Brits were poisoned in neighboring Salisbury and Amesbury. It was found that they were exposed to nerve agents, which in March was poisoned by a former GRU officer Sergey Skripal and his daughter Julia. Later one of the poisoned died in the hospital. The British defense Ministry for the death of a woman from the “Newbie” things. Moscow

Azarov predicted the timing of the entry of Ukraine into NATO

Azarov predicted the timing of the entry of Ukraine into NATO The issue of Ukraine’s accession to NATO will not be considered for at least the next 10 years. This forecast was made by the former Prime Minister of the country Mykola Azarov. For this purpose, according to the politician, there are a lot of reasons, from the corruption of the Kiev authorities to unresolved conflict in the Donbass. “First of all, we are talking about the disparity between standards of our armed forces to the standards of the Alliance. Another obstacle is the corruption of power. In addition, there are foreign policy problems. If Ukraine becomes a member of the bloc, it would be contrary to all promises of the Western partners of Russia. This will be followed by a complication of the international situation besides in a country that is in serious economic crisis, the conflict continues. No

Debts up to 100 thousand rubles will deduct from the wages

Debts up to 100 thousand rubles will deduct from the wages The amount of debt that you can collect from the citizen through an employer under a simplified procedure to increase from 25 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. The draft amendments to the law “On enforcement proceedings” developing a Ministry of justice document is available at the disposal of “Izvestia”. In granting the creditor a writ of execution at the place of work the amount withheld from wages, pensions, scholarships of the debtor or other periodic payments. The claimant may choose how to collect a debt — sending the documents to the Bank, the debtor’s employer or in the normal course of using the bailiff. According to the source “Izvestia”, the project supported the government Commission on legislative activities. A simplified procedure should speed up the foreclosure process, relieving the bailiffs and to save budget money. In the Federal bailiff

Trump said about getting a “very nice” letter from Kim Jong-UN

Trump said about getting a “very nice” letter from Kim Jong-UN Moscow. July 12. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump on Thursday tweeted a letter about the successes in strengthening the relations of Pyongyang with Washington, which wrote to him, North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. In the letter Kim Jong UN said that he hoped for further action in the framework of the dialogue between the United States and North Korea. “I wish to further practical initiatives boosted confidence in you, Mr. President,” the letter reads. Also, Kim Jong UN expressed conviction that the “epoch-making progress in relations with the DPRK, the United States will serve to bring our future meetings.” “A very pleasant letter from the President, Kim Jong-UN from North Korea. Done a lot of progress!”, in turn, trump wrote. In a letter dated July 6, Kim Jong-UN notes that the joint statement he signed with trump in