The Fund looks forward to the continuation

The Fund looks forward to the continuation The government determined the timing of the extension of his work. Work of Fund of assistance to reforming housing and communal services (housing Fund) as Institute of development, responsible for the resettlement of dilapidated housing, will once again be extended — today it was announced by Vice Prime Minister Vitaliy Mutko. Unresolved remains the issue of new terms of work of the Corporation: according to Kommersant, among the options — extension of three years in accordance with the budget cycle or six years of the national project “Housing”. The Fund will be engaged in the resettlement of emergency housing on a permanent basis, said today the Deputy Prime Minister, Vitaly Mutko. According to him, the Fund will remain as a development institution as he planned to authorize within the framework of modernization and energy-efficiency. The resettlement program of emergency housing (recognized as such

Nationalism or money: Latvia against Russian and Ukrainian migrant workers

Nationalism or money: Latvia against Russian and Ukrainian migrant workers In Latvia there are fewer workers, but local politicians don’t want to open the labour market for foreign labour. Labour emigration from Latvia goes on for two decades and has reached such proportions that the country has almost no free hands. Local businesses encouraged to open labour market for workers from Ukraine, Russia and other CIS countries. With the same calls in favor of the IMF. Policy against: if you start working from the East, they say, the Latvian identity can be threatened. Sometime later Solvita originally from Aluksne, a small town in the East of Latvia. Eight years ago, she was unemployed, with a mortgage and three school-age children. In order to cope with the costs, she went to Britain. Since then, the Solvita lives in London, works in a hotel, earns fifteen thousand euros per month and is

The Ukrainian authorities have sometimes the desire to influence the election of the President

The Ukrainian authorities have sometimes the desire to influence the election of the President Secretary of the national security Council and defence of Ukraine (NSDC) Oleksandr Turchynov said that Russia will try to influence the outcome of the upcoming presidential elections. They will be held in Ukraine in 2019. According to Oleksandr Turchynov, today the special services of Russia “one of our priorities is the internal destabilization of the Ukrainian situation.” “They (the government.— “B”) will try to influence the outcome of presidential and parliamentary elections, but we do not rule out aggressive military actions against our country,” he said. Mr. Turchynov added that she knows “the whole balance of the Russian armed forces along the border.” And he concluded: “the Concentration of troops indicates that Russia does not remove from the agenda, the aggressive military uniform pressure on Ukraine”. The next presidential elections in Ukraine should be 31 March

Dvorkovich declared innocence to the business Magomedov

Dvorkovich declared innocence to the business Magomedov Former Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said in an interview with RBC that was not involved in the business of his former classmate Ziyavudin Magomedov, who was arrested on charges of fraud (article 159 of the criminal code), embezzlement (article 160 of the criminal code) and organization of criminal community (item 210 of the criminal code). He noted that with law enforcement in the case of brothers Magomedov he had to communicate not. Responding to a question about claims against the owners of the group “the Sum” due to the construction of the stadium “Baltika” Kaliningrad, Arkady Dvorkovich said that all violations were minimal and did not lead to significant problems. “Violation is always and at all construction sites without exception,” he added. We will remind, Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov was detained in late March. Damages in the case is estimated at 2.5

The foreign Ministry called the sanctions over the Crimean bridge the subversive politics

The foreign Ministry called the sanctions over the Crimean bridge the subversive politics New EU sanctions against Russian companies for the construction of a bridge to Crimea are subversive policy against the inhabitants of the Peninsula, said the official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографийзапад is consistent: rewarding those who were engaged in the blockade of Crimea, and persecutes those who build civilian infrastructure. Subversive policy aimed against the people of Crimea.Maria Zakharova the official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs On Tuesday, the EU announced sanctions against companies involved in the construction of Crimean bridge. In the sanction list of the company Arkady Rotenberg “Mostotrest” and “SGM”, a subsidiary of the latter — “SGM — Bridge”, “Institute Giprostroymost — Saint-Petersburg”, “Shipbuilding plant “Zaliv” and “WAD”. Construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait and its official opening in may this year, the EU was regarded as a

Arkady Rotenberg has responded to new EU sanctions

Arkady Rotenberg has responded to new EU sanctions Businessman Arkady Rotenberg, has responded to the EU’s decision to impose new sanctions against the companies involved in the construction of Crimean bridge. Under the sanctions were “SGM” and “Mostotrest”, which are included in the sanctions list of the USA. The first company was the General contractor for the construction of the bridge, the second is the main subcontractor. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий”Our goal is to build a bridge. Car has already passed, go on it people. Now the guys are building the railway. We are all proud of their work, and if someone doesn’t like it, it’s not our problem”, — quotes the words of the billionaire in the Telegram channel his representative. Russian Forbes estimates his fortune at $3 billion. Putin behind the wheel of a KAMAZ: why he can not wear? Sanctions against companies entrepreneur was introduced on July 30. Under the

The rating of “United Russia” since the beginning of the year decreased by 16 percentage points

The rating of “United Russia” since the beginning of the year decreased by 16 percentage points According to results of poll VTSIOM, the rating of “United Russia” as of July 22, decreased to 37.1% after falling 1.5 percentage points in comparison with the results of a week earlier. In the beginning of the year (14 January), the party’s rating was 53.2%. The rating of the parties lead polls since 2006. Below 40% figure of “United Russia” fell at the end of 2011, the minimum result was recorded on December 25 of that year to 34.4%. Then drop in the ratings was associated with protests on Bolotnaya square against election fraud. In 2017, the index remained around 50%, snyavshis low to 47.4%. We will remind, on June 14, the government announced pension reforms and the VAT increase. Then the ratings of the authorities began to fall sharply. According to VTSIOM, the

To get the preacher. As one man helped to embroil Turkey with the world

To get the preacher. As one man helped to embroil Turkey with the world While Turkey is fighting with supporters of Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen, it spoil relations with the world. Even with Mongolia. Thriller in Mongolia On the morning of 27 July, on the runway of the airport Genghis Khan in the Mongolian capital of Ulan Bator prevailed vanity. Around two private jets ran the Mongolian police and security service of the airport. At the main terminal had accumulated protesters with placards here and there fro the police cars. NewsTurkey for one The reason for this revival was the incident, which happened in the Mongolian capital earlier in the morning. At 9 am the Director of the Turkish-Mongolian education centre Veysel Akcay came out of his house in the centre of Ulan Bator. At this point, ran up to him the man, twisted him and threw him in the

The EU has imposed sanctions against two companies Rotenberg for the construction of a bridge to Crimea

The EU has imposed sanctions against two companies Rotenberg for the construction of a bridge to Crimea Previously PJSC “Mostotrest” and LLC “stroygazmontazh” has already been included in the sanctions list of the USA. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Moscow. July 31. INTERFAX.RU — the European Union imposed sanctions on companies involved in the construction of the Kerch bridge. The decision of July 30, published in the official journal of the EU. In particular, as of July 31 under the European sanctions are the two companies Arkady Rotenberg — Mostotrest and LLC “stroygazmontazh”. Both companies had previously been included in the American sanctions list. Also under EU sanctions hit of JSC “Institute Giprostroymost — Saint-Petersburg”, JSC “Shipbuilding plant “Zaliv”, LLC “stroygazmontazh — Bridge”, Vologda, JSC “WAD”. The construction of the bridge and its official opening in may this year was a “key symbolic step in the consolidation of Russian control over the illegally annexed