What is known about “PMC Wagner”

What is known about “PMC Wagner” In the Central African Republic (CAR) has killed three Russians — the journalist Orhan Cemal, cameraman Kirill Radchenko and Director Alexander Rastorguev. According to media reports, in this country they made a film about the activities of “private military company Wagner.” What is known about this PMC — in the material “Kommersant”. Private military company, also known as the “Wagner group,” the unofficial military organization, with no legal status. According to media reports, the PMC was formed from the “Slavic corps”, operating in Syria since 2013. Based in Krasnodar region. Has, according to various estimates, from 1.5 thousand to 2.5 thousand fighters. The founder and Director of PMC is Dmitry Utkin (known as the Wagner), awarded the order of Courage. In June 2017 he and his PMC was included in the sanctions list of the USA. The first evidence about the activities of “PMC

Coups, diamonds, poverty. What is happening in the Central African Republic, which killed Russian journalists

Coups, diamonds, poverty. What is happening in the Central African Republic, which killed Russian journalists On the last day of July it became known about death in the Central African Republic, three Russian journalists — Orhan Jemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko. Journalists worked on the film about the Russians, who are training the local military. Over the past half century TSAR survived the bloody strife, “Emperor”, who was accused of cannibalism, and several military coups. To bring order to the most undeveloped, according to the UN, the world still failed, neither the French nor the various peacekeeping missions of the United Nations and the African Union nor the Russian military instructors. The last place Central African Republic until 1960 was a French colony, and after independence remains one of the poorest and sparsely populated African countries with very unstable political situation and ongoing conflict between Christian and Muslim armed

Trump announced the beginning of construction of the wall on the border with Mexico

Trump announced the beginning of construction of the wall on the border with Mexico The President of the United States Donald trump announced that the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico has already begun. The video of his speech in Tampa (Florida) published the CNBC. “We have already started the construction of the wall. We have $1.6 billion, and we started to build large sections of wall,” he said. Earlier, Donald trump has threatened to halt the work of the government, if Democrats will not vote for the package of immigration bills, including a document on the construction of the wall. In 2017, the US President signed a decree on the construction of a protective wall on the border with Mexico. First, Donald trump expressed confidence that the project will pay for the Mexican side. In March 2018, the U.S. Senate adopted the law on the budget,

Vyacheslav Volodin has asked the faction to evaluate the work of the Commission Natalia Polonskaya

Vyacheslav Volodin has asked the faction to evaluate the work of the Commission Natalia Polonskaya Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has declared that he had received a letter from the head of the Commission on control over reliability of data on incomes of deputies Natalia Polonskaya. According to him, he sent a letter to the leaders of all factions with a request to “assess the work” of the Commission. We will remind, during a meeting of the lower chamber 19 Jul Natalia Poklonskaya became the only United Russia, voted against the proposed project of raising the retirement age, and at the meeting convened by it on 26 July, the Commission came only 3 deputies from 17. MS Poklonskaya considered this demarche of deputies and promised to complain to the speaker of the state Duma on the behavior of colleagues. After that, the leader of the Duma faction “United

Tenth meeting on Syria in the format ended in Sochi

© Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS SOCHI, August 1. /TASS/. Tenth meeting on Syria in the format ended on Tuesday in Sochi with the approval of the humanitarian agenda for further negotiations. The decision to use the Sochi area, although all previous rounds were held in the capital of Kazakhstan, coupled with the intention to shift the focus from to a greater extent military matters to aspects of the political settlement, strengthening of confidence-building measures and reconstruction Arab Republic.

Business opposed the punishment of dismissal age employees

Business opposed the punishment of dismissal age employees Raising the retirement age is inevitable and is conceptually supported by business, said the proposals of the chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation sent to the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of economic development, Ministry of labour and the Bank of Russia (“News”). Other business associations “OPORA Rossii” and “Delovaya Rossiya” — agreed with the proposals of the chamber. At the same time businessmen opposed the imposition of liability for firing employees age. Instead, they proposed to increase unemployment benefits for citizens of pre-retirement age and to abolish or reduce the size of Pension Fund contributions for employees who are within five years of retirement. The Ministry of labor “news” said that in conjunction with the trade unions and employers prepare a project plan for the creation of conditions to increase the level of pensions of citizens, which will reflect and interventions

The defense Ministry praised the life and reliability of “Armata”

The defense Ministry praised the life and reliability of “Armata” The life and reliability of unified platform “Armata”, “Kurganets”, “boomerang” is 20% higher than that of peers. This was announced by Deputy defense Minister army General Dmitry Bulgakov. 23фотографии23фотографии23фотографии In an interview with the newspaper “Red star” Deputy head of the Ministry of defense said that over the past five years as a result of re-equipment was commissioned more than 25 thousand units of new armored vehicles and automotive equipment, as well as 4 thousand modern rocket artillery weapons. Bulgakov stressed that according to the types of weapons Russia, according to independent expert agencies, in 2017, topped the global rankings. Previously, the defense Ministry said that the most modern Russian tank T-14 “Armata” should last at least 25-30 years. In the future it will replace combat vehicles based on new physical principles. See also: American tank crews appreciated the “Armata”

The Embassy of the Russian Federation, there are questions about the hasty cremation of the victim of the incident in Amesbury

The building of the Russian Embassy in London © AP Photo/Alastair Grant LONDON, August 1. /TASS/. The Embassy of the Russian Federation asks questions in relation to the too fast time of the cremation of the bodies British women don Sturges, which, according to British authorities, became a victim of poisoning with nerve substance in the English town of Amesbury. About it the correspondent of TASS said a source in the Russian diplomatic mission.

The U.S. Treasury has extended the period investors get rid of securities of En+, “GAZ Group” and RUSAL

The U.S. Treasury has extended the period investors get rid of securities of En+, “GAZ Group” and RUSAL WASHINGTON, July 31. /TASS/. The United States was extended to 23 October, the period for which U.S. investors need to get rid of stock and debt instruments of Russian companies En+ group, “GAZ Group” and RUSAL. This was reported Tuesday by the Office for foreign assets control of the U.S. Treasury Department. Earlier investors were given time until August 5 to get rid of securities of listed companies. The U.S. government on April 6 announced the introduction of sanctions against certain Russian officials, businessmen and companies. Among them were Oleg Deripaska and related company RUSAL, the holding Basic element, En+ and “Russian machines”, “the EuroSibEnergo”, “GAZ Group”, the investment company B-Finance and agro-holding “Kuban”. The hit to the sanctions list means the freezing of assets in the United States and a ban