The government has approved draft laws on improving the system of inspection

The government has approved draft laws on improving the system of inspection MOSCOW, 4 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Russian government has approved draft laws on improving the system of technical inspection of cars, including increasing penalties for violations in this sphere, and also introducing the video recording of the inspection, the relevant document is published on the website of the Cabinet. “To approve the draft Federal laws “On introducing amendments to the Federal law “On technical inspection of vehicles and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, “On amendments to the Russian Code of administrative offences” and “On amendments to the criminal code of the Russian Federation” and submit them to the State Duma in the established procedure”, — the document says. Bills aimed at combating the practice of mass registration of diagnostic card without the real procedure

Ukraine told about the “terrible scenario of Putin”

Ukraine told about the “terrible scenario of Putin” MOSCOW, 4 Aug — RIA Novosti. With the approaching presidential elections and the Verkhovna Rada Russia will use more resources to obtain political and economic control over Ukraine. About it in interview to the edition said military expert Alexey arestovich. According to him, if you win the election “Pro-Russian candidate”, then the country will lose independence. “Now many people want to remove Poroshenko. I can say for sure: the other candidates, but Poroshenko is Russia, unfortunately. If you win someone besides Poroshenko, will start to move theses on the war in the Donbass “mode” Poroshenko will bring Ukraine with Russia. In the end, Putin will get Ukraine cushy in a year or two. When implementing such a scenario, our country make the most dependent on Russia: forced to buy gas, oil, Russian weapons. Thus, Ukraine will lose its independence,” said arestovich.

Putin signed a number of laws in the sphere of economy and social policy

Putin signed a number of laws in the sphere of economy and social policy Vladimir Putin has signed a number of laws in the sphere of economy and social policy. Relevant documents published on the official portal of legal information. The Russian President approved the law, which proposed to increase from 15% to 20% the maximum duration of advertising time in the television program, and return commercials in children’s programs. The document was adopted by the state Duma on July 25 and approved by the Federation Council on July 28. We are talking about increasing the maximum duration of advertising with 15% (9 minutes per hour) to 20% (12 minutes of advertising per hour). This establishes that if the channel broadcasts 24 hours a day, advertising in television programs should not exceed 216 minutes, i.e. not go beyond an installed now the daily limit on advertising time. Simultaneously, abolishes the

It became known about the secret offer to Russia on Syria

It became known about the secret offer to Russia on Syria The head of the Russian General staff Valery Gerasimov sent a secret letter to the Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the United States Joseph Dunford, listing the measures to stabilize the situation in Syria. About it reports Reuters. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий Gerasimov called for Washington to help in the restoration of areas that are already controlled by the government of Bashar al-Assad. In addition, Moscow wants to help in the return of Syrian refugees to their homes. The message indicated that the Syrian authorities did not have enough resources for normalization of life and restoration of infrastructure. The Agency notes that Washington has seen deals Gerasimova “very cold”. They think that to support Moscow is only in the case of a political solution to the Syrian crisis, which implies the holding of independent elections

Julian Assange diplomatic deprive of shelter

Julian Assange diplomatic deprive of shelter The founder of WikiLeaks expelled from the Embassy of Ecuador in London. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in the coming weeks is expected to leave the Embassy of Ecuador in London, where he spent the last six years. Since 2012 the authorities of the Republic could not achieve the safe release of Mr. Assange, accused the British authorities of violating the terms of bail. The current President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno resolute — the more that the health of the activist, according to people close to him, rapidly deteriorating. Meanwhile, supporters of Mr Assange believe: the desire of Lenin Moreno to kick him out of the Embassy is a consequence of pressure from the US authorities who seek to extradite WikiLeaks founder and his trial for disclosure of classified information and espionage. The name Julian Assange appeared in world media in late July, when

High-profile WikiLeaks disclosures

High-profile WikiLeaks disclosures File. The first WikiLeaks material was released in December 2006. In it, in particular, was published by order of the leader of the Somali rebels Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys about the murder of members of the government of Somalia. Well known resource received in April 2010 after posting a video killing a group of civilians with two helicopters for the U.S. army in July 2007 in Baghdad. Then killed from 12 to 18 people, including two Reuters reporters. In July of the same year, WikiLeaks published “the Afghan war Diary” — more than 75 thousand official documents that talk in particular was about the details of combat operations. In October was published almost 400 thousand documents,”the Iraqi dossier” for the period 2004-2009. In November, the scandal caused by the publication of about 250 thousand confidential telegrams to the US state Department. Dispatches from American embassies are often

The project, trump: the wall on the border with Mexico begins to take shape

The project, trump: the wall on the border with Mexico begins to take shape The President of the United States wants to protect itself from the neighbor’s wall for $25 billion in the First sections already being built. The construction of the wall on the border with Mexico was one of the main election promises of Donald trump. The US President is convinced that protective structures must protect Americans from drug dealers and “bad guys” and will pay for the project the Mexican government. However, at first, the wall will be financed by American taxpayers. TASS explains what is the destiny of key project trump and what he represents. The wall of contention In January 2017 the President of the United States, as promised, ordered the construction of a protective wall. The intention of the President, it will stretch 1,000 miles (1609 km) of the border, thus closing the gaps

The U.S. Senate plans to create a coordination centre for combating hybrid threats from Russia

The U.S. Senate plans to create a coordination centre for combating hybrid threats from Russia WASHINGTON, August 4. /TASS/ — He will coordinate analytical work and policy implementation, associated in particular with the “fight against disinformation and propaganda.” New US Senate bill provides for the establishment of a focal point for dealing with hybrid threats from Russia, as well as a special Fund, funds from which will go to Finance to counter the “Russian influence.” The regulations on the formation of these structures contains the text of the bill of the sharp tightening of us sanctions against Russia. “A national coordinating center to develop the response to hybrid threats, which should focus mainly on threats from the authorities of the Russian Federation shall be headed by high officials of the USA”, — stated in the text of the bill. According to the document, the center will coordinate analytical work and

WP: Butina spoke with a former member of the campaign trump

WP: Butina spoke with a former member of the campaign trump WASHINGTON, August 4. /TASS/ — According to the newspaper, she was a mail correspondence with Jeffrey Gordon, responsible for the national security of the United States from March to August 2016. Russian Maria Butina, arrested in Washington on July 15, a month before the U.S. presidential election led mail correspondence with Jeffrey Gordon, who was a member of the campaign trump and was responsible for the national security of the United States from March to August 2016. This was reported by the newspaper The Washington Post, citing the Senate intelligence Committee. According to the newspaper, Butina and Gordon were mail correspondence in September and October 2016, during which he invited the Russian band Styx in Washington and invited her to a party on the occasion of his birthday in October of the same year. He, Gordon in an interview

US Ambassador at the UN accused Russia in violation of the resolutions on North Korea

US Ambassador at the UN accused Russia in violation of the resolutions on North Korea Moscow. 4 Aug. INTERFAX.RU Nikki Haley claims that Russia has given the citizens of North Korea thousands of work permits. US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley said Friday that Russia was granted permission to work on its territory several thousand citizens of the DPRK and thus violated the sanctions of the UNSC resolution on the DPRK. Credible reports of Russia violating the resolutions of the UN Security Council with respect to (restrictions — if) in the work of the North Koreans abroad, is a concern.Nikki Heliported USA at the UN “Words are cheap: Russia may support sanctions only words in the Security Council, only to break them by their actions”, — reads the statement. However, she recalled that sanctions against Pyongyang will not be lifted until the complete denuclearization of the DPRK. Adopted at