Sergei Ivanov told why during the war in Georgia, Russia has lost a lot of planes and did not use GLONASS

Sergei Ivanov told why during the war in Georgia, Russia has lost a lot of planes and did not use GLONASS Russia lost many aircraft during the conflict with Georgia in 2008 due to “bad intelligence,” he said in an interview “Kommersant” the Russian President’s special envoy for environmental issues, ecology and transport Sergei Ivanov, who until 2007 was the Minister of defense and the 2008 war he held the post of Deputy Prime Minister and was in charge of the military-industrial complex. According to Sergei Ivanov, the reason that during the conflict, was shot down six Russian combat aircraft was “bad intelligence.” “Bad intelligence (that is.— “Kommersant”). Then I can specifically answer your question. Nevertheless, retaining control over the Roki pass and Roki tunnel, our troops entered and quickly stood under Tbilisi. This military action ended. Well, what else about the military part to comment,” — said Mr. Ivanov.

London blocks the renewal of the Russian diplomatic corps

London blocks the renewal of the Russian diplomatic corps LONDON, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti, Natalia Kopylova. The UK authorities since the beginning of the year, in fact, block the renewal of the composition of the Russian Embassy, tightening procedures for issuing visas, said the press Secretary of the Embassy in London. According to him, Britain remains committed to a reduction of the presence of Russian diplomats in the United Kingdom, and the mass expulsion of the staff of the mission in March because of the case Skripal only exacerbated the difficult personnel situation in the Russian diplomatic missions in Britain. As the instruments are still used visa restrictions, artificial long delays in issuing visas for new employees has already been decorated on long trips, extension of visas to Russian foreign employees for a period not exceeding three months with the retention of their passports.the representative of the Embassy He

Pompeo urged Poroshenko to comply with the IMF

Pompeo urged Poroshenko to comply with the IMF WASHINGTON, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo in a telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko urged Kiev to comply with the requirements of the IMF, said state Department spokesman Heather Nauert. Pompeo also, once again, assured Poroshenko that the United States supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine and will never recognize “Russia’s attempt to Annex Crimea”. Poroshenko August 2 signed the regulation of appeal in the law on Higher anti-corruption court, it will ensure the effective beginning of the work of the court and its appeals chamber. The Verkhovna Rada in June adopted a presidential law on the establishment of the Supreme court anti-corruption in Ukraine. Its creation is one of the key requirements for Ukraine from the International monetary Fund for granting the next tranche of the loan. The Verkhovna Rada in mid-July changed

The state Department urged Russia to withdraw its troops from South Ossetia and Abkhazia

The state Department urged Russia to withdraw its troops from South Ossetia and Abkhazia WASHINGTON, 8 Aug. /TASS/ — the Head a press-services of the Department of state Heather Nauert reiterated that the US does not recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The United States declared non-recognition of the status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and called on Russia to withdraw its military units. This position of the Washington administration once again announced Tuesday the head a press-services of US state Department Heather Nauert during a regular press briefing. These regions are part of Georgia, they are not part of Russia, and the United States continues to support Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.Heather Newartriotgirl press service of the state Department “The United States calls on Russia to withdraw its troops to positions they held before the invasion and before the agreement on ceasefire

The CEC will consider just three of the initiative of a referendum on raising the retirement age

The CEC will consider just three of the initiative of a referendum on raising the retirement age Wednesday, August 8, in the agenda of the meeting of the Central election Commission there is a question “about the initiatives of the referendum of the Russian Federation”. Their number is not specified. One of the interlocutors “Kommersant” claims that will be examined from three initiatives on the referendum. Secretary of the CEC, Maya Grishina told TASS that one of the initiatives belongs to the Moscow group on referendum, one of the applicants is the candidate in mayors of Moscow from “just Russia” Ilya Sviridov. Another group was created in the Moscow region, she also proposed a referendum on raising the retirement age. The proposed question is also how Mr. Sviridov, told “Kommersant” in the CEC, but who is the applicant, did not elaborate. Kommersant’s source in the CEC claims that the initiative

Chief of staff Sobyanin sees no point in the participation of the candidate in that debate

Konstantin Remchukov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, 7 Aug. /TASS/. The head of the electoral headquarters of the independent candidate in mayors of the capital Sergey Sobyanin Konstantin Remchukov sees no point in the participation of candidate for the post of mayor in the election debate. “Special sense I do not see” – he has declared on Tuesday to journalists, answering a question of participation Sobyanin in the election debate.

Yakut United Russia got rid of the rowdy

Yakut United Russia got rid of the rowdy The Deputy withdrew from the elections to the Parliament of the scandalous video on YouTube. The acting Deputy of the Yakut state Council and Deputy Director of the state unitary enterprise of housing and communal services of Yakutia Yury Sadovnikov excluded from the list of candidates to the state Council, said the local branch of “United Russia”. 5 Aug in a hotel room pilots of airline “Polar airlines” in Ust-Nera Oymyakonsky district Yury Sadovnikov being in a state of alcoholic intoxication scandal. On the YouTube hit video where the officer in shorts is aggressive, waves his hands and attacks the source. Master Gardeners demanded from the pilots of the helicopter Mi-8, so they drank some alcohol. The refusal he responded by threatening to fire pilots, stating that he was a Deputy. The pilots pushed the official. At about 06:00 in the morning

Kim Jong UN looked at som on “unprecedented farm”

Kim Jong UN looked at som on “unprecedented farm” North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN and his wife visited Samovodska enterprise. He noted that “due to the fact that neat and clean finished tile exterior walls, which was to smear the coloring substance, the farm became even brighter and prettier, no matter how you look, still unseen farm.” “Dear Supreme leader (…) examined the red area on the education of the revolutionary history of the development of the farm (…), the building for the cultivation of varietal repair soms, specifically acquainted with the situation of production”, — said in a statement. Kim Jong UN also praised the appearance of the farm, calling it unprecedented. He noted that “due to the fact that neat and clean finished tile exterior walls, which was to smear the coloring substance, the farm became even brighter and prettier”. In addition, according to the Chairman, from the

The Russian foreign Ministry disappointed with the recovery of the U.S. sanctions against Iran

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, 7 Aug. /TASS/. Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program (agreed in July 2015, Iran on one side and Germany, great Britain, China, Russia, USA and France on the other; in may 2018 Washington came out of the deal) has a sufficient margin of safety, the participants can overcome difficulties. This is stated in a statement on Tuesday comments by the Russian foreign Ministry in connection with the restoration of U.S. sanctions against Iran.

In the offices of the Belarusian popular media were searched

In the offices of the Belarusian popular media were searched Journalists suspected of stealing information from the state news Agency. Tuesday morning in the offices of the two Belarusian Internet publications- and “BelaPAN” — came the staff of the Investigative Committee. The journalists were charged with unauthorized connection to the news feed of state news Agency “BelTA”. If their fault is proved, the key members of the media may be deprived of the right to occupy his current position, or even arrested. Interlocutors “” in Minsk called the ongoing excuse “to pressure independent and the highest quality media.” About the searches in the offices and “BelaPAN” and publishing house “Belarusian science” first reported the Belarusian office of “Radio Liberty”. News on their website appeared at 6:21 am. Soon on the website of the Investigative Committee of Belarus has appeared a press-release with explanations. “During the inspection, law enforcement