The foreign Ministry called the hypocritical attempts by the US to accuse Russia in the destruction of all stockpiles of chemical weapons

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, August 13. /TASS/. Moscow considers hypocritical Washington’s attempts to accuse Russia in incomplete destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles. This is stated in a statement Monday statement, the Russian foreign Ministry. “Considering put forward against Russia unfounded accusations of involvement in the incident in Salisbury as another attempt to represent our country as a state, irresponsible appropriate to fulfilling its international obligations. Such an approach seems particularly hypocritical given the fact that the USA is not in a hurry to destroy its stockpile of chemical weapons and remain the only country party to the Convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons, which have significant stocks of chemical warfare agents”, – stressed in the Ministry.

Water General, the bottom of the contract

Water General, the bottom of the contract The Caspian sea was divided as I could. Caspian countries and submitted to the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea almost all the issues except the key. It defines the state border at sea, the right to commercial navigation, cargo transit, fisheries and the movement of warships. But the document avoids discussing the rules section of the bottom: to distinguish between their sectors in the Caspian shelf, the countries need each other on separate negotiations. Signed on August 12 in Astana, the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea seems the maximum compromise that could achieve the five Caspian States. In the text it is quite clearly stipulated the principle of separation water space of the Caspian sea. So, introduce definitions 15-mile territorial waters, where the coastal state has full jurisdiction (the line of these waters is recognized

The American destroyer came on Sunday in the Black sea

The American destroyer came on Sunday in the Black sea WASHINGTON, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. The US Navy destroyer “Kearney”, equipped with missile defense system Aegis, entered Sunday in the Black sea, according to a published message 6th fleet of the US Navy. “Arleigh Burke missile destroyer “Kearney” (USS Carney DDG-64), entered the Black sea on August 12, for the conduct of operations to ensure Maritime security and to improve capabilities and cooperation with allies and partners in the region”, — stated in the message. The commander of the “Carney” Tyson Jung said that “the arrival “Carney” in the Black sea demonstrates our continued commitment to security and stability in the region.” “Our time spent here will help us improve cooperation and exchange of information and experience with our partner countries”, — he added.

The Embassy considers “absurd” statements about the “Russian interference” in the events in Charlottesville

The Embassy considers “absurd” statements about the “Russian interference” in the events in Charlottesville The Russian Embassy in the United States called “absurd” the statements of Congressman Thomas Garrett of Russian interference in American politics, which led to the aggravation of the situation in Charlottesville where in 2017 the action of nationalists turned into clashes with their opponents. The diplomatic mission once again noted that no evidence “of these insinuations… is not in principle”. “To handle the responsibility on others is much easier than addressing domestic problems, proving that after more than 150 years after the official abolition of slavery, racial tensions in the United States, seem to persist”, — stated in the message of the Embassy in Facebook. We will remind, disorders in Charlottesville last year started because of the authorities ‘ intent to remove from the city Park, the monument to General Robert E. Lee who led the

Ex-lawyer for trump denies that the President ate the documents after meeting with him

Ex-lawyer for trump denies that the President ate the documents after meeting with him Michael Cohen “in shock that someone could take seriously” the rumors. WASHINGTON, August 13. /TASS/. The former lawyer of the President of the United States Donald trump Michael Cohen has denied that the head of state after a meeting chewed and swallowed some important document. The lawyer wrote on Twitter. “For those of dozens of reporters who called me about the claim Omarosa in her new book that trump picked up my note, put it in his mouth and ate it… I’ve never seen that, I’m just in shock that someone would take it seriously,” he said. That trump chewed and swallowed the document previously announced, former communications Director of White house management of relations with public organizations and population of Omarosa Manigault-Newman. According to her, the President shoved in his mouth a certain document after

The Kremlin has attended to the problem of falling rating “an United Russia”

The Kremlin has attended to the problem of falling rating “an United Russia” In the President’s administration pondered an increase in the rating of “United Russia”. On the solution of this task are representatives of the party and the Kremlin, said a source “Газеты.Ru”. Of the latest proposals — demonstration of the “fresh faces” EP, as well as the development of new party projects. New faces by rating In the President’s administration attended to the issue of raising the rating of the party “United Russia”, told the “Газете.Ru” knowledgeable source. Since the announcement of the impending pension reform sociologists commits a serious decline in the rating of the ruling party. So, according to VTSIOM, on August 10, the electoral rating of the ruling party was only 34.9 per cent. The last time such a result sociologists recorded only in December 2011 — on the eve of a massive opposition protests.

Became known the details of the division of the Caspian sea

Became known the details of the division of the Caspian sea Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea, which was signed by the leaders of Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, have established new rules for the use of the waters. Details of the document quoted by RIA Novosti. According to the document, the size of the territorial waters of each country is equal to 15 nautical miles, their external border acquires the status of a state. To the territorial waters adjacent 10-mile fishing zone, where each country had the exclusive right to fish, except fishing sturgeon. The main water surface area of the waters of the sea remains in the common use of the parties. In particular, they can build artificial Islands with a 500-meter security zones. The States of the region undertook to incorporate the environmental factor in the implementation of major projects and be responsible