USA took the defense budget with the anti-Russian measures

USA took the defense budget with the anti-Russian measures The President of the United States Donald trump signed the defense budget in 2019. The document, named Senator John McCain suggests spending on national defense in the amount of 716 billion dollars, the press service of the White house. In the American administration recalled the measures trump on “the reorganization of the army,” noting that the signing of a new defense budget is one of the steps towards this goal. The document authorizes an increase of 2.6 per cent of money allowances to servicemen and the payment of additional bonuses. Thanks to the new budget of the Armed forces of the United States will increase by 15.6 thousand people, who will join the army, Navy, air force and marine Corps. In addition, there is the allocation of 24,1 billion dollars on financing of building of 13 warships and 7.6 billion to

The canadian company will supply Ukraine sniper rifle in the amount of $770 thousand

The canadian company will supply Ukraine sniper rifle in the amount of $770 thousand The canadian company PGW Defense Technologies confirmed the agreement with Ukraine about the supply of sniper rifles in the amount of approximately $770 thousand. “Many Canadians are of Ukrainian origin, and I am absolutely sure that every Ukrainian in Canada certainly supports similar initiatives to protect the needs of their country,” — said in an exclusive interview UATV owner of Defense Technologies Ross Spared. The agreement provides for the supply of systems sniper rifles LRT-3 as well as after-sales support, service and training. According to the businessman, the weapon is likely to be delivered this fall. At the end of 2017, it was reported that Canada allows for the extension of military assistance to Ukraine. Canada has placed Ukraine on the list of countries that are allowed to sell lethal weapons. Later the intention to start

Us Congressman told what you need to replace Russian gas

Us Congressman told what you need to replace Russian gas MOSCOW, 14 Aug — RIA Novosti. Us Congressman Devin Nunes said that Europe should support the construction of TRANS Adriatic pipeline from Azerbaijan to Italy, says the Washington Examiner. According to him, this pipeline is the only way to reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian gas. Thus, the European countries, particularly Germany, will cease to feed the “Russian bear” money. Nunez also said that the only obstacle for this pipeline is Russian propaganda in Italy, through which Moscow is spreading misinformation with the goal to prevent the implementation of the project. “With the construction of the TRANS Adriatic pipeline will be another source of gas for Europe. This will reduce the dependence of European countries on Russian gas,” — said the Congressman. However, the Italian authorities are resisting this project, calling the pipeline meaningless for lack of demand. The administration of

The Ministry of transport can enter pre-trip video buses

The Ministry of transport can enter pre-trip video buses The Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation launched an initiative under which transport companies and individual entrepreneurs operating in the field of passenger transport, may be required to conduct pre-trip photo – and video recording of the technical condition of cars and buses. As have informed “news” in a press-service of the Ministry of transport, the final decision will be made after the relevant studies. According to representatives of Department, fixing the fact of passing the inspection on paper only reduces the efficiency of Supervisory activities. The Ministry of transport said that in fact we are talking about creating a unified information system through which carriers will remotely provide documented information about the technical condition of transport in online mode.

Disclosed the details of the increase in utility tariffs

Disclosed the details of the increase in utility tariffs The economic development Ministry has revealed details of the indexation of tariffs in connection with the VAT increase. Documents of the Ministry of economic development (MED) has reviewed RBC. According to authorities, the increase in utility tariffs should be held in two phases in 2019. At the same time, growth should not exceed the inflation Outlook. The proposal was sent to the energy Ministry, the construction Ministry and the Federal Antimonopoly service. The press service of the Ministry confirmed the authenticity of the letter. The MAYOR proposes to increase the tariffs from January 1, in part, to prevent “negative tariff impacts.” The size increase should be 1.7 per cent, according to the Ministry, it is so much will increase the cumulative payment of citizens for utilities due to the increase of VAT from 18 percent to 20 percent. The second indexation

The Ministry of environment before the end of 2018, will create a single operator waste treatment

The Ministry of environment before the end of 2018, will create a single operator waste treatment The Ministry of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation will create a coordinator of the activities of the regional operators in the field of waste management until the end of 2018, told “Izvestia”, the press service of the Ministry. His task is to accompany the industry management in the framework of the “trash reform”. The integrator will create in the form of a public-law company, which will interact with regional operators. Also, through the operator plans to conduct environmental charges. As a result, the market participants can make use of unavailable financial mechanisms and tools, previously announced by the Minister of natural resources Dmitry Kobylkin. Industry integrator will be a new company that will be created by presidential decree or Federal law.

Yushchenko called Ukrainians slaves without a plan for victory

Yushchenko called Ukrainians slaves without a plan for victory The former President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko made unflattering remarks about his compatriots in an interview to “the Ukrainian truth”. Politician called them slaves, trying to explain why Ukraine can “defeat Russia”. In his opinion, the government does not use the full Arsenal of diplomatic tools that are available. “In this state, there is no plan for victory. Because you’re not acting like people who claims victory. You are already slaves,” said Yushchenko. The former President drew attention to the close economic ties between Ukraine and Russia. He noted that Russia in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 the first trading partner of Ukraine. “You will ask, are you really fighting for? Are you really going to liberate the territory?”, asked the former Ukrainian leader. The reason for the “loss” of Crimea and the conflict in the Donbass Yushchenko said the lack

The Ministry of Finance has developed a draft law on environmental tax

The Ministry of Finance has developed a draft law on environmental tax The Ministry of Finance has prepared a bill on the introduction of environmental tax, which should replace the payments for the emission of pollutants to the environment. The document published on the portal of projects of normative legal acts. In the case of an amendment will take effect from 1 January 2020. The bill proposes to Supplement the Tax code head of the “Environmental tax”. In the explanatory note to the document States that the analysis of the dynamics of payments for negative impact on the environment in the budget shows the low efficiency of its collection. Because of this, state environmental programs have to be financed “at the expense other income Federal and regional budgets”. It is also noted that the non-environmental non-tax payments is not subject to the Criminal code, and “in the framework of the

Expert: Putin and Merkel to discuss cooperation in circumvention of U.S. sanctions

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, August 13. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a meeting on 18 August in Berlin can consider the joint action of the two countries to bypass the extraterritorial US sanctions, particularly against Iran. This opinion in an interview with TASS was expressed on Monday by the Deputy Director of Institute of Europe RAS Vladislav Belov.

Zhirinovsky intends to register the new name of the liberal democratic party

Zhirinovsky intends to register the new name of the liberal democratic party MOSCOW, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. The leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky has declared its intention to register the new name of the party, namely the Legendary sovereign party of Russia. “We have the liberal democratic party registered as a separate name, four letters: “L”, “D”, “P”, “R”. The liberal democratic party is the first name. Now we give another check of the third party’s name — the Legendary sovereign party of Russia, to preserve the acronym. In all three cases — LDPR and decryption are different,” — said Zhirinovsky in a live radio station “Moscow speaking”. The politician stressed that his party is “truly legendary” and “sovereign”. See also: Zhirinovsky has declared its intention to become the liberal democratic party of monarchist faction of the state Duma Russian political parties are increasingly dependent on budgetary financing Explained