MR. reported decrease in complaints of violations before a single day of voting

MR. reported decrease in complaints of violations before a single day of voting During the current election campaign the public Association of independent observers has received 79 reports of violations. MOSCOW, August 17. /TASS/. The public Association of independent observers “of the national public monitoring” (NOM) in preparation for uniform day of voting in 2018 received two times fewer reports of election law violations than in the previous year. “In the current election campaign we have received 79 reports of violations of the electoral legislation. When compared with the period of a single day of voting in last year [September 2017], it is two times less, although election campaigns is more,” — said during the all-Russian Congress of observers of the Federal coordinator MR. Elena Bavchenkova. She noted that the observers “for specific numbers see” that the number of violations, including possible decreases. Therefore, we believe that the work of

In the security Council of the Russian Federation confirmed the preparation of the meeting Patrushev and Bolton

The Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, August 17. /TASS/. The Russian security Council confirmed the preparations for the forthcoming meeting in Geneva of the Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev with the assistant to the President for national security John Bolton, it will be held until the end of August. This was reported by press Secretary of the office of Russian security Council Yevgeny Anoshin.

Zakharova said the US refusal to allocate funds for stabilization in Syria

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, August 17. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said on Friday the US decision to direct on other purposes $230 million that was previously allocated for stabilization beyond the control of Damascus regions of Syria. “That’s right: ISIS [banned terrorist group “Islamic state”] is no longer there, implacable fighters left, “White helmets” is also evacuated. Who in Syria can be need the money? Well, not the peaceful life of the state Department to sponsor,” wrote Zakharova in Facebook. As previously said Friday the chief a press-services of the Department of state Heather Nauert, the US administration refused to allocate approximately $230 million for stabilization programs in those areas of Syria that are beyond the control of the authorities in Damascus.

The Pentagon analyzed the “China threat”

The Pentagon analyzed the “China threat” Beijing was suspected of working out of possible strikes on U.S. bases. In recent years, China has significantly strengthened its military capabilities in space, but also expanded the area of operations army of the country. This is stated in the Pentagon report submitted to Congress. The U.S. military also did not rule out the fact that the Chinese work out possible attacks on US bases and allies in the Western Pacific ocean, including the island of GUAM — not accidentally, in their opinion, the number of Chinese military exercises involving bombers increased markedly. The report that the U.S. military spent $108 thousand, begins with the reminder that “since 2002, Chinese leaders, including XI Jinping (the Chinese President.— “B”), characterized the first two decades of the XXI century as a “strategic opportunity””. “According to their estimates, the international environment in this period will contribute to

The mayor of Washington said, how much would it cost trump canceled the parade

The mayor of Washington said, how much would it cost trump canceled the parade WASHINGTON, 17 Aug — RIA Novosti. Military parade in Washington, who previously because of the high cost canceled U.S. President Donald trump, could cost the city budget of 21.6 million dollars, which is less than about 4 times cited in media value, said the mayor of the American capital Muriel Bowser. Trump on Friday, wrote on Twitter that he canceled a military parade in Washington because of its too high cost. Instead, in November he will travel to Paris for a parade celebrating the end of the First world war, and will also visit “the big parade” at Andrews air force base in Maryland, where is the “Board number 1” (the presidential aircraft). While trump accused “the local politicians that run Washington” will “to receive windfall profits” at the expense of the parade. “I’m Muriel Bowser,

What is known about the Austrian foreign Minister, to the wedding where Putin travels

What is known about the Austrian foreign Minister, to the wedding where Putin travels Wedding 53-year-old foreign Minister of Austria Karin Kneissl is unlikely to be noticed in Russia, if not one circumstance — among the guests of the celebration will be Vladimir Putin. Bi-bi-si tells what is known about official will personally come to congratulate the President of Russia. The forthcoming visit of Vladimir Putin to Austria for the second time this summer — was a surprise. The media never wrote about the fact that the Russian President is close friends with Kneisl or her lover, 65-year-old businessman Wolfgang Malingerer. Such invitations Putin takes infrequently — for example, in 2015, he didn’t come to the wedding of his press Secretary, Dmitry Peskov, although his wife Tatiana Navka told me that the head of state called for the occasion. For the wedding, which will take place in the South of

In Austria, commented on Putin’s invitation to the wedding of the head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs

In Austria, commented on Putin’s invitation to the wedding of the head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs MOSCOW, 17 Aug — RIA Novosti. The presence of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the wedding of the Austrian Minister for foreign Affairs Karin Kneissl does not affect the foreign policy of Austria, told the news Agency APA, the representative of the Austrian foreign Ministry. Earlier, the Deputy of Parliament from party “Green” Michel Raymond urged Kneisl to resign. According to him, if the head of the Austrian foreign Ministry will not do it voluntarily, the Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has to offer her resignation to President Alexander van der Bellano. “First and foremost this is a private event and a private visit, this does not mean no change of foreign policy positioning of Austria”, — said the representative of the Austrian foreign Ministry. While the Ministry said that Putin’s

Moskalkova appreciated the idea of liberalization of punishment for extremism in the Internet

Moskalkova appreciated the idea of liberalization of punishment for extremism in the Internet MOSCOW, 17 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova supports the idea of liberalization of punishment for extremism in the Internet and believes that this issue must be addressed through legislation, in the usual way. “I support the idea of liberalizing of this article and believe that it is important for us not to artificially expand the number of citizens with a criminal record, because it radically changes a person’s life. But the violation of constitutional norms is seen Here… this issue needs to be addressed in a completely usual channel through legislative activity,” — said Moskalkova to journalists, answering the question, if she plans to apply to the constitutional court for clarification on the penalty for reposts in social networks, does support the idea of liberalization of punishment