The United States found new wishing to interfere in elections

The United States found new wishing to interfere in elections The U.S. government is concerned about the commitment of China, Iran and North Korea to influence the U.S. midterm elections in 2018. This was stated by Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton in an interview with ABC television. “I can say for sure that there is a threat to national security because of the Chinese intervention, the Iranian intervention, the North Korean intervention, we take steps to prevent it”, — he said. Bolton did not want to reveal details and give evidence of the intervention of any country. However, according to him, “these four countries (including Russia — approx. “Of the”) cause the greatest concern.” Russia has repeatedly accused of meddling in the US presidential election. American journalists and officials claimed that “Russian hackers” allegedly kidnapped the correspondence of the Democrats and published in the Internet

The United States suspected Russia, China, Iran and North Korea plans to intervene in the upcoming elections

The United States suspected Russia, China, Iran and North Korea plans to intervene in the upcoming elections Moscow. 19 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton declared that Russia is only one of the four countries about which there are fears of potential meddling in the election, which will be held in the country in 2018. “I can definitely say that there is sufficient concern in the context of national security in relation to the intervention of China, Iran and North Korea, so we have taken steps to try to prevent it, so in fact all four (together with Russia — if) countries which cause concern in the context of the elections of 2018, he said in an interview with ABC television. In the United States is the investigation about the alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election of 2016. It is spectacular Robert

Ecuador has tightened the rules of entry for fleeing the crisis the people of Venezuela

Ecuador has tightened the rules of entry for fleeing the crisis the people of Venezuela Moscow. 19 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — People moved into the territory of neighboring Colombia, but can’t go any further. Ecuador has introduced new rules of entry to stop the flow of migrants arriving from Venezuela without a passport, informs “bi-Bi-si”. Thousands of Venezuelans are leaving the country due to the economic crisis. Venezuela does not have a border with Ecuador and to get to this country, people go through the territory of Colombia. But Ecuador is not their final destination — many are heading further South in Peru and Chile. Colombia have already expressed their protest in connection with toughening of rules of entrance to Ecuador, as thousands of people remain on its territory. Over the past 15 months, more than a million people have entered Colombia from Venezuela every day to the border of Ecuador

Kosachev: understanding between Russia and Germany depends more than bilateral relations

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev said the Russian-German dialogue is not less important in international relations than Russia’s contacts with the United States, and, in General, positively characterized the last Saturday negotiations of Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “Held yesterday in Berlin, the Russian-German negotiations undoubtedly are a global event, not a routine meeting of two national leaders Attention, not less than to the recent Russian-American summit,” Kosachev wrote on his page in Facebook on Sunday.

All pipe: Putin and Merkel pressed on the gas

All pipe: Putin and Merkel pressed on the gas The talks between Putin and Merkel lasted three hours. In Germany at the castle Meseberg was a three-hour meeting of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Key issues that were discussed by the leaders of the Ukraine and the “Nord stream — 2”. Putin once again called upon to consider the construction of the pipeline as an economic project and assured that the commissioning of the new “flow” does not mean that transit through Ukraine will be stopped. What else they talked about Putin and Merkel — in the material “Газеты.Ru”. Before the talks of Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the two leaders outlined their positions on the issues they planned to discuss, namely: Ukraine, Syria, Iran, the gas pipeline “Nord stream — 2” and interaction in terms of sanctions. Germany —

The US official was punished for Putin’s portrait in the Capitol

The US official was punished for Putin’s portrait in the Capitol MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The adviser of the legislator, Democrat of Colorado, Katie Murch subjected to disciplinary action for participating in the drawing with a portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Capitol, reports the Denver Post. At the end of July in the place where was supposed to be a portrait of the current American leader Donald trump put up a picture of Putin. As seen in the Colorado State Capitol Hall of Presidential Portraits today…#putinpotus — Steve Fenberg (@SteveFenberg) 26 Jul 2018 The idea belonged to members of the political organization ProgressNow, which wanted to play a joke on the Republican party of the state and to draw attention to “relations” trump of Russia. March helped the pranker to go to the Capitol building through the service entrance. After an official investigation it

Trump decided not to help Syria and found money new use

Trump decided not to help Syria and found money new use Washington will send $ 230 million collected in the stabilization of the situation in Syria, on the development of the U.S. army. This was stated by us President Donald trump on Twitter. “The United States has stopped a ridiculous annual payments for the development of Syria. Saudi Arabia and other rich Middle East countries will pay instead of the US. I want to develop US, our army and country that help us,” wrote trump. Earlier, the state Department announced the redistribution of funds collected to support Syria. According to the representative of the Ministry Heather Nauert, Washington spent to help the country $ 8.1 billion. In April, the house of representatives of the United States Congress passed a bill prohibiting the country to provide any assistance to Damascus-controlled territories of Syria. Under the bill, Washington can help Damascus in