Putin discussed with the security Council the main irritants in relations with the United States

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS SOCHI, August 22. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed at a meeting with permanent members of the security Council of the Russian Federation state and main irritants in relations between Moscow and Washington, as well as the situation in Syria. As reported, the press Secretary of the head of the state, this issue was raised in light of the upcoming August 23 meeting of the Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev with the assistant to the President for national security John Bolton, to be held in Geneva.

In Lithuania gave me a way to “contain” Gazprom

In Lithuania gave me a way to “contain” Gazprom Prime Minister of Lithuania Saulius Squirrels sounded the way that, in his opinion, would “restrain” the Russian company “Gazprom”. Upstairs The politician believes that the redemption Vilnius the Norwegian company liquefied natural gas terminal (LNG) will not allow the growth of gas prices. “Now our only task is to ensure further stable supply of natural gas. Today, the terminal is supplying half of all natural gas consumed in Lithuania. In addition, it is very important to price the monopolist was under pressure because if we give up the terminal, prices of “Gazprom” can grow up to 20%,” — said in an interview to LRT Radijas Squirrels. According to him, Lithuania could lose up to 160 million euros annually, in the case of growth of prices for natural gas. At the same time the Lithuanian Prime Minister is confident that the acquisition

Latvia and Estonia intend to collect from Russia of compensation for “Soviet occupation”

Latvia and Estonia intend to collect from Russia of compensation for “Soviet occupation” The Minister of justice of Latvia Dzintars Rasnacs and his Estonian colleague Urmas Reinsalu declared intention to achieve from Russia of compensation for “Soviet occupation”. This is stated in the statement of the Ministry of justice of Estonia. Upstairs The representatives of the governments of the two countries held a meeting in Riga in honor of the centennial of both States and following the meeting adopted a statement on the value of cooperation in the perpetuation and understanding of historic heritage to ensure the security of Latvia and Estonia. “In this regard, the Ministers of justice of the two countries in his statement, stressed the importance of preserving the memory of the human losses due to Soviet occupation, and explore the possibilities to put forward the requirement about compensation of the damage to the Russian Federation as

The U.S. Senate may consider the draft of sanctions against Russia in October

The U.S. Senate may consider the draft of sanctions against Russia in October The U.S. Senate may consider a bill on new sanctions against Russia in October, told reporters the Republican majority leader in the Senate Mitch McConnell. According to him, in September, the Republicans in the Senate to consider his plan. Upstairs “The Senate is already quite loaded. I am personally very interested in this law and hope we can come to an agreement”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” an excerpt from the statement of Mr McConnell. He said that the chances of “squeeze” the bill in the schedule of the Senate in the next month “very small”. “But we still have time this year,” said Mitch McConnell. According to him, the priority of this bill on the agenda for the October high. Recall now the consideration in the Senate waiting for the bill, Republican Lindsey Graham and his colleagues,

Kosachev called wanton intention of Latvia and Estonia to demand compensation from Russia

The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, August 22. /TASS/. The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev called “meaningless and futile” statement of the Ministers of justice of Latvia and Estonia, concerning demands compensation from Russia for the period of “Soviet occupation”. The Minister of justice of Estonia Urmas Reinsalu and his Latvian counterpart Dzintars rasnačs plan to review the requirement of compensation for the period of “Soviet occupation”, said Tuesday the press service of the Ministry of justice of Estonia. The Ministers also expressed their willingness to resolve the issue of compensation in international law at the UN level.

The Russian foreign Ministry is not surprised by the USA’s refusal from participation in the Moscow conference on Afghanistan

The building of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, August 22. /TASS/. The US refusal to participate in the Moscow conference on Afghanistan that is scheduled for September 4, reflects the falseness of the peace-loving rhetoric of Washington against Kabul. This is stated in a statement on Wednesday the comments of the Russian foreign Ministry.

A former lawyer, trump made a deal with prosecutors

A former lawyer, trump made a deal with prosecutors Michael Cohen, a former lawyer, U.S. President Donald trump, made a deal with the Federal Prosecutor’s office in new York in the case of violations in financing the election campaign, Bank fraud and tax evasion. On 21 August Reuters reported, citing several informed sources. Upstairs Officially, neither the priest nor the Prosecutor’s office has not yet confirmed the fact of the transaction. Lawyer Cohen lenny Davis declined to comment for this reason. . However, a number of media outlets, including ABC, NBC, CNN and Bi-bi-si, reported on the agreement between the ex-trump’s lawyer and the prosecution. The investigation against Cohen leads Manhattan attorney Jeffery Berman. In April, Federal agents seized from the office, hotel rooms and Cohen’s documents and digital files. This information, according to sources, became the basis for the investigation against the attorney. . The New York Times on

In the United States revealed the location of Russian nuclear missiles

In the United States revealed the location of Russian nuclear missiles Russian rocket with a nuclear engine at the trials in November 2017 fell in the Barents sea. It is reported by CNBC, citing data from us intelligence. Наверх7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий The report of the intelligence services said that the Russian side plans to use in the operation to return to rockets three boats. Start date is not specified. The report did not mention any risks to the environment associated with damage to a nuclear engine. The channel citing sources said that in the period from November 2017 to February 2018, Russia has conducted four missile tests. It is reported that the longest flight was more than two minutes. In March, during his address to the Federal Assembly, President Vladimir Putin first announced a cruise missile with a nuclear power plant “Burevestnik”. According to him, the new weapon is a “low-flying stealth

The representative of Vekselberg denied the right to lock accounts in Cyprus

The representative of Vekselberg denied the right to lock accounts in Cyprus The account of the businessman Viktor Vekselberg in Cyprus could not be closed as it never had assets in this state. This statement was made official representative controlled by Viktor Vekselberg, the group of companies “Renova” Andrey Shtorkh. Upstairs “As for our affiliates, they have some significant cash, either before the imposition of U.S. sanctions, nor later on accounts in Cypriot banks is not kept,” said Storch RBC. Earlier on August 21, the U.S. Treasury announced about the freezing of the Cypriot accounts Vekselberg and the owner of En+ Oleg Deripaska. The report stated that Cyprus was recognized as a “jurisdiction of concern from the point of view of the laundering of Russian money”, along with Latvia and great Britain. For this reason, the United States felt it necessary to block the accounts of Russian businessmen. See also:

The German foreign Minister called on the EU to create independent of the US payment system

The German foreign Minister called on the EU to create independent of the US payment system Foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas believes that the EU must legally protect European companies from us sanctions against Iran. In his column in the newspaper Handelsblatt, he urged to create a European monetary Fund and an independent system of payments. Upstairs “We need to strengthen European autonomy, creating independent of the US payment channels, European monetary Fund and an independent system SWIFT”, — says Mr. Maas. He calls to act as “counterweight to the US where they went over the red line.” According to the head of the German foreign Ministry, the differences between the US and the EU are linked not only with the policies of the American President Donald trump. “The United States and Europe have already begun to move away from each other. So I am skeptical about the opinion