Trump said that his impeachment would have caused the collapse of the US economy

Trump said that his impeachment would have caused the collapse of the US economy Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU —U.S. President Donald trump said Thursday that if he is impeached, it will cause the crisis of the American economy. Upstairs “I can tell you that if I were ever impeached, I think that the market will collapse,” said trump in the program Fox & Friends. “I think that in this case everything will be very poor,” said trump. In addition, the US President said he did not understand how can you impeach a man who copes with his work. I do not know how you can impeach someone who has done a great job.Donald Trepresent USA The debate about the possibility of impeachment Trump has intensified after the former lawyer of the American leader Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to crimes related to the concealment from payment of taxes and violation of

CNN: Democrats USA, said that hacking was a test

CNN: Democrats USA, said that hacking was a test The national Committee of the US democratic party, said that previously identified the attempt of hacking was, in fact, unauthorized “simulated phishing test”, but not the actual attempt of hacking the electronic system of the Democrats. On it informs the American TV channel CNN. Upstairs However, the national Committee of the party failed to clarify exactly who was the initiator of such a test. CNN also notes that it is unclear exactly how the Democrats have determined that it was a phishing test. Earlier, CNN reported that the Democrats had notified the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) about trying to hack the database of voters. After that the party continued more detailed investigation of the incident, which showed that it was not an attack, and test. HelpWhat you need to know about the investigation of the relations of the President of

Everything you need to know about the new law of inheritance

Everything you need to know about the new law of inheritance MOSCOW, 23 Aug — RIA Novosti, Alexander Forest. As of September 1, come into force amendments to the Civil code of the Russian Federation that will change the order of inheritance of property of deceased relatives. Two other important innovations are planned for next summer. Upstairs How to change inheritance law — in the material RIA Novosti. Hereditary Fund In the updated version of the law featured the concept of “genetic Fund”. Now by the will of the testator may be established by a legal entity to manage the property of the deceased. This should be reflected in the will. If desired, the testator complements the text of the document the Charter of the organization, the modalities of doing things, specifies the persons (not necessarily relatives), method of disposal income. Of profits allowed payment of funds to any individuals

Peskov commented on the possibility of Putin’s statement on pensions

Peskov commented on the possibility of Putin’s statement on pensions MOSCOW, 23 Aug — RIA Novosti. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on Thursday at the request of the journalists the statement of Vladimir Putin on easing the government’s proposed changes to pension legislation, said that while to tell him nothing. Upstairs “If the President deems it necessary, he will do it, but so far I have nothing to say”, — said Peskov. The state Duma on July 19 adopted in first reading a government bill on changes in pension legislation, he suggests raising the age of retirement to 65 years for men and 63 years for women. The change is expected to make phased from 2019. The house approved the basic provisions of the document, from now until September 24, it will collect amendments, which will then be a vote in the second and third readings and

The foreign Ministry said that sanctions will accelerate the departure from the dollar as a means of mutual settlements

The foreign Ministry said that sanctions will accelerate the departure from the dollar as a means of mutual settlements Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU — New us sanctions will not remain unanswered, said on Thursday Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. Upstairs In an interview with the magazine “international life”, the Deputy Minister said that in connection with the U.S. sanctions on Russia will boost efforts to get rid of the dollar as a means of mutual settlements: The time has come when we must get down to business, get rid of the dollar as a means of mutual settlements, to seek the other schemes. Thank God, it’s happening and we will speed up such work. Ryabkov stressed that in addition to this, Russia has to take retaliatory measures. “No response to us sanctions should not remain in the power of the logic and the mentality that exist in the United States.

Native Skripal suspect that it is not alive.

Native Skripal suspect that it is not alive. YAROSLAVL, Aug 23 — RIA Novosti. Relatives of the former GRU officer Sergei Skripal suspect that it may not be alive, told RIA Novosti his niece Victoria Skripal. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The last time the daughter of Sergei Skripal, Julia was in touch with his family the birthday of grandmother Elena Yakovlevna, at the end of July. Then she told me that dad is on the mend, but in his throat a tracheostomy, which he cannot speak. The girl promised that the handset will soon be removed, and the father will call the families. Since then, calls from Skrobala not been reported. According to Victoria’s family began to suspect that Sergei is dead or his condition is very heavy. Why do we believe? Because Julia said that after three days the Pope will be able to call that he has great desire. We are

Poroshenko apologized to the Ukrainians for “high expectations”

Poroshenko apologized to the Ukrainians for “high expectations” The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko apologized to the Ukrainians for their unfulfilled promise to quickly complete the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in the Donbass, reports “Interfax-Ukraine”. Upstairs “More than four years ago, I said that anti-terrorist operation will last hours, not months. Now it is not so important, the context in which those words were spoken… I regret that gave rise to high expectations. I sincerely apologize for giving hope, that’s not true. It’s a shame, I made a promise that has not happened. Ask pardon for that,” said Poroshenko in the river during the ceremony of raising state flag of Ukraine. The armed forces of Ukraine started anti-terrorist operation beyond the control of Kiev, the South-Eastern part of the country in April 2014 On completion of the ATO was announced in April 2018, instead of the Ukrainian authorities began operation of

China initiates proceedings in WTO because of duties USA

China initiates proceedings in WTO because of duties USA China intends to initiate proceedings in the world trade organization (WTO) in connection with the imposition of US duties on Chinese imports totaling $16 billion. Upstairs In early July, US Department of Commerce has submitted an additional list of goods affecting imports of goods from China to $200 billion, and Donald trump instructed the United States representative for trade negotiations Robert Leitheiser to increase the estimated size of fees from 10% to 25%. The Chinese government announced it was ready to impose retaliatory duties on imports from the U.S. $60 billion if Washington imposes new duties. Read more about this in the publication “Kommersant” “the Trade war with elements of asymmetry”.

Reciprocal duties of China on American goods came into force

Reciprocal duties of China on American goods came into force BEIJING, 23 Aug — RIA Novosti. Reciprocal duties of China on American goods came into force on 23 August at 12:01 Beijing time one minute after the imposition of U.S. duties, according to China Central television. Upstairs “The Chinese side in response to the U.S. introduction of the high duties of 25% on imports of Chinese goods with a volume of $ 16 billion on August 23 at 12:01 Beijing time officially brought into force the decision to impose 25% duty on the import of American goods with a volume of 16 billion dollars”, — stated in the message channel. The tariff Commission of the state Council of the PRC on 16 June announced that China in response to the actions of Washington will impose a 25 percent import duty on 659 items imported from the US goods worth $