Poroshenko has offered Germany to take under the patronage of Kramatorsk

Poroshenko has offered Germany to take under the patronage of Kramatorsk KIEV, Aug 26 — RIA Novosti. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has offered Germany to take under patronage of the Ukrainian Kramatorsk in Donbass in the framework of the reconstruction of the region, and Greece in Mariupol, the President said in the course of communication with diplomats and the military on Sunday in avdeevke of Donetsk region. Upstairs “We have several times discussed with the leaders of the European Union a program for the establishment by individual countries of a kind of patronage over certain cities and towns of Donbass. Let Germany take the responsibility of Kramatorsk, let Greece in Mariupol, let UK for Volnovakha, let other countries take Severodonetsk, Lisichansk, Avdeevka,” said the President, whose statement was broadcast Ukrainian TV channels. In December last year, the EU and Ukraine signed the agreement on allocation of 50 million

Putin said that Russia will continue to assist South Ossetia in safety issues

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS TSKHINVALI, August 26. /TASS/. Russia will continue to assist South Ossetia, including in matters of national security, says the greeting message of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, which was read by Ambassador of the Russian Federation in South Ossetia, Marat Kulakhmetov, in celebration of the 10th anniversary of Moscow’s recognition of state independence of the Republic.

Politicians reacted to the death of McCain

Politicians reacted to the death of McCain MOSCOW, 26 Aug — RIA Novosti. On Sunday, in the 82nd year of life died of cancer John McCain. The reaction of the Russian and foreign politicians to the death of a U.S. Senator — in the material Ria.ru. Upa Symbol of anti-Russian thinking The head of the international Federation Council Committee Konstantin Kosachev called McCain “a mirror of the cold war era” which was characterized by a clear division of the world into “friends and foes”. His only ideology was actually “protect their own and hit other people”, where the only measure was the loyalty to America and American interests, not the criteria of peace, kindness and justice.Constantine Kosachev the international Committee of the Federation Council Kosachev colleague on the Committee, Senator Oleg Morozov said that McCain always openly insisted that Russia — the enemy of USA and never paid any attention

In Estonia suggested to name the new headquarters of NATO in the name McCain

In Estonia suggested to name the new headquarters of NATO in the name McCain TALLINN, August 26 — RIA Novosti. The ex-President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves offers to name the new headquarters of NATO in honor of a late U.S. Senator and friend of Estonia John McCain. Upstairs US Senator from Arizona, died at the age of 81 years. McCain has for years struggled with an aggressive form of brain cancer. On Friday, relatives of the Senator announced that he stopped treatment. Ilves said that McCain was a great friend of Estonia, supported the withdrawal of the Soviet troops and the Republic’s accession to NATO has always defended the interests of freedom and democracy. “After spending six years in prison, the Communists, he is better than any other modern Americans know what freedom means. Estonia expressed respect towards him if I suggested to name the new headquarters of NATO

Medvedev refused to take sick leave at the time of treatment sports injury

Medvedev refused to take sick leave at the time of treatment sports injury Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the disappearance of which lasts for about two weeks, didn’t take holidays and decorations for the hospital, said “Газете.Ru” source. Upstairs Currently, Medvedev heals “sport trauma”, which became known last week. After media began to ask the question, where is the Prime Minister, the press service of the government declared on 22 August that he had a sports injury. What kind of sport he did the Prime Minister, as well as the nature and severity of the injury in a press-service reported. It is expected that the Prime Minister would appear publicly next week. However, when he will be at his workplace in the White house, is still unknown. In particular it is unknown, will there be a meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers, the announcement of this and other events on the government

The Australian foreign Minister has resigned

The Australian foreign Minister has resigned Moscow. 26 Aug. INTERFAX.RU Minister for foreign Affairs of Australia Julie Bishop has resigned after he lost the race for the post of Prime Minister to his opponent Scott Morrison; his decision policies reported via Twitter. Upstairs Bishop was head of Department in 2013, becoming the first woman to hold the post. Last week, the ruling Liberal party election of the leader. Bishop has applied for this post along with Morrison and Peter Dutton, however, dropped out of the race in the first round. Morrison, who won by a margin of five votes, became the Prime Minister of Australia, replacing the post Malcolm Turnbull. Today I advised the Prime Minister that I will be resigning from my position as Cabinet Minister for Foreign Affairs.It has been an honour. pic.twitter.com/v5ueRw5W5L — Julie Bishop (@JulieBishopMP) 26 Aug 2018

In the United States called the main danger for the American army

In the United States called the main danger for the American army The main problems for the US army is not Russia and China, and misuse of its military power, and the abuse of military actions around the world, writes an American retired Colonel Daniel Davis in an article for the National Interest. Upstairs According to experts, Washington, in an effort to hurt China and provoking Russia military operations on its borders threatens the security of States. In addition, the US provided security guarantees to small States which could eventually drag the country into war. “We are involved in operations in certain countries in which the US has no interests in the security sphere,” says Davis. According to him, States the largest Navy and air force, but Washington should reconsider its policy. “We are the dominant global power, both militarily and economically. Mostly the domination of America is based on

Italy intends to refuse to support the EU budget

Italy intends to refuse to support the EU budget The Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte on Facebook said that Rome could not support the budget of the European Union in the coming years. Upstairs “Italy does not consider it possible to join budget, which assumes such an inconsistent policy in social terms,” wrote Conte. According to him, Italy is ready to go on the move because of the situation of migrants. He also added that the meeting on migration, held in Brussels, was the “defeat” of the EU. Previously Conte said that the European Union failed to adopt the new solutions in the field of migration policy.

Medvedchuk called the Autonomous part of Ukraine compromise for Donbass

Medvedchuk called the Autonomous part of Ukraine compromise for Donbass Representative of Kiev in the humanitarian sub-group on Donbass at the talks in Minsk Viktor Medvedchuk in interview to TV channel “112 Ukraine” said that a compromise in the conflict in the Donbass can be to grant autonomy to the self-proclaimed DND and LNR in the Ukraine. Upstairs “We must follow the path of compromise, and this compromise I see in the autonomy”, — he said. Mr. Medvedchuk has led survey data, according to which 43% of the population of the LC and the DNI in favour of the autonomy of the region within Ukraine. The same number of respondents, according to him, in favor of independence from Kiev. “Conventionally, 43% support for independence and recognition… And 43% in favor of returning to Ukraine, but part of the autonomy that will be part of Ukraine”, — said Viktor Medvedchuk. Thursday,

Bolton said that the United States will produce gas in Ukraine

Bolton said that the United States will produce gas in Ukraine MOSCOW, Aug 25 — RIA Novosti. Us energy companies may be interested in the extraction of natural gas in Ukraine, said the Advisor to the US President for homeland security John Bolton. Upstairs After a meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman Bolton noted that the development of the energy industry allows Kiev to get fuel in amounts “roughly sufficient to meet domestic needs.” “Perhaps an American or other foreign energy companies will seem attractive exploration and production of gas here, in Ukraine” — quoted by “UKRINFORM”. As noted by Bolton, during a visit to Kiev he was able to discuss Parks issues in the field of energy. The US representative had emphasised that Ukraine needs to diversify its energy sources and to be prepared for the fact that Moscow does not agree to supply Kiev natural gas in