Putin is confident that Russia is able to make scientific and technological breakthrough

Putin is confident that Russia is able to make scientific and technological breakthrough NOVOSIBIRSK, August 28 — RIA Novosti. Russia is able to achieve a technological breakthrough, it needs to combine the efforts of government, business and science, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. Upstairs “Scientific and technological breakthrough we have put in a number of key national goals and priorities, and I am convinced that we are able to make, bringing together government, business, academic community, expanding the freedom for initiative and creativity of our people,” — said Putin, speaking at a forum “tekhnoprom-2018” in Novosibirsk.

The Pentagon denied the retraction of the delivery of cruise missiles to Syria

The Pentagon denied the retraction of the delivery of cruise missiles to Syria Pentagon spokesman, US Erich Pachon denied Agency TASS contraction of the us carriers of cruise missiles to Syria for attack on forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. Upstairs “I can tell you is the fact that the Russian reports about the buildup of military capabilities of States in the Eastern Mediterranean are nothing short of propaganda. They are wrong”, — quotes Agency the statement Pahana. He stressed that “this does not mean that the US is not ready to give an answer, if the President [of the United States Donald trump] will give a direct indication to do so”. Of contraction to Syria carriers of cruise missiles, the US on Monday said the Ministry of defence. The official representative of the military Department Igor Konashenkov said on 25 August in the Mediterranean sea entered the USS Ross,

Posted a farewell message to McCain

Posted a farewell message to McCain Former Advisor and friend of Senator John McCain Rick Davis presented a farewell address to the American policy to the people. The full text of the message leads to NBC News. Upstairs “We are losing our greatness, when confuse patriotism with the primitive rivalry that it sows resentment, hatred and violence in all corners of the globe. We weaken it when we hide behind walls instead of tearing them when doubt the power of our ideals and do not trust them to be a great force for change, which they always had,” the letter reads. The Senator urged Americans not to despair because of the difficulties faced by the country, and believe in the great future of the United States. McCain said in the letter that he is sorry about mistakes, but hopes that his love of country outweigh them. The politician added that

Syria are on high alert

Syria are on high alert On Monday it became known that the Mediterranean became an American destroyer armed with Tomahawk missiles. Thus, the group of carriers of cruise missiles reached a strength sufficient to saturate Syria. The Russian military say that the Western coalition is preparing for a military operation against Syrian government forces, and that it will start after it carried out a dramatization of the use of chemical weapons against civilians in Idlib province. In response to US actions, Russia also reinforces its fleet in the Mediterranean sea. Upstairs American destroyer USS Ross, with 28 cruise missiles Tomahawk, whose range allows you to strike throughout Syria, entered August 25 in the Mediterranean sea. This was reported by the official representative of the defense Ministry Igor Konashenkov, adding that the Persian Gulf is the USS Sullivans with 56 similar missiles, and the El Udeid military base in Qatar was

Merkel and trump has asked Russia to influence Damascus

Merkel and trump has asked Russia to influence Damascus Russia should exert influence on the Syrian government to prevent the escalation of the conflict in Idlib province. This is stated in the message published on the results of negotiations between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Donald trump, reports Reuters. Upstairs During the telephone conversation the sides also discussed topical international challenges, trade issues, the situation in Ukraine and the Western Balkans. Previously, on 27 August it was reported that the Syrian air force were given in full combat readiness because of reports about the preparation of air strike on Damascus by the US. August 25 in the Russian defense Ministry first announced a possible attack. It was noted that Washington has deployed in the Persian Gulf, the destroyer “the Sullivans” with 56 cruise missiles on Board, and the air base al-Udeid air base in Qatar — the strategic

The government is preparing a response to new US sanctions

The government is preparing a response to new US sanctions MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Economic and military blocs of the government are preparing a response of the Russian Federation on the new US sanctions, said Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov. Upstairs “Do you think that we cannot cope with one or even five waves of sanctions. Yes, we should be preparing, we are preparing. Prepared for this economic bloc, the military bloc,” Ryabkov said on air of the program “60 minutes” on TV channel “Russia-1”. The previously announced U.S. sanctions against Russia, the reason for the introduction of which were allegations of use of chemical weapons, entered into force on Monday Washington time (7.00 GMT). The basis for the imposition of sanctions has led to accusations of Russia in the use of chemical weapons in the British Salisbury, where he was poisoned, former GRU officer Sergey

Putin praised the effectiveness of Russia’s response to sanctions

Putin praised the effectiveness of Russia’s response to sanctions President Vladimir Putin said that the Russian fuel and energy complex in the conditions of difficult market conditions and sanctions has been able to answer challenges. It is reported by RIA Novosti. Upstairs According to the head of the state, at the end of last year, Russia reaffirmed its status as one of the leaders of the global energy market. “We took first place in the world in terms of oil production, second in natural gas production,” — said Putin. He also noted that Russia is among the leading countries in terms of electricity generation (fourth place) and coal mining (the sixth place). According to Putin, the advances in this field allow to consider expansion of Russia’s share in the global coal market. However, the President pointed out that the level of gasification in the Russian regions is growing at a

Embassy Russia: U.S. sanctions will bring them closer to the point of no return in the solution of international problems

The building of the Russian Embassy in the United States © Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images WASHINGTON, August 27. /TASS/. The new sanctions Washington against Moscow will bring US to the point of no return in the decision of actual international problems with Russia, in addition, these restrictive measures are ineffective and hopeless. The corresponding position is set out in a statement on Monday the media message to the Russian Embassy in Washington.

Peskov told about a joint vacation to Putin, Shoigu and Bortnikov on the Yenisei

Peskov told about a joint vacation to Putin, Shoigu and Bortnikov on the Yenisei President Vladimir Putin held the last Saturday and Sunday on the Yenisei together with the Director of the Sayano-Shushenskiy reserve, the head of Tuva Minister of defense and the Director of the FSB, told the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “Putin was like in the mountains, enjoyed the beauty. He was accompanied on this trip by the Director of the Sayano-Shushenskiy reserve, the head of Tuva, defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov”, — said Peskov. Putin is not the first time resting in Tuva. However, this time the President was not satisfied with traditional fishing, Peskov said. According to him, “it was scenic, natural tourism”. The representative of the Kremlin has promised to publish “some of the shots of the last weekend of the President.” Last year in August,

Media: the government of Tajikistan has denied the information about the strike in Afghanistan

Media: the government of Tajikistan has denied the information about the strike in Afghanistan TASS, August 27 — it has been reported that the aircraft of Tajik air force launched strikes in the Afghan province of Takhar. Upstairs The Ministry of defense of Tajikistan has denied reports about the application of the country’s air force strikes on Afghanistan. This was announced on Monday news portal “Asia-plus”. “We have no right to inflict strikes on foreign soil. Even if such a need arises, first convened by the headquarters of the collective security Treaty organization (the organization of collective security Treaty), which deals with the application of a power stroke. And after long consultations of the military departments may be taken such a decision”, — said the portal source in the defense Ministry. Earlier, the Afghan Agency Khaama Press reported that air force aircraft of Tajikistan in the night from Sunday to