Killed the head of the DND Alexander Zakharchenko. The main thing

Killed the head of the DND Alexander Zakharchenko. The main thing What is known about the explosion in Donetsk. Upstairs The head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in the center of Donetsk. The explosion occurred near the residence on Friday evening, August 31. The government of the breakaway Republic has described the incident as a terrorist attack. The suspects, according to sources, Ukrainian saboteurs. Read more in the material of the portal What happened On Friday, August 31, “Donetsk news Agency” reported on the explosion in the Central part of Donetsk. It occurred about 17:30 GMT on the Boulevard of Pushkin in the center of the restaurant is “Separable”, located near the residence of the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko. At that time, according to the Agency, the territory of the institution has been surrounded by police and around it were several ambulances.

Moscow has accused Kiev of killing the heads of the DNI and the carnage

Moscow has accused Kiev of killing the heads of the DNI and the carnage The Russian foreign Ministry called the killing of the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko terrorist attack and said that the incident cost the Ukrainian government. This statement was made by foreign Ministry spokesman, Maria Zakharova, RIA Novosti reported. Upstairs “There is every reason to believe that for him (Zakharchenko — approx. “Of the”) murder is the Kiev regime, which has repeatedly used similar methods to eliminate dissidents and undesirables,” said she. “The situation with the murder of the head of the DNI of the Kiev party of war implements terrorist scenario, exacerbating an already difficult situation in the region (…). Not keeping the promises of the world, in Kiev, apparently, decided to go to the massacre,” — said Zakharov. The foreign Ministry stressed that the world community must demand and

Kyiv has reacted to the murder Zakharchenko

Kyiv has reacted to the murder Zakharchenko The press Secretary of the Ukrainian security Service (SBU) Elena Gitlyanskaya confirmed information on the death of the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko, reports “Ukrainian truth”. Upstairs “We believe this is a result of civil wars”, — said the representative of intelligence services. Accusations of involvement in the incident, the SBU rejected, RIA Novosti reported. The head of the office of the head of the SBU Igor Guskov, as the “Interfax”, said that Kiev allow another version of what happened: “We do not exclude attempts of the Russian special services also eliminate the odious figure which we have information, prevented the Russians and became superfluous.” Zakharchenko died as a result of fatal wounds in the explosion that occurred on 31 August in Donetsk cafe “Separable.” Also affected by the Minister of revenues and duties DND Alexander Timofeev, he

The attacks on the heads of the breakaway LC and the DNI

The attacks on the heads of the breakaway LC and the DNI 31 August 2018 the self-proclaimed head of the Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in the explosion in the restaurant “Separable” in the center of Donetsk. Upstairs May 8, 2017 morning shortly before the passage of journalists and the convoy of the head of the self-proclaimed DND Alexander Zakharchenko, a bomb exploded on the road leading to the “Saur-Grave”. Authorities have classified the blast as a terrorist attack directed against Zakharchenko. 25 August 2016 , the head of the self-proclaimed DND Alexander Zakharchenko said that on August 22 at his house was defused bomb. 6 August 2016 in Lugansk was an attempt on the self-proclaimed head of the Luhansk national Republic (LNR) Igor Carpentry. In the path of his car exploded. Carpenter was hospitalized. On August 19 he returned to his duties. 28 April 2016 the

The expert described the killing of Zakharchenko “trigger hazardous events”

The expert described the killing of Zakharchenko “trigger hazardous events” MOSCOW, 31 Aug — RIA Novosti. The murder of the head of the DND Alexander Zakharchenko can become the trigger for future hazardous events, said Russian political expert, chief editor of the magazine “Russia in global politics” Fyodor Lukyanov. Upstairs Earlier Friday, in the restaurant, which is located a few hundred meters from the residence of the head DND Alexander Zakharchenko, was a blast. Deputy national Council DND Vladislav berdichevskiy confirmed information on the death of the head of the self-proclaimed Republic of Alexander Zakharchenko in an explosion in Donetsk. “The murder of the leader of the DND Zakharchenko can become the trigger for further very dangerous events. The fact that the Minsk process was at a standstill, has long been known. Like the fact that the resumption of hostilities would, at least, certain groups on both sides of the

Yastrzhembsky: Yeltsin was excruciatingly difficult to beg for loans to Russia

Yastrzhembsky: Yeltsin was excruciatingly difficult to beg for loans to Russia President Boris Yeltsin was painfully difficult to elicit multi-million dollar loans to Russia from the West. This opinion was expressed on air RTVI Sergei Yastrzhembsky, who from 1996 to 1998, he was the press Secretary to Yeltsin. Upstairs Yastrzhembsky noted that in the late 1990s a barrel of oil on the international arena was worth little, and Russia was a very difficult situation, so Yeltsin had to ask the West loans. “He did it with a heavy heart always. And for him, for a man independent, proud, and very proud, to contact with these requests was extremely difficult. But he knew that in those conditions it was vital,” — said the diplomat. Even Yastrzhembsky said that the President did not consider Russia “in isolation from Western partners.” “Yeltsin was important to create a favorable atmosphere for his successor Vladimir

Putin’s approval rating showed maximum growth in two months

Putin’s approval rating showed maximum growth in two months Moscow. August 31. INTERFAX.RU the approval Rating of Russian President Vladimir Putin showed last week the maximum growth over the past two months, according to the poll made Friday to “Interfax”. Upstairs According to the researches, during the period from 20 to 26 August, the activities of the head of state approve of 66.1% of Russians (the minimum level was in late June and 62.5%). The approval rating of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has also increased slightly to 33.3%, the highest level since June of this year. Newsthe fate of the official. The politicians who entered the rating of influential Russian The work of the Cabinet of Ministers with the approval perceive 39.3 per cent of respondents, which is one percentage point above the maximum level of the last two months. According to VTSIOM, the list of politicians with the highest

The US imposed sanctions against Russian research Institute of molecular electronics

The US imposed sanctions against Russian research Institute of molecular electronics WASHINGTON, 31 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian research Institute of molecular electronics is included in the sanctions list of the U.S. Department of Commerce as an organization that is not in the interests of national security and foreign policy of the United States. Upstairs As follows from the document office, which will be officially published on 4 September, the organization “is not in the interests of national security and foreign policy of the United States.” Inclusion in the list of the Ministry of trade prohibits trading operations of American individuals and companies with the organization. According to the website of JSC “NIIME” the organisation is a leading research centre “Group NIIME” in the industrial holding “RTI” (AFK “System”). Enterprise “Group NIIME” constitute one of Russia’s largest complex for carrying out of scientific-technological research in the field of micro –

Four countries acceded to the sectoral EU sanctions against Russia

Four countries acceded to the sectoral EU sanctions against Russia BRUSSELS, 31 Aug — RIA Novosti. Montenegro, Albania, Norway and Ukraine joined adopted on 5 July the EU’s decision to extend economic sanctions against Russia until 31 January 2019, said on Friday the press service of the EU Council. Upstairs Fifth of July, the EU Council issued a decision to extend economic sanctions against Russia for another six months, until 31 January 2019. Measures directed against the financial, energy and defence sectors, as well as dual-use goods. They were first introduced on 31 July 2014 for a period of one year and reinforced in September 2014. “The candidate countries Montenegro and Albania, Norway, as a member of the European economic area, as well as Ukraine align themselves with this statement. They will ensure that their national policies conform to this Council decision,” — said in a statement on Friday the

Poroshenko will come to US to say goodbye to Senator McCain

Poroshenko will come to US to say goodbye to Senator McCain In its official statement, the President said that he was going to pay their last respects to a friend of Ukraine. Upstairs KYIV, August 31. /TASS/. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko will take part in the events of farewell to U.S. Senator John McCain. On Friday reported the press service of the presidential Administration of Ukraine. NewsKara-Murza, Jr. will carry the coffin of McCain “August 31 — September 1, 2018, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko will visit the United States on a private visit to participate in the ceremonies of farewell to U.S. Senator John McCain”, — informed the press service. The Administration quoted Poroshenko statement on this occasion, in which he said that “on behalf of the people of Ukraine and myself, I intend to pay the last debt outstanding personality, a great friend of Ukraine.”