Britain has threatened Russia with new sanctions

Britain has threatened Russia with new sanctions London promised to discuss with partners of a joint action against Moscow. However, France, Germany, USA and Canada made a statement which agreed with the findings of the London business Skrobala. Upstairs MOSCOW, 6 sen — news. London will consider expanding sanctions against Moscow in connection with the new information in the case of the poisoning of a former agent of the GRU, Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury. This was stated by the permanent representative of Britain to the UN, Karen pierce. “We will discuss with our partners what steps to take is best,” said pierce. She added that in addition to Britain in 28 countries and NATO has expelled Russian diplomats after the incident in Salisbury. However, France, Germany, the United States and Canada issued a joint statement which extended a press-service of the government of Germany. Boni agreed

In the White house looking for “mole”

In the White house looking for “mole” The US President is threatening “a resistance movement” in his administration. Upstairs The next day after the announcement of a book by journalist Bob Woodward about Donald trump the American political establishment shook the new scandal. On Wednesday afternoon in the newspaper the New York Times there was an anonymous column of the high-ranking employee of administration of the President of the United States, which States that the White house is seriously discussing the possibility of removal of the President from government officials, the opposition are doing everything possible to not allow Donald Trump to realize “their worst intentions.” In response, he called the author of the statement as a traitor and calls the newspaper to reveal the name of the author of the controversial column. A few hours after under the heading “Opinions” of the newspaper the New York Times published a

The British Minister called Putin responsible for the poisoning Skrobala

The British Minister called Putin responsible for the poisoning Skrobala The Minister for security in the UK Ben Wallace today laid on the President of Russia Vladimir Putin responsible for the poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala in Salisbury in early March. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий On the eve of Prime Minister Theresa may has limited itself to stating that the poisoning was organized by the Russian intelligence Agency GRU, with the approval of the person on a “high level” of the Russian authorities, without naming specific names. “In the end, he [Putin] is responsible, because he is the President of the Russian Federation, and that his government controls, Finance and controls military intelligence, the GRU, through the defence Ministry,” said Wallace in a live morning program Today on BBC. I don’t think someone can say that Putin is not in control of their own state. He deliberately surrounded himself with current and

The head of “Transneft”: we often do ask you to stay professionals who are already of pensionable age

The head of “Transneft”: we often do ask you to stay professionals who are already of pensionable age Moscow. September 6. INTERFAX.RU — Changes in pension legislation have become one of the most discussed topics of the summer. On 29 August President of Russia Vladimir Putin in a televised speech proposed a number of measures to mitigate reform and legal protection of citizens approaching retirement age. The President of PJSC “Transneft” Nikolay Tokarev in an interview to “Interfax” was told about the situation of employees with great experience, their prospects and the protection of labour rights. Upstairs — Nikolay Petrovich, in “Transneft” implements the protection of the interests of older workers, what benefits and forms of social support given to the elderly? — You have raised a truly one of the most sensitive issues related to pension reform. First of all, I want to emphasize that the President is absolutely

The Federal budget will Finance 95% of the may decree of Putin

The Federal budget will Finance 95% of the may decree of Putin National projects from the may decree of President Vladimir Putin, 95% will be financed from the Federal budget, the remaining funds will allocate regions, said first Deputy Finance Minister Leonid Gornin at a Moscow financial forum. Upstairs According to Gorina, this ratio was supported by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. However, it will not be tough, said Deputy Minister in the regions-the recipients level of Federal funding may be 95-99% and in regions-donors — 0-95%. We are talking about additional government spending of $ 8 trillion of This amount, the government had to find to bring the total expenditure to Finance a new may of Putin’s decree to 25 trillion rubles for the next six years. The main goals of Russia’s development from the decree will be issued in 12 national projects. Putin instructed to 2024 to hit Russia

The Kremlin responded with Theresa may on the charges in the case Skrobala

The Kremlin responded with Theresa may on the charges in the case Skrobala The British Prime Minister had earlier said that the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel approved in Russia on “high level”. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Allegations that senior management was involved in the poisoning of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, is unacceptable. This was stated press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, answering thus to the Prime Minister of the UK Theresa may. Yesterday, Mrs may spoke of the involvement of the top Russian leadership — we reiterate that neither the top leadership nor the leadership of a lower rank, no official representatives had and have nothing to do with events in Salisbury. This can not be and speeches — any idea on this matter or charges are not valid.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of Russia In order to ensure that the Russian authorities had

Timakova goes to work on the web

Timakova goes to work on the web MOSCOW, 6 sen — news. A spokesman for Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev Natalya Timakova said that goes to work in a Bank, and next week will dedicate the transfer of cases to new press Secretary Upstairs Vice-Premier — head of government office Konstantin Chuichenko had earlier said that Timakova, the post of press Secretary, will replace first Deputy chief editor MIA “Russia today” Oleg Osipov. “Next week we will be working with Oleg together. I’ll give him the ropes, introduce him to the team, with journalists. After this, when completed paperwork, he comes to work”, — said Timakova told reporters. On specifying question, she reported that decided on the transition six months ago. “Very grateful to Mr Medvedev that he supported, and that after the end of the formation of a new government, and the work began again, we agreed that I will

The U.S. air force refused to contract with the American company associated with Vekselberg

The U.S. air force refused to contract with the American company associated with Vekselberg According to the congressmen, we are talking about the Chicago metallurgical firm of A. Finkl & Sons Co. Its parent company is partially owned by a Russian entrepreneur, said Bloomberg. Upstairs TASS, 6 September. The Ministry of the U.S. air force decided to abandon the contract for the production of bombs to destroy underground bunkers with one of the American companies because of its relationship with the Russian businessman Victor Vekselberg. This was reported by Bloomberg, the disposal of which was a letter sent by the office of the chief audit on the U.S. Congress Office of government accountability (SCP). As the Agency published in the publishing environment, against that deal by a group of congressmen, who in a letter to the Secretary of the air force Heather Wilson dated July 27, indicated that “it is

The Minister of internal security of the United States: the unipolar world of America under threat

The Minister of internal security of the United States: the unipolar world of America under threat WASHINGTON St 6 — RIA Novosti. The Minister of internal security of the United States Kirsten Nielsen is concerned about the situation in the world, which is threatened by “unipolar world and lifestyle of America.” Upstairs “The balance of power that had characterized the international system for decades, destroyed. The unipolar world of America is under threat. A power vacuum occurs worldwide and is rapidly filled by hostile States, terrorists and transnational criminals. They all have one common goal: they want to disrupt our way of life, and many of them cause havoc, instability and violence,” said Nielsen, speaking at George Washington University. A special accent is made on cybersecurity, in which criminals try to find vulnerabilities to cause US harm. The Minister acknowledged that to eradicate such threats is extremely difficult. Nielsen compared

All paid for the next three years

All paid for the next three years The budget projections now look confident even with cheap oil. Upstairs The main provisions of the budget construction for 2019-2021 years, approved the budget Commission of the government — in fact, a surplus budget balance already in 2018, the stability of spending on the pension system, an additional 8.5 trillion rubles from the national welfare Fund (NWF), a balanced regional budgets with shrinking in real terms Federal transfers, priority of public investment in transport infrastructure and the estimated price of oil falling to $58/barrel by 2021. The main question is why the White house had in this situation to increase VAT and to reduce the growth rate of GDP in 2019, remains unanswered: the Russian economy is in such a construction budget sustains aggregate tax benefits, the Finance Ministry estimated, components of 3.2 trillion roubles a year. “B” became available proceedings of the