CEC: turnout in gubernatorial elections in half of the regions above, than in previous campaigns

CEC: turnout in gubernatorial elections in half of the regions above, than in previous campaigns MOSCOW, September 9. /TASS/. Voter turnout in the gubernatorial election on 9 September, half of the 22 regions where they were higher than in past elections. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Central electoral Commission Nikolay Bulaev. Upstairs “We have 22 regions where there are elections of the highest officials in nearly half the turnout will be higher than last time, in the other it will be slightly different”, — he told at the information center of the CEC.

Nikol Pashinyan, the Armenian subsidiary of Russian Railways malpractice is discovered for $60 million

Nikol Pashinyan, the Armenian subsidiary of Russian Railways malpractice is discovered for $60 million CJSC “South Caucasus railway” (SCR — 100-percentage “daughter” RZD) discovered misuse of $60 million in an interview with “Kommersant” told the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinian. Upstairs Mr. Pashinyan said that he had discussed the situation in the company during the negotiations with President of Russia Vladimir Putin, held in Moscow on 8 September. “I told them what happened, why it happened. I can say that in this matter I have, the Armenian government has the full support of the President of Russia. We will cooperate in this sphere, in other spheres, to avoid abuse in the Russian companies, which operate in Armenia. We agreed that, with regard to the rule of law, fight against corruption, can not be interpreted as anti-Russian action” — said “Kommersant” the Armenian Prime Minister. On August 15, UKUR were

Pashinyan gave Russian experts access to American labs

Pashinyan gave Russian experts access to American labs MOSCOW, 9 sen — news. Russian experts were made in the laboratory of the United States in Armenia, which are engaged in the study of biological materials, said Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinian. Upstairs Earlier, the Russian foreign Ministry stated that Moscow is concerned about the US military-biological field, in particular related to the medico-biological activity of the us military near Russia’s borders. “Just 10-15 days ago in my personal order of the Russian specialists were admitted to these laboratories,” said Pashinyan in interview to the newspaper “Kommersant”. According to him, Russian experts, “never had access problems and will not be with the moment I became Prime Minister”. “These laboratories are entirely under the control of Armenian authorities. We are ready to cooperation, and Russian experts have been there and made sure that there is nothing terrible in these laboratories. However,

France will protect its military satellites from spying

France will protect its military satellites from spying The Minister of defence of France, Florence parley in an interview with radio station Europe 1, said that the government will spend €3.6 billion for the modernization and improvement of French military satellites to protect them from the potential threat of espionage. Upstairs “In addition, we install security cameras on satellites to know who is approaching us,” added the Minister, noting that “confrontation in space is becoming more probable”, and it threatens with consequences “for all of us who use space satellites”. “My goal is not to wage a war and to turn outer space into a battlefield, and to secure our protection.” We will remind, last week Mrs. Florence reported the interception in 2017 the Russian satellite “Luch” signal Franco-Italian military patch satellite Athena-Fidus. This incident it has called an “act of espionage” on the part of Russia. Alena Miklashevskaya

The Russian defense Ministry has reported US strike on Syria white phosphorus

The Russian defense Ministry has reported US strike on Syria white phosphorus USA 8 Sep struck prohibited phosphorus munitions in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor. With this statement made by the head of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in the Syrian Arab Republic the General-Lieutenant Vladimir Savchenko. Upstairs “Two F-15 U.S. aircraft struck at the settlement, Hagin the use of phosphorous incendiary ammunition. In the attacks, there was a strong fire. Data on victims are specified”, — said Mr. Savchenko. The Ministry said that the use of weapons with the use of white phosphorus is prohibited by additional Protocol to the Geneva conventions of 1949. In August it was reported that the US plans to create a no-fly zone from Manija to Deir-ez-Zor. According to media reports, the United States established three modern radar system in the Northern part of the country and has deployed

Pamfilova called on the electoral Commission to unmask the creators of fake reports of violations

Pamfilova called on the electoral Commission to unmask the creators of fake reports of violations The CEC called on his colleagues to respond immediately in case of detection of these violations. Upstairs MOSCOW, September 9. /TASS/. The CEC Chairman, Ella Pamfilova has urged members of election commissions promptly to expose attempts to spread fake reports about violations during the voting. Thus Pamfilova commented on the speech of the head of the Moscow electoral Commission Valentin Gorbunov, who spoke about the attempts to spread fake video of alleged ballot stuffing. “Colleagues, Valentin p. [Gorbunov] warns, look carefully: see if, just sort it out and expose,” said Pamfilova. In addition, she also encouraged colleagues to respond immediately in case of detection of these violations. While Pamfilova urged observers to take responsibility for the dissemination of information about electoral violations in a single day of voting. “Before you throw in the information space

Russia, Iran and Turkey have discussed a trade without the dollar

Russia, Iran and Turkey have discussed a trade without the dollar The head of the Iranian Central Bank, Abdolnaser, Hemmati said that during the talks the representatives of Russia, Iran and Turkey discussed the issue of trade between countries using local currencies instead of the dollar. Upstairs “We decided to conduct follow-up work in connection with the agreements at the meeting with the head of the Bank of Russia in Moscow”, — quotes the words of Hemmati Agency ILNA. The head of the Central Bank of Iran also told that main topics of the meeting were the prices of gas and oil, as well as selling basic goods and the strengthening of bilateral economic relations. 7 September in Tehran, held talks the leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran, Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hassan Rouhani. They discussed the situation in the Syrian province of Idlib and the process of

Biography Of Dmitry Artyukhov

Biography Of Dmitry Artyukhov Dmitry Artyukhov was born on 17 February 1988. Upstairs He spent his childhood in Novy Urengoy. In 2009 she received a bachelor’s degree at Tyumen state University (TSU), specialty “Economics”, in 2011 he graduated from Tyumen state University on a speciality “economy”. In 2012 he received the diploma of master of jurisprudence, Tyumen state University, 2013 MBA (master of business administration) at the Singapore management University. Labor activity Dmitry Artyukhov began in 2006 in the West Siberian commercial Bank. In 2007 he participated in the TV project “Start in business”, organized by the Department of investment policy and state support of enterprising of Tyumen region. The aim of the project was the development of entrepreneurial initiatives of University students. Dmitry Artyukhov was the winner of the competition in the team “Master-stone”, which presented the business plan for the organization of production of artificial stone.

In Russia appeared the youngest Governor

In Russia appeared the youngest Governor Temporarily fulfilling duties of the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district Dmitry Artyukhov elected head of the region. Upstairs He became the youngest Governor in Russia. His candidacy was supported by most deputies of regional legislative Assembly, reports RIA Novosti. Voted for by 14 of the 18 deputies, said the Chairman of the counting Commission Igor Herelisten. The Governor also claimed the Deputy of regional Parliament Alexander Golubenko and head of the regional Directorate of transport Vitaly Lagutin. The new head of the region selected by secret ballot. At the end of may 2018, President Vladimir Putin appointed Artyukhova, acting head of the region after the transition of Dmitry Kobylkin, the Ministry of natural resources. Artyukhov works in the office of the Governor of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district since 2010. As assistant Kobylkin, he was engaged in economic issues and investment. In the beginning of

Public men did not fix serious violations in the elections, said in the HRC

Public men did not fix serious violations in the elections, said in the HRC MOSCOW, 9 sen — news. Social activists and observers did not fix serious violations in regional elections that could affect the vote, reports fake violations, which after verification is not confirmed, said RIA Novosti member of the HRC, the Chairman of the coordination Council of the Russian public organization “Lawyers for the rights and dignity of the person” Alexander Brod. Upstairs MOSCOW, 9 sen — news. “Serious violations we are not yet celebrating. There are reports fake violations, and we ask our volunteers to double-check them,” said Ford. He said that, for example, received a report about the alleged busing of voters — workers of CHP-2 of Barnaul, the polling station number 207. After checking public men and employees of the territorial election Commission (TEC) of the city revealed that the CHP officers advance themselves wrote