Sociologists spoke about the nostalgia of Ukrainians in the USSR

Sociologists spoke about the nostalgia of Ukrainians in the USSR MOSCOW, 11 Sep — RIA Novosti. Nostalgia for the Soviet Union is typical for a large part of the citizens of Ukraine, especially in the East and South of the country, about it writes “Ukrainian truth” with reference to the results of a poll conducted by “Kalmiuska group” in partnership with GfK Ukraine. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий According to the poll, about 43% of Ukrainians in General and 51% of the residents of Donbass are of the opinion that their life in Soviet times were better. Only in the West among those who believe that the lives of their families in today’s Ukraine is better than in the Soviet period exceeds the number of those who held the opposite opinion (54% vs 31%). In addition, according to the study, about one third of the population of Ukraine and almost half of the population

In Ukraine found the benefit from the termination of railway communication with Russia

In Ukraine found the benefit from the termination of railway communication with Russia MOSCOW, 10 sen — news. Minister of infrastructure Volodymyr Omelian said, than for the country “profitable” termination of railway communication with Russia, said the Agency “UKRINFORM”. Upstairs According to him, trains to the Russian direction, “could be a significant relief for Ukrainian citizens who want to travel inside the country.” As stated by Omeljan, in this case, the profit of railway transportation could be even more than now. The Minister did not mention a specific date of termination of railway communication with Russia. “As soon as the decision is taken, we’ll report it”, — quotes Agency the head of Department. Omeljan previously reported that the Ukrainian Ministry of infrastructure has developed a project, which proposes to halt train and bus service to Russia. At the end of 2017, he argued that the loss of Kiev from such

Media: Turkey reported Syrian opposition about the need to prepare for the transfer in Idlib

Media: Turkey reported Syrian opposition about the need to prepare for the transfer in Idlib TASS, September 10. The opposition “free Syrian army” (FSA) received from the disposal of Turkey to prepare for possible transfer of large pool of fighters in the Syrian province of Idlib. With this statement issued on Monday, the Pro-government Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to her, the Ankara ordered the SSA to prepare a report on the personnel of the opposition forces, existing weapons and ammunition. About 20 thousand armed members of the FSA will be transferred to Idlib, where he will join there are already other units of the armed opposition. The newspaper notes that, in total, in Syria the FSA have 50 thousand soldiers, and in the region of Idlib after transfer will be about 30 thousand armed members of the Syrian opposition. It is also noted that the Turkish command in

Monson, Vostrikov and working with Gas. The election ended?

Monson, Vostrikov and working with Gas. The election ended? In more than 80 regions of Russia September 9 elections of different levels. In addition to officials and party activists to the polls were people who gained wide recognition throughout Russia and tried to convert it into parliamentary mandates at the local level. Russian service Bi-bi-si says, if they managed it. Upstairs Last Sunday Russia held a single day of voting in which the election of the heads 22 of the regions and of deputies of legislative bodies of 16 regions. Also in the regions was about 5 thousand elections to bodies of local self-government. In MPs, among others, elected people, until recently, far from politics. Victoria Skripal Where I stood: to the regional Duma of Yaroslavl region. The result: not elected. Niece poisoned in Britain, ex-GRU officer Sergei Skripal literally became a full-time commentator on Russian television shortly after the

The Polish foreign Ministry spoke about the “cleaning” Department of the MGIMO alumni

The Polish foreign Ministry spoke about the “cleaning” Department of the MGIMO alumni WARSAW, 10 Sep — RIA Novosti. From the Polish foreign Ministry has dismissed almost all employees who have graduated from MGIMO, told the head of Department Jacek Czaputowicz. Upstairs “We can say that the leadership of the Department was changed almost a hundred percent”, — said the diplomat. In addition, he noted that soon will be replaced by the 86 ambassadors of Poland from 101. If this has already replaced almost all of the 111 Directors and Deputy Directors of departments of the foreign Ministry. The media back in January I wrote about the plans of the Polish foreign Ministry to dismiss the MGIMO alumni. These messages appeared soon after the Department was headed by Jacek Czaputowicz, who succeeded Witold Waszczykowski. According to radio station RMF FM, one of the main reasons for the resignation Waszczykowski was

Volodin supported the bill on the refusal of parliamentarians from the retirement preferences

Volodin supported the bill on the refusal of parliamentarians from the retirement preferences MOSCOW, September 10. /TASS/. Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin said that the support made by the representatives of the “United Russia” the bill is about voluntary refusal of parliamentarians from the retirement preferences. Upstairs “Yes, this bill is, I think, my colleagues and I will definitely support,” the speaker told journalists on Monday, responding to a question. He explained that “there is given to clarifying the wording which implies that members have the right to refuse premiums and this is the crux of the law.” “Similar provision is in the current bill, but it suggests the possibility of… re-writing the application, — said Volodin. — Therefore, this clarification may need for those first one decision, then starts to ponder whether he did”. “Once is enough to weigh and make the decision, this right of deputies

United Russia, on average, scored in elections at all levels more than 60% of the votes

United Russia, on average, scored in elections at all levels more than 60% of the votes Secretary of the General Council of party Andrey Turchak noted that experts have predicted the result within 30% Upstairs MOSCOW, September 10. /TASS/. United Russia, the country’s average score on the last Sunday in elections at all levels more than 60% of the votes, considerably having exceeded forecasts of experts. This was stated on Monday by the Secretary of the General Council of party Andrey Turchak at a briefing on the results of the single voting day. “United Russia” the national average at all levels of elections showed the result in 60,03%. Let me remind you that numerous experts predicted our party result within 30%. These results significantly exceeded, — said Turchak. See also: election Results. Generalization

Asks Putin on the election of the employee of Gas passed in the regional Parliament

Asks Putin on the election of the employee of Gas passed in the regional Parliament The BOTTOM NOVGOROD, 10 Sep — RIA Novosti. Employee of the Gorky automobile plant Artem Baranov, who, at the end of 2017 asked Vladimir Putin whether he to run for President of the Russian Federation, won the elections to the legislative Assembly of Nizhny Novgorod region, told journalists the Chairman of the election Commission of the Nizhny Novgorod region Oksana Kislitsyna. Upstairs The ninth of September in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in addition to the election of the Governor of the region, held additional elections of the Deputy of legislative Assembly of Nizhny Novgorod region at 6 constituency. This place became vacant after Deputy speaker of the regional legislative Assembly Oleg Sorokin, accused of bribery, has resigned. “The turnout for the by-election the Deputy of legislative Assembly of region in the sixth district totaled 26,35%.

Putin called on to deal with the “irregularities” in the elections in the regions

Putin called on to deal with the “irregularities” in the elections in the regions Regional elections in Russia on 9 September passed with dignity and without serious violations, said at a state Council Presidium meeting in Vladivostok, President Vladimir Putin. He added that there has been during the election “irregularities” need to understand. Upstairs “Overall, the campaign was decent, with a high enough voter turnout, orderly, with minimal disruption. Certainly, the roughness of which were. With this, of course, you need to understand. We’re going to do it,” — said the head of state, whose words were quoted by Russian news agencies. September 9, in Russia was a single day of voting. In 22 regions were chosen governors, in 16 new members of the legislative Assembly. The Central election Committee called the elections the most quiet. The only serious violation was the attempt of falsification of the elections to the

Will appear in Russia, coordination center for computer incidents

Will appear in Russia, coordination center for computer incidents Moscow. September 10. INTERFAX.RU — by Order of the Director of FSB of Russia Alexander Bortnikov has established a national coordination center for computer incidents, which will be headed by the Director, the head of the Center for information protection and special communication of FSB of Russia. Upstairs “National coordination center for computer incidents (NCCI) is an integral part of the forces intended for the detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks and computer incident response”, — stated in the regulations of the centre, placed on Monday on an official portal of government information. NewsIsland Russian offered to make “cyborgs” The document notes that the information and analytical, organizational and logistical support NCCCI by the Center for information protection and special communication of FSB of Russia. “NCCI NCCI is headed by a Director who is a Deputy head scientifically-technical