NBC: U.S. intelligence suspected Russia of “acoustic” attacks on diplomats

NBC: U.S. intelligence suspected Russia of “acoustic” attacks on diplomats American intelligence believes that in the “acoustic” attacks on diplomats in China and Cuba may be to blame Russia. About it September 11, the NBC television reported, citing security sources. Upstairs The Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI), Central intelligence Agency (CIA) and other government agencies of the USA are investigating the possible participation of the Kremlin in the attacks on American diplomats. The reason for this was the message that was intercepted by American intelligence. The TV station said that this will be insufficient for formal accusations of the Kremlin in the attacks. For the first time about the “acoustic attack” became known in August 2017. The staff of the American Embassy in Havana and members of their families from November 2016, complained of dizziness, nausea and even hearing loss. Only injured 26 people. NewsPhysicists from the US have solved

Media: suspects in the case revealed Skrobala recruited by the Russian diplomat

Media: suspects in the case revealed Skrobala recruited by the Russian diplomat The suspects in the poisoning of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury helped to identify the Russian diplomat, recruited by British intelligence, according to British tabloid Daily Express, citing sources in British intelligence. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to the Daily Express, the agent of the British foreign intelligence service, posing as an art dealer, within a few months of trying to recruit employees of the Russian Embassy in Italy, who is himself under the guise of collecting classified information about NATO. The diplomat under a code nickname “Apollo” in the end, was transported to the UK in April. According to the tabloid, Apollo gave the staff of British intelligence all the information about the “international spy network Moscow”. When the first photos of the alleged poisoners Skrobala, the diplomat identified them as employees of the

Revenko: “United Russia” with 60% showed good results and has potential for growth

Revenko: “United Russia” with 60% showed good results and has potential for growth MOSCOW, September 11. /TASS/. The party “United Russia”, having 60% of the seats in the legislative assemblies of the regions where elections were held in a single voting day on 9 September, have shown good result and has a powerful potential for growth. This was stated on Tuesday by TASS, the Deputy Secretary General Council of party “United Russia”, state Duma Deputy Yevgeny Revenko. Upstairs “In the last election, the party confirmed his leadership and made a decent showing: 60% of the seats in the legislative assemblies of the regions where elections were held,” — said the politician. Of the 16 campaigns for elections in legislative Assembly in 13 regions of the “United Russia” in the first place, he said. NewsPutin urged to deal with “irregularities” in the elections in the regions United Russia also won more

In Idlib began shooting staged “himataki”

In Idlib began shooting staged “himataki” MOSCOW, 11 Sep — RIA Novosti. In Idlib began shooting staged provocations “application” Syrian army “of chemical weapons,” he told RIA Novosti at the Russian Centre for reconciliation of the warring parties. Upstairs “According to the information received from the residents of Idlib province, currently in the village of Jisr al-Shughour are shooting a staged provocation alleged use by the Syrian army “chemical weapons” against the civilian population”, — stated in the message. It is noted that in Jisr al-Shughour in the morning arrived, the crews of several middle Eastern TV channels, and also regional branch of a leading American news channel. Preparing provocations That the militants are preparing for new provocations staged a chemical attack that would serve as a pretext for missile attacks the US and its allies, in August, said the official representative of the defense Ministry major-General Igor Konashenkov. According

USA may impose sanctions against the International criminal court

USA may impose sanctions against the International criminal court MOSCOW, 11 Sep — RIA Novosti. The US government will take measures to protect its citizens from prosecution by the International criminal court, stated the Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton. According to him, Washington could impose sanctions against judges of the ICC. Upstairs “We will not cooperate with the ICC, will not assist the ICC and, of course, we will never join the ICC,” said he. Bolton clarified that, in particular, it concerns the attempts of the court to prosecute US military for crimes in Afghanistan. Human rights activists criticize In turn, the international human rights organization Amnesty International, based in London, condemned Bolton for his remarks. “The attack on the United States on the international criminal court is an attack on the millions of victims and survivors who faced the most serious crimes of international law,

The West ignores the facts on preparing a provocation in Syria, the foreign Ministry said

The West ignores the facts on preparing a provocation in Syria, the foreign Ministry said MOSCOW, 11 Sep — RIA Novosti. RF provides specific facts about the preparation of provocation with chemical weapons in Syria, but the West ignores this, and the US Flex their muscles, said Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. Upstairs “We call the geographical point where preparations for implementation of provocations, we call the specific terrorist organizations that feed off the US and its allies, unfortunately, under the slogan of the antiterrorist struggle. We call scenarios that can be applied including using the notorious “White helmets” — said Ryabkov told reporters. But alas, all these warnings and alerts are ignored again and again, our American colleagues Flex their muscles, have addressed the international community and the countries-guarantors, including mean Russia and Iran, thinly disguised threats and signals, essentially, blackmail. We take it easy and be ready

Go to the East side. Russia has started the largest since the Soviet Union military exercise

Go to the East side. Russia has started the largest since the Soviet Union military exercise MOSCOW, 11 Sep — RIA Novosti, Nikolai Protopopov. Three hundred thousand troops, thirty-six thousand tanks, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, thousands of aircraft and helicopters, and nearly a hundred ships in Russia will start exercises “Vostok-2018”, the largest in the modern history of the country. Наверх6фотографий6фотографий Comparable in scale maneuvers in the Soviet Union conducted about forty years ago. During the week, troops will practice the application of massive air strikes, to combat cruise missiles, amphibious and air landing operations and actions of mobile groups in the deep rear of the enemy. During the download an error has occurred.In three elements Most dynamic events unfold on one of the largest polygons of Transbaikalia Tsugol. Here to deliver more than seven thousand pieces of weapons, military and special equipment, about 250 aircraft and

Launched the largest in contemporary history of Russia exercises “Vostok-2018”

Launched the largest in contemporary history of Russia exercises “Vostok-2018” Military exercises “Vostok-2018”, the largest since 1981, started in the far East, reported the Ministry of defense. Active phase of the exercises will be held from 11 to 17 September. Upstairs The intent of the military created two opposing factions, one of which will be the units of the Central military district and the Northern fleet and the other units of the Eastern military district and Pacific fleet. The action will unfold at the sites, and also in the waters of the Okhotsk and Bering seas and of the Kronotsky and Avachinsky bays. The exercise will involve 297 thousand troops, more than 1 thousand planes, helicopters and drones, to 36 thousand tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and other vehicles, about 80 ships and support vessels. Chief of the General staff of the Russian armed forces Valery Gerasimov said

The future of the Far outflow

The future of the Far outflow People hope to return to the region investments in infrastructure. Upstairs The introduction of preferential treatment for investors was not enough to stop the population outflow from the Far East — to execute the decree may significantly improve the social infrastructure in the macro-region, says the report of the state Council on Monday reviewed options for the support of this district. The need for Federal money for the implementation of the decree exceeds 2 trillion rubles, the most expensive for the budget can be measures to support demographics (about 700 billion rubles) and to improve the housing conditions of the population (about 650 billion rubles.). In addition, almost 1.5 trillion rubles. need for modernization of main infrastructure of DFO. “B” acquainted with the proposals for development of the Far East, presented on Monday, Vladimir Putin at session of Presidium of the state Council on

FSB sets the third cyber

FSB sets the third cyber The secret service has created a new structure for combating computer crimes. Upstairs The FSB established a new structure to counter cyber attacks on key facilities of Russian infrastructure. Detection, prevention and liquidation of consequences of such crimes lies with the national coordination center for computer incidents (NCCI). Will be chaired by a Deputy head scientifically-technical service — the chief Center of information security and special communications FSB Andrey Ivashko. Coordination of counteraction to crimes in sphere of high technologies could do and the information security Center (Tsib) of the FSB, but it found evidence of high treason, therefore, CDC was one of the coauthors of this program The order of the creation NCCCI was signed by the Director of FSB Alexander Bortnikov. Obviously, he was issued the development of decrees of the President 2013-2017 years about creating and improving the system of detection, prevention