A court in Egypt upheld the suspension of bearded policemen

A court in Egypt upheld the suspension of bearded policemen CAIRO, 14 Sep — RIA Novosti. A court in Cairo upheld the decision of the Minister of interior to suspend from duty police officers wearing beards, reported Egyptian newspaper “al-Ahram”. Upstairs “The court ordered the Minister of the interior to permanently remove from service bearded officers”, — the newspaper writes. The court for urgent Affairs annulled the decision of the Supreme administrative court ordered the interior Ministry to return police officers suspended for wearing a beard, and restore them to their original titles. In 2012, following the turmoil in Egypt and the growing influence of Islamists, several police officers decided to defend in court their right to wear a beard, citing religious beliefs. However, the Ministry stated that the wearing of beards is a serious disciplinary violation, as under the police act and the internal regulations, the police officer must

Vladimir branch of the Communist party prefers the incumbent Governor

Vladimir branch of the Communist party prefers the incumbent Governor Vladimir, the Communists called on their supporters in the second round of gubernatorial elections in Vladimir region to vote for Svetlana Orlov, calling her opponent a political “weather vane”. Upstairs The Bureau of the Committee of the Vladimir regional branch of the political party, the Communist party appealed to his party members and supporters to support the second round of elections of the head region acting Governor Svetlana Orlova. “As you know, the candidate of the Communist party Maxim Shevchenko through provocations, intrigues and fraud on the part of the authorities was not allowed to participate in the Governor’s race, which is largely left to the voters in Vladimir region the real choice” — is noted in the statement of the Bureau of the Committee of the Vladimir regional branch of the Communist party, published on the website of the

The state Department has promised Russia of tough new sanctions because of “the things Skrypalia” in November

The state Department has promised Russia of tough new sanctions because of “the things Skrypalia” in November Russia was not allowed to conduct an inspection to verify the country’s chemical weapons and has not provided United States a “verifiable assurances” in the rejection of its use in the future. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий This was stated by assistant Secretary of state for economic Affairs of Manish Singh at the hearings in the us house of representatives, reports Bloomberg. In this regard, the US is preparing to introduce in November a second more stringent round of sanctions because of “the things Skrypalia”. Earlier gosdepartamenta, the United States supported the UK position and was blamed for the poisoning of the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in English Salisbury on the Russian authorities. In late August, the United States fought against Russia, the first package of sanctions according to the law on

Zakharov told about the fiasco of Western countries in Libya

Zakharov told about the fiasco of Western countries in Libya Moscow, September 13 — RIA Novosti. Clashes and the recent terrorist attack in Libya are an example of “absolute fiasco of Western countries” in geopolitical modeling, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Upstairs “Despite the efforts of the UN mission support in Libya, which are aimed at restoring law and order in the Libyan capital, in some of its regions periodically there are new clashes between separate armed groups”, — the diplomat said at a briefing. She recalled the attack, which occurred Monday in the office of the National oil Corporation in Tripoli. The explosion killed two people and injured dozens. Zakharova noted that such actions once again point to the urgent need for unity of all responsible forces of Libya to fight against terrorists. “A clear tragic example of the absolute failure of the experiment

The Committee of the state Duma rejected the draft disclaimer for reposts

The Committee of the state Duma rejected the draft disclaimer for reposts MOSCOW, September 13 — RIA Novosti. The state Duma Committee for security and combating corruption prepared the negative conclusion on the draft law excludes criminal liability for reposts on the Internet. Upstairs The Committee stands on this project is co-executor. The head of the Committee Vasily Piskarev said that the project not previously supported by the government of the Russian Federation and the Supreme court. “The idea of legally prescribed incorrectly. Need differently formulated, then we will work, communicate with experts. The project is not supported by anyone,” — said the Piskarev reporters. At the end of June deputies of the state Duma Alexey Zhuravlev and Sergei Shargunov brought in the state Duma a package of bills that exclude criminal liability for reposts on the Internet. The purpose of the bill is to “establish a fair liability for

In the state Duma abolished the Commission income, which was headed by Poklonskaya

In the state Duma abolished the Commission income, which was headed by Poklonskaya The only Deputy from United Russia voted against the pension reform. Upstairs The state Duma Committee on rules has joined the Commission for the control of income with the ethics Commission. This was announced by the head of the Committee Olga Savastianova, reports “RIA Novosti”. According to her, the Commission will also address the issues of early termination of powers of deputies. A proposal to review the activities of the two commissions worked through from the beginning of 2018, she said. As notes “Interfax”, this decision leads to the fact that the deputies, who headed the Commission, Natalia Poklonskaya and Otari Arshba, will lose their respective posts. Poklonskaya, a former Prosecutor of the Crimea, headed the Commission for the control of income in 2016, In July of this year, she was the only member of the faction

Salisbury: what a tourist in the town where poisoned Skrobala

Salisbury: what a tourist in the town where poisoned Skrobala Like a rat in a skull of a son of Henry II helped to solve his murder? Why in the wall of the pub, found a severed hand? And how terrible mask helped women to get pregnant? The story of our videoblogger Ben Tavener. Upstairs English city Salisbury has been notorious to the whole world due to the assassination of the former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. But Salisbury is one of the most interesting British cities with a rich history. With many of them is grim. Our videobloger Ben Tavener went to this mysterious city to learn how, among other things, a rat found in the skull of an illegitimate son of Henry II, helped to solve a murder. During the download an error has occurred.

Court of the European Union refused Rosneft and Sberbank in the lifting of sanctions

Court of the European Union refused Rosneft and Sberbank in the lifting of sanctions LUXEMBOURG, September 13 — RIA Novosti. The EU court of General jurisdiction in Luxembourg rejected on Thursday claims for the annulment of sanctions on three Russian state banks — Sberbank, VTB and Vnesheconombank, as well as “Rosneft”, “Gazprom oil” and “Diamond-anteyu”, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. Upstairs “The court decided to reject the lawsuit,” the judge said, listing the order of decisions on claims of Russian banks and companies, demanding repeal of affecting them, EU sanctions. “The EU court confirms the restrictive measures adopted by the Council of the EU against several Russian banks and oil companies”, — said after the decision was announced by the press service of the court. “The court believes that the Council of the EU has motivated the challenged action… the Court stressed that the claimed objective

The IMF has supported raising the retirement age in Russia

The IMF has supported raising the retirement age in Russia The IMF Executive Board supported plans to carry out pension reform in Russia. This is stated in the press release of the Council on the outcome of consultations with the Russian authorities. Upstairs “They [the members of the Executive Board of the IMF] endorsed the plans of the government [of Russia] to carry out a parametric pension reform that can help to neutralize the negative demographic trends,” — said in a press release. The IMF report prepared for the Executive Board, says that the current retirement age is 55 and 60 years for women and men respectively — low by international standards and have not been adjusted for many decades. Provisions for early retirement quite “generous”, the report says, and eventually the average actual retirement age is significantly lower than the law. Because of this, the number of pensioners is

Abe called the condition of concluding a peace Treaty between Russia and Japan

Abe called the condition of concluding a peace Treaty between Russia and Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called for “break the shell of mistrust” between Tokyo and Moscow to make progress towards signing a peace Treaty. Abe added that to sign the document between Russia and Japan is possible — it is necessary to achieve success in the implementation of joint economic activities in the southern part of the Kuril Islands. Upstairs “Break the shell of mistrust” between Moscow and Tokyo has proposed to the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. He called on the parties no longer trust each other and to develop mutual understanding between Russians and Japanese. “It is important to promote the understanding of residents of both countries on this issue and to establish the atmosphere (for the conclusion of a peace Treaty — “Газета.Ru”),” — said Abe. The head of the Japanese government stated that