Serbian Prime Minister is an open lesbian. But LGBT activists against its participation in a gay parade

Serbian Prime Minister is an open lesbian. But LGBT activists against its participation in a gay parade Serbia is the only Balkan country where the government is headed by out lesbian. But why, then, some activists of the Serbian movement in support of LGBT rights object to the participation of Ana, Brnabic in a gay parade, which is held this Sunday? Upstairs When Ana, Brnabic last year was appointed Prime Minister; this caused a surge of enthusiasm in the LGBT community — she became not only the first woman to head the Serbian government, but also the first activist of the gay movement, which received such a high position in the Balkans. She participated in the pride last year in Belgrade, surrounded by posters with slogans like “Ana is with us”; she was photographed then with dozens of people. But a year later the case with LGBT rights in Serbia,

In the elections in Primorye after counting half of the ballots leader Ishchenko

In the elections in Primorye after counting half of the ballots leader Ishchenko VLADIVOSTOK, September 16 — RIA Novosti. The candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko and after treatment 50% of the ballots in the second round of elections of the head of Primorye received 52,38% of the vote, according to the website of the CEC. Upstairs The acting Governor of the region Andrey Tarasenko scored 45,05%, noted on the website. The results of the voting on 9 September in the second round of elections came Andrei Tarasenko, who received in the first round 46,56%, and the Deputy of legislative Assembly of Primorye candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko, who scored 26,63%. The turnout in the second round of the elections at 18.00 local time (11.00 MSK) amounted to 29,15%, which is more than 9 September. According to the exit poll, Tarasenko is leading with a score of

Pashinyan said the lack of secret relations with Turkey

Pashinyan said the lack of secret relations with Turkey YEREVAN, September 16. /TASS/. Armenia does not support such relations with Turkey, which are not known to the public of the Republic. This statement on Sunday during a briefing was made by the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinian, commenting on Turkish media about his conversation with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Upstairs “No one in Armenia does not support secret relations with presidents of other countries, especially if it’s the President of Turkey. I’m only one day in Brussels met Turkey’s foreign Minister. If we have some calls about it, the public will learn only from us,” — said the head of the Armenian government. Earlier, the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet has published the news that the Turkish President called the Prime Minister of Armenia and asked to return to the country of resident of Kars oblast — 16-year-old Umut

On elections of the head of Primorye after the counting of 11.48% of the ballots leader Ishchenko

On elections of the head of Primorye after the counting of 11.48% of the ballots leader Ishchenko VLADIVOSTOK, September 16 — RIA Novosti. The candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko after treatment of 11.48% of the ballots in the second round of elections of the head of Primorye received of 51.91% of the vote, according to the website of the CEC. Upstairs Andrei Tarasenko gaining of 45.41%, the report says. The results of the voting on 9 September in the second round of elections came Andrei Tarasenko, who received in the first round 46,56%, and the Deputy of legislative Assembly of Primorye candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko, who scored 26,63%. The turnout in the second round of the elections at 18.00 local time (11.00 MSK) amounted to 29,15%, which is more than 9 September. According to the exit poll, Tarasenko is leading with a score of 53%,

Andrei Tarasenko according to exit poll leads in the second round of elections of the Governor of Primorye

Andrei Tarasenko according to exit poll leads in the second round of elections of the Governor of Primorye The acting Governor of Primorye Andrey Tarasenko on the results of a survey of voters in the lead in the second round of elections of the head of Primorye. According to the exit poll, the candidate from “United Russia” scored 53% of the vote. His rival, the candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko scored 47%, according to RIA Novosti. Upstairs “According to “Expert-group” exit poll Tarasenko — 53, Ishchenko — 47. Refused to answer 30%”, — stated in the message. Recall exit poll — a poll by the sociological service at the exit from the polling stations. As noted by the regional electoral Commission, the turnout in the second round of elections of the Governor of Primorsky Krai exceeded the turnout during the first round. At 15 hours local time on

In the elections in Primorye after the counting of 0.45% of the ballots leader Tarasenko

In the elections in Primorye after the counting of 0.45% of the ballots leader Tarasenko VLADIVOSTOK, September 16 — RIA Novosti. The acting Governor of Primorye Andrey Tarasenko after processing of 0.45% of the ballots in the second round of elections of the head of the region received 62,16% of the votes, according to the website of the CEC. Upstairs Andrey Ishchenko, the gaining of 32.58% of the vote. President Vladimir Putin in early October 2017 signed a decree about dismissal of the head of Primorsky Krai Vladimir Miklushevsky. 4 October 2017 the acting Governor was appointed Andrei Tarasenko. In the single voting day September 9, none of the candidates for Governor of Primorye was not able to recruit the necessary number of votes — at least 50% + 1 vote. In the second round of elections came Tarasenko, who received in the first round 46,56%, and the Deputy of

In the second round of elections of the head of Primorye leader Andrei Tarasenko

In the second round of elections of the head of Primorye leader Andrei Tarasenko VLADIVOSTOK, September 16 — RIA Novosti. Andrei Tarasenko leads the second round of elections of the head of Primorye with a score of 53 percent according to the exit poll, Andrey Ishchenko gaining 47%, according to OOO “KTS “Expert Groups”. Upstairs “According to “Expert-group” exit poll Tarasenko — 53, Ishchenko — 47. Refused to answer 30%”, — stated in the message. The results of the voting on 9 September in the second round of elections came acting Governor Andrei Tarasenko, who received in the first round 46,56%, and the Deputy of legislative Assembly of Primorye candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko, who scored 26,63%.

The second round of elections of the Governor of Primorye: 18:00 turnout increased to 29.15%

The second round of elections of the Governor of Primorye: 18:00 turnout increased to 29.15% Voter turnout in the second round on elections of the Governor of Primorye to 18:00 local time (11:00 GMT), two hours before the end of voting amounted to 29,15%. The people of the County voted more than a week ago, the correspondent of IA REGNUM. Upstairs The largest turnout in the second round on elections of the Governor of Primorye to 18:00 showed in the October municipal district (41,37%), Dalnerechensky municipal district (40,28%), Khorolsky municipal district (38,65%). Less actively voting residents of Vladivostok on the first district of the city voted in only 21.39% of voters. The turnout in the single voting day on September 9 at the presidential elections in the region by 18:00 was 26,57%. All 1 550 polling stations will close at 20:00 local time (13:00 GMT), election commissions proceed to counting

The second round of elections in Primorye registered 14 complaints of violations of

The second round of elections in Primorye registered 14 complaints of violations of VLADIVOSTOK, September 16 — RIA Novosti. Fourteen complaints of violations received by 18.00 (11.00 MSK) in the second round of elections of the Governor of Primorsky Krai, told journalists the representative of the regional election Commission of the Roman Hunters. Upstairs The results of the voting on 9 September in the second round of elections came acting Governor Andrei Tarasenko, who received in the first round 46,56%, and the Deputy of legislative Assembly of Primorye candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko, who scored 26,63%. “Total posts 14. Several reports of violations in social networks — they are sent to the police, two relate to the media, there is also carry out checks,” said Hunter. According to him, two complaints on bribery and transportation of voters sent to the Ministry of internal Affairs, under scrutiny. Also received

In the second round of elections of the head of Primorye voted 23,23% of voters

In the second round of elections of the head of Primorye voted 23,23% of voters VLADIVOSTOK, September 16 — RIA Novosti. The turnout in the second round of elections of the Governor of Primorsky Krai at 15.00 local time (08.00 GMT) made up of 23.23%, more turnout for this hour in the first round, told reporters on Sunday the representative of the regional election Commission Natalia Kamaeva. Upstairs President Vladimir Putin in early October 2017 signed a decree about dismissal of the head of Primorsky Krai Vladimir Miklushevsky. 4 October 2017 the acting Governor was appointed Andrei Tarasenko. In the single voting day September 9, none of the candidates for Governor of Primorye was not able to recruit the necessary number of votes — at least 50% + 1 vote. In the second round of elections came Tarasenko, who received in the first round 46,56%, and the Deputy of legislative