Acting Governor of Primorsky Krai has overtaken rival from the Communist party in the elections

Acting Governor of Primorsky Krai has overtaken rival from the Communist party in the elections VLADIVOSTOK, 17 Sep — RIA Novosti. The acting Governor of Primorye Andrey Tarasenko counting 99.03% of the votes in the second round of elections of the head of region has overtaken his rival from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko 0.5% and scored 49,02%, according to the website of the CEC. Upstairs Earlier counting of votes almost from the beginning was in the lead the candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko, the gap amounted to 8%. According to the count 99.03% of the ballots, Tarasenko took the lead, gaining 49,02%, Ishchenko gaining 48,56%. The results of the voting on 9 September in the second round of elections came Andrei Tarasenko, who received in the first round 46,56%, and the Deputy of legislative Assembly of Primorye candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko, who scored 26,63%.

The media reported dozens of Russian agents in Switzerland

The media reported dozens of Russian agents in Switzerland As claimed by the Swiss newspaper Tages Anzeiger, citing data of the Federal Council (government), currently in Switzerland there are dozens of Russian agents. According to the publication, in this regard, the Russian Ambassador summoned to the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Switzerland. Upstairs The publication said that more than a quarter of Russians, accredited in Switzerland, are spies. It is noted that in the Swiss foreign Ministry officially registered 83 representative of Russia. They work in the Russian Embassy in Bern and the consulates in Geneva, Lausanne and Zurich. Officially, only three of these people are engaged in tasks associated with special services: accredited military attaché Alexander Provotorov and his two deputies. But according to unofficial sources, the newspaper said, this number is much higher. As reports Reuters with reference to the statement of the Swiss foreign Ministry, Switzerland has

In the state Duma praised Kiev’s plans to create a naval base on the sea of Azov

In the state Duma praised Kiev’s plans to create a naval base on the sea of Azov MOSCOW, 16 sen — RIA Novosti — Ukraine Plans to create on the Azov sea base of naval forces cannot be considered serious, said RT Chairman of state Duma Committee on defense Alexander Sherin. Upstairs Such plans are a cover for the Ukrainian authorities, concerned in the embezzlement of budget funds, said the Deputy. “If you want to do real restoration Navy or military bases, it’s better to invest the money and will recover in Nikolaev shipbuilding plant, which is on its last breath and is about to be closed,” said Sherin. Ovoschebazah According to the Director of the Center for the study of public applied problems of national security Alexander Zhilin, actually in Kiev to create a database is not collected, limiting statements on the eve of elections. “The naval forces of

Winning in Primorye, the candidate of the Communist party Ishchenko promises to continue Putin’s policies

Winning in Primorye, the candidate of the Communist party Ishchenko promises to continue Putin’s policies The candidate of the Communist party Andrey Ishchenko, the leader in the second round of elections of the Governor of Primorye, said he intends to continue in the region the policy of the President of Russia. Upstairs “Primorye is on the border with the two countries whose ideology is communism — China and the DPRK. This does not mean that in Primorski Krai now is raised the red flag and here sharply all become Communists. No. We will continue the policy of the President and most importantly, will work for the benefit of Primorye”, — quotes Ishchenko “Interfax”. He stressed that his team will work “educated people, young patriots”. Ishchenko also intends to cooperate with all political forces. “We will certainly cooperate with all political forces. It is impossible to put party affiliation at the

Ishchenko said he will choose a Senator from Primorye on the advice of Zyuganov

Ishchenko said he will choose a Senator from Primorye on the advice of Zyuganov VLADIVOSTOK, September 16 — RIA Novosti. The candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko, leading to the election of the head of Primorye, said the Senator from the region he chooses, based on the opinion of the party leader Gennady Zyuganov. Upstairs “The Senator will be delegated to me the man I recommend the Central Committee of the Communist party and personally Gennady Zyuganov. I as a member of the Communist party obligated to obey. These three people agreed with me, and I just ran them to the Central Committee of the party, because this is a very important, responsible people who will represent us there, in the upper house of Parliament, it must be important, proven, seaside, and that defended the interests of the proper level,” — said Ishchenko told reporters. The candidate from the

Andrey Tarasenko was not helped by the support of Vladimir Putin

Andrey Tarasenko was not helped by the support of Vladimir Putin Sensationally completed the second round of elections of the Governor of Primorye. Despite the support of President Putin, the candidate from “United Russia”, the acting head of the region Andrei Tarasenko is inferior to the promoted worker from the Communist party, the Deputy of regional legislative Assembly Andrey Ishchenko. According to preliminary data of krajizbirkoma, a Communist at the end of counting 80% of the ballots wins 8% of the vote. Mr Ischenko has said that the regional administration is waiting for “major personnel changes”. Upstairs The need for a second round of elections of the Governor of Primorye appeared after the first, held on September 9, none of the five candidates failed to gain 50% of votes. Andrei Tarasenko got 46,56% of the vote and was forced to fight for the victory of the candidate from the Communist

In Israel arrested a Professor from the US who wanted to stop to demolish an Arab village

In Israel arrested a Professor from the US who wanted to stop to demolish an Arab village Israeli police detained an American law Professor Frank Romano. Presumably, Romano tried to prevent the demolition of the village of Khan al-Ahmar on the West Bank of the Jordan river. On 15 September reported by the AP with reference to the lawyer of Professor. Upstairs Romano is in Jerusalem and is scheduled to appear before a military court on 17 September. The American was detained along with two Palestinian activists. Romano is accused of trying to hinder the work of the police and military. Eyewitnesses say that the Professor has gotten in the way of a bulldozer and refused to move. One of the members of the NGO “Combatants for peace” said that he had seen Romano, and the Professor told him that a hunger strike and will not stop until the Israeli

Ishchenko is in the lead on elections of the head of Primorye after counting 83% of the ballots

Ishchenko is in the lead on elections of the head of Primorye after counting 83% of the ballots VLADIVOSTOK, September 16 — RIA Novosti. The candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko after treatment 82,97% of the ballots in the second round of elections of the head of the region received 52,24% of the votes, he is leading with a margin of 7%, reported to journalists the representative of the regional electoral Commission. Upstairs “Ishchenko scored 52,24%, Tarasenko 45,10%”, — said the representative of the electoral Commission. According to him, the turnout was of 33.03%. The results of the voting on 9 September in the second round of elections came Andrei Tarasenko, who received in the first round 46,56%, and the Deputy of legislative Assembly of Primorye candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko, who scored 26,63%. The turnout in the second round of the elections at 18.00 local time

Trump called “witch hunt” around Russia’s illegal and detrimental for the US

Trump called “witch hunt” around Russia’s illegal and detrimental for the US WASHINGTON, September 16. /TASS/. The investigation attributed to Russia’s intervention in the US elections in 2016, which since may of last year leads spectracolor Robert Mueller, is illegal and harmful to the country itself. Upstairs The President of the United States Donald trump wrote on Sunday on his page on Twitter. “Illegal witch hunt [spectracolor Robert] Mueller continues, and he’s looking for a crime. Collusion with Russia”, — he said. According to trump, the Democrats for this reason now “looking for all they will be able to find.” “It is very unfair and bad for the country. In addition, it is prohibited by law,” the President added. US intelligence agencies accused Russia of interfering in the electoral process in the United States in 2016. The investigation of these alleged attempts to influence the American political process has been

Ishchenko have increased the lead when counting 62% of ballots on elections of the head of Primorye

Ishchenko have increased the lead when counting 62% of ballots on elections of the head of Primorye VLADIVOSTOK, September 16 — RIA Novosti. The candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko after treatment 62,58% of the ballots in the second round of elections of the head of the region received 52,85% of the vote, he leads with a gap of more than 8%, according to the website of the CEC. Upstairs The acting Governor of the region Andrey Tarasenko scored of 44.58%, noted on the website. Previously, when counting half of the protocols the gap between the candidates was just over 7%. The results of the voting on 9 September in the second round of elections came Andrei Tarasenko, who received in the first round 46,56%, and the Deputy of legislative Assembly of Primorye candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko, who scored 26,63%. The turnout in the second round