The white house has deepened the conversation of the FBI

The white house has deepened the conversation of the FBI Republicans in Congress promise to prove that the investigation was about the Russian intervention in the elections was politically motivated. Upstairs The US President Donald trump has been ordered to declassify documents and personal correspondence of the FBI concerning the investigation about the Russian intervention in the election campaign of 2016. In an official statement, the White house found it necessary to explain that this decision was made in response to “the request of several congressional committees” and “in the interests of transparency” of the ongoing investigation. Democratic lawmakers have called the initiative of the administration attempt to influence the outcome of the upcoming November mid-term Congressional elections. The decision of the US President to remove the secrecy from the documents relating to the investigation of “Russian intervention”, the White house announced in the middle of the day on Monday.

The state Duma has reduced himself to the penalties for truancy meetings

The state Duma has reduced himself to the penalties for truancy meetings The State Duma adopted amendments to the regulations of the lower house of the Russian Parliament, according to which the amount of the fine for absence one plenary session was reduced from one-sixth to one-ninth the salary of the parliamentarian. This was reported by “RIA Novosti”. Upstairs The reason for these changes was the increase in the number of plenary meetings of the state Duma from six to nine in a month. Now they are held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 14:00. A resolution on the amendment was unanimous. “Dear colleagues, it is extremely important that we had consensus on those decisions that affect all of us. In this case, we have taken a decision about registration, and about the deductions in case of missing meetings. Given that meetings have become more understand the need

In Vladivostok on 13 sites cancelled results of elections of the Governor of Primorye

In Vladivostok on 13 sites cancelled results of elections of the Governor of Primorye As a result, the candidate from “United Russia” has lost about 500 votes. Upstairs Moscow. September 18. INTERFAX.RU — Territorial election Commission of the Soviet area of Vladivostok has cancelled the results of the second round of elections of the Governor of Primorye for 13 sites, reported the Agency “Interfax” a member of the territorial electoral Commission of the Soviet district of Vladivostok with the right of Advisory vote Sergei Ivanovich. “Today a meeting of the TEC, which adopted the decision on cancellation of results of elections on 13 sites due to the fact that there was an evacuation and some documents may be lost,” said Ivanovic. According to him, the evacuation during the counting of votes has occurred in connection with the fire alarm. “Around 4:00 a.m. all election commissions passed the documents and all

France denies involvement in the incident with the plane of videoconferencing in Syria

France denies involvement in the incident with the plane of videoconferencing in Syria MOSCOW, 18 Sep — RIA Novosti. The French armed forces have denied involvement in the incident with the Russian plane Il-20 in Syria, informs TV channel France 24, with reference to the representative of the French army. Upstairs “The French army has denied any involvement in this attack”, — quotes the TV channel representative. Earlier, the defense Ministry said that on September 17, around 23.00 when you return to the base Hamim 35 kilometers from the coast of Syria has lost communication with the crew of the Russian aircraft Il-20. The military said that Il-20 disappeared from the radar during the attack, four Israeli F-16 aircraft on the Syrian objects in the province of Latakia. Also, the defense Ministry said that at the same time, the Russian radar controls air space has recorded missile launch from a

The headquarters of Andrei Tarasenko filed 35 complaints during the second round of gubernatorial elections in Primorye

The headquarters of Andrei Tarasenko filed 35 complaints during the second round of gubernatorial elections in Primorye Moscow. September 18. INTERFAX.RU — the Headquarters of a candidate for Governor of Primorye from the “United Russia” Andrey Tarasenko has filed 35 complaints to the regional election Commission on the course of the second round of elections, is preparing another 10 complaints. Upstairs “We have filed krayizbirkom 30 complaints from the public, copies of those that were submitted to the local zoning Commission. We got this. Five complaints according to our evidence. Ten more is in the pipeline,” — said Tuesday the Agency “Interfax” the representative of the headquarters Tarasenko. He also said that all 45 complaints will be sent to the Central election Commission. “All this we will also send to the CEC or through krayizbirkom or themselves,” he added. On Monday, the representative of the electoral headquarters Tarasenko said on

Tax maneuver in oil industry: the government has created a headache?

Tax maneuver in oil industry: the government has created a headache? Reform, according to estimates, should bring into the Treasury to 1.6 trillion rubles for six years. But with high oil prices and a weak ruble may experience a paradox: the stronger will grow the oil revenues, the more they will pay the state. Upstairs Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on 18 September to meet with oil workers. Most likely, we will talk about the tax maneuver. The final part of the reform comes into force from 2019. According to various estimates, the tax maneuver will bring the budget from trillion to 1.6 trillion rubles for six years, i.e. in the year about 200 billion. But this does not mean that the budget will be rich. Reform that government to raise the tax on oil while reducing the export duty to zero. This means that the domestic price of raw materials

Media reported about the plans of India for the purchase of Russian frigates

Media reported about the plans of India for the purchase of Russian frigates MOSCOW, 18 Sep — RIA Novosti. India plans to purchase from Russia four frigates of project 11356 for the sum more than two billions of dollars, this publication reports The Economic Times citing its sources. Upstairs As expected, the contract for the supply of military ships will be signed in October at the forthcoming meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra modi. According to the publication, at the moment agree the last details of the deal, while the Indian side due to the anti-Russian sanctions from the United States is considering the option of paying for the ships of the national currency. Under the agreement, the Indian side will receive technology frigates of this type, the two ships will be built entirely in India, and the other two will be built by the

The United States announced duties on imports from China worth $200 billion

The United States announced duties on imports from China worth $200 billion The administration of U.S. President Donald trump announced the introduction of 10%-nykh of duties on Chinese imports cost about $200 billion, reports Reuters. Duties will enter into force on 24 September and the end of 2018 the rate will increase from 10% to 25% Upstairs Tariffs do not affect the smart watch from Apple and Fitbit, and a range of other consumer products. At the same time under the duty gets such electronic devices as printed circuit boards, Internet routers and network equipment. President of the American Association of consumer technology Gary Shapiro described the measure as “Internet tax” on us companies. Trump repeated his threat that if China retaliates, then the White house to “immediately move to the third stage — the introduction of duties on additional imports value of about $267 billion.” In this case, the

Elections in the Donbass will be in emergency mode

Elections in the Donbass will be in emergency mode Candidates in the heads of the DNI and LC will be only few days for registration. Upstairs Registration of candidates for the post of head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic (DPR) will start on September 21 and will last for five days. This was announced on Monday by the Central election Commission (CEC) of the DPR. In the self-proclaimed Luhansk national Republic (LNR) haste even more — there is accepting applications want to complete as early as 21 September. Wishing to become the new leader of the DNR has four, but the current acting head of the Republic and the de facto favorite of the race, Denis Pushilin, is not yet among them. While it is now clear that to choose the residents of Donbas will have between military commanders insisting on the extension of the territories and the civilian