The state Duma approved a pension reform in second reading

The state Duma approved a pension reform in second reading For the document voted 326 deputies, against — 59, one abstained. The third reading will take place on 27 September. Upstairs The lower house of Parliament has approved all amendments to the bill, which was introduced by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the faction “United Russia”. For the amendment of the President voted unanimously. During consideration of the bill outside the state Duma took action against raising the retirement age. It was conducted by the Communist party. In the plenary hall, a group of deputies from the Communist party, including Valery Rashkin, also staged: they came in t-shirts depicting a crossed-out numbers 63 and 65 (age of retirement in the original version of the bill). Recall that in the first reading a bill on pension reform, the state Duma adopted on July 19. Initially it was assumed that

US to impose sanctions against a non-existent company

US to impose sanctions against a non-existent company Firm Syrus System, caught in the sanctions list for “aiding criminals”, was removed from the register of FTS in 2011. Upstairs The U.S. Department of Commerce imposes restrictions against 12 Russian companies. A notification published on the website of the Federal register. According to Washington, the company “acting against the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States”. Authorities believe that organizations contribute to the activities of the Russian military and cybercrime. “The storm,” found that once the sanction list firm, which closed seven years ago. In the notice of the Federal register listed a Russian company Syrus Systems. American authorities believe that the company “contributed to the malicious activity of Russian cybercriminals”. The authors of the sanctions list, said company information. The document States that it is located in Moscow at the address: the 3rd New lane house 5.

The Pentagon considers nuclear weapons to Russia, the main threat to USA

The Pentagon considers nuclear weapons to Russia, the main threat to USA The primary threat to US security emanates from the nuclear weapons of Russia, said the Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis during a speech at the Virginia Military Institute. Upstairs “If you look at the external threats, the first on which I need to pay attention to is the nuclear threat from Russia and less from China, and, of course, with North Korea,” said Mr. Mattis. He said, North Korea is the most urgent problem for the country, Russia is the most difficult challenge militarily, and China — long-term “political risk”. The newsis not unique. Russia has shown the latest weapons “About the nuclear threat not so much to say. But it is absolutely a real threat, and we have to take measures to deal with this”, — said the head of the Pentagon. Earlier, the

Volodin chided the Communist deputies protest t-shirt

Volodin chided the Communist deputies protest t-shirt The speaker urged MPs to abide by the dress code of the lower house of Parliament. Upstairs Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin chided deputies from the Communist party Valery Raskina and Denis Parfenov for the fact that they came to the plenary session of the lower house of Parliament, which is considered the second reading of the bill on pension reform, protest t-shirts. According to him, all members must abide by the regulations of the state Duma, including coming to meetings with appropriate clothing. “Colleagues, I think that the salary of the Deputy possible to buy a jacket and tie, too,” — said the speaker. During the download an error has occurred. The statement of the speaker became the Communist MPs Valery Rashkin and Denis Parfenov, who came to the plenary session in t-shirts depicting a crossed-out numbers 63/65, symbolizing the

USA will give Ukraine a 30-year-old decommissioned boats

USA will give Ukraine a 30-year-old decommissioned boats The U.S. coast guard plans to transfer the Ukrainian Navy two retired patrol boats class “island”, reported on the official website of the U.S. office. Upstairs MOSCOW, September 26 — RIA Novosti. The ceremony of transfer of the boats Drummond (WPB-1323) and Cushing (WPB-1321) the Ukrainian side will take place on September 27 in Baltimore (Maryland) with the participation of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. The U.S. coast guard received during 1985-1992, the 49 patrol boats class “island”, Drummond and Cushing was built in 1988. Previously, these boats were transferred to Georgia and Costa Rica. In August, the Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States Valeriy Chaly said that Kyiv wants to get American boats to “enhance opportunities in the black sea basin”. The situation in the Azov sea was complicated in late March, when the Ukrainian frontier guards detained the

The United States promised not to give the EU or anyone else to circumvent us sanctions against Iran

The United States promised not to give the EU or anyone else to circumvent us sanctions against Iran Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton stated that the United States will not allow the EU or anyone else to circumvent us sanctions against Iran. Upstairs At a conference on Iran in new York, Mr Bolton stressed that the United States will be “aggressive and steadfast” implementation of economic sanctions against Tehran. According to the results of the Ministerial meeting in the framework of the UN General Assembly in new York, Russia, UK, France, Germany, China agreed to establish to make payments to Iran of a special mechanism, which should help to neutralize the effects of American sanctions imposed against the country, and at the same time to rescue the Iranian nuclear deal in 2015. This decision is intended to reassure Tehran on the eve of the adoption of

Sergey Furgal has declared its intention to form a coalition government

Sergey Furgal has declared its intention to form a coalition government Won elections of the Governor of the Khabarovsk territory, the Deputy of the state Duma from LDPR Sergey Furgal plans to create a coalition government. Upstairs He said this to journalists on Wednesday after the final meeting of krajizbirkoma recognized Mr. Furgala the winner. “Will be offered to all — the Communists, United Russia, a just Russia — to provide candidates in the field must match the specified parameters. Differences on political issues and ideology will not” — he said. Furgal added that plans to cut the number of deputies from the current 21 to 8-12. In the past two rounds of elections of the Governor of Khabarovsk territory Sergey Furgal ahead of the current head of United Russia Vyacheslav Shport 40% of the vote. “Definitely what I’ll start is with pressing social issues. I will try to make

The social contract is threatened by the inequality

The social contract is threatened by the inequality The world Bank proposes to remedy the situation effective distribution and progressive tax. Upstairs The world Bank has published yesterday the report “Towards a new social contract” — the most discussed in recent years, the problem of inequality and the ways of dealing with it. The report warns that the rise in ‘unfair’ distribution of wealth threatens the stability of the social contract — and the increasing demand for “fair” redistribution of wealth, and the “polarization” of society in the voting, as the election of the President of the United States or in the event of a British exit from the EU. However, the proposed WB recipes for preserving social equilibrium is traditionally socialistic — progressive taxation and increase of efficiency in the distribution of wealth among citizens. Three chapters published yesterday a large-scale world Bank report “Towards a new social contract”

Defeat in the second round hit the HR

Defeat in the second round hit the HR “United Russia” makes the findings of the campaign. Upstairs “United Russia” summed up the results of the elections. The Secretary of the General Council of the party Andrei Turchak called the campaign “successful”, although he said the “negative background information” in connection with pension reform. In regions where nominated the party candidates lost in the second round, will be made HR conclusions. The reasons for the defeat of candidates in the second round of Governor’s elections, the United Russia discussed behind closed doors with the first Deputy head of presidential administration (AP) Sergei Kiriyenko. According to sources, “Kommersant”, the meeting was told about the inadmissibility of the game in the giveaway with the opposition since Sergey Furgal in the Khabarovsk Krai has won elections of the Governor after he passed the “contract region on elections in the state Duma”. The leadership of

Poroshenko wrong door and looked in the negotiation Lavrov

Poroshenko wrong door and looked in the negotiation Lavrov The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, participating in a session of the UN General Assembly, opened the wrong door and went to the location of the Russian delegation, the correspondent of “Kommersant”. Upstairs The Ukrainian leader was on a high-level event “Action in support of peacekeeping”. However, mistook the door and found the room allocated for the talks, the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov. Upon entering the dressing room at the negotiating Poroshenko and looked around, realizing that he is on “Russian territory”, left the room. To questions from the Russian media, he refused to answer, saying that they are all “fake news”. Sergey Lavrov touched upon the emergence of Petro Poroshenko: “I guess a toilet is messed up”. On Wednesday, Mr. Poroshenko will speak at a meeting of the General Assembly. It is expected that he will present a