Kudrin confirmed that the dolls can lead the Board

Kudrin confirmed that the dolls can lead the Board Moscow. September 27. INTERFAX.RU — the Head of audit chamber of the Russian Federation Alexey Kudrin, the outgoing head of the Board of the Center for strategic research (CSR), confirmed that his place in the CSR may take the head of the Ministry Maxim Oreshkin. Upstairs “I suppose,” said Kudrin “Interfax” on Thursday, answering the question of whether … become Chairman of the Board. The day before Kudrin has declared that will leave from the post of Chairman of the Board. A source in the financial-economic bloc of the government of the Russian Federation has informed “Interfax” that Kudrin may come.. Starting in 2016, the center for strategic research under the leadership Kudrin on behalf of President Vladimir Putin was preparing his own version of the development strategy of the Russian Federation for the period 2018-2024 years. Part of the CSR

The state Duma adopted a law on pension reform

The state Duma adopted a law on pension reform Moscow. September 27. INTERFAX.RU — the Age of retirement will be increased by five years. Upstairs The state Duma on Thursday passed in the third and final reading the law on pension reform, which provides for the gradual increase in the retirement age by five years to 65 for men and 60 for women. According to the law, the experience of which gives the right to early retirement for men will be 42 years, for women — 37 years. Cumulative pension will be paid, as in the current retirement age of 55 for women and 60 for men. The rate of indexation of pensions to retirees to protect their interests and aims to ensure that people who stop working receive a full indexation of pensions during the past period. Provided for an increase in unemployment benefits for those approaching retirement age.

In the government of Orenburg region has denied the information about possible resignation of the head of the region

In the government of Orenburg region has denied the information about possible resignation of the head of the region TASS, September 27, Deputy Governor of the region Vera Bashirov called reports by some media rumors. Upstairs Media reports about possible fast resignation of the head of the Orenburg region Yuri Berg are nothing more than rumors, said on Thursday TASS Vice-Governor — Deputy Chairman of the regional government on domestic policy Belief Bashirov. “No, it’s just rumors,” she said, answering the question whether the resignation of Berg. Today, the region is the Russian presidential envoy in Volga Federal district [Igor Komarov]. He was present at the opening of the Federal highway, any minute now will start the meeting with participation of Plenipotentiary envoy and the Governor.Vera Believedigital Chairman of the regional government on domestic policy She also explained that all activities involving Berg held according to schedule. Press Secretary of

The U.S. Treasury has recognized the impossibility to apply to Russia of tougher sanctions

The U.S. Treasury has recognized the impossibility to apply to Russia of tougher sanctions US sanctions against Russia can not be different from those which Washington has applied to Iran and the DPRK, the statement of the assistant Secretary of the Treasury Marshall Billingsley for the Subcommittee of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress on monetary policy. Upstairs “The Russian economy is too large and well-integrated into the global economy, international financial system and global supply chains, he said.— We surgically use the mechanisms of the Exchequer to maximise pressure on Russia, while minimizing accidental side effects on the United States, our European allies and the international economy”. Mr. Billingsley gives examples of sanctions against the Russian “oligarchs” Oleg Deripaska and Viktor Vekselberg and assets of RUSAL, En+ and “Renova”. From January 2017, the White house imposed sanctions against 232 individuals and legal entities, he said. Help“Draconian” measures:

The source told about the possible resignation of Governor of the Orenburg region

The source told about the possible resignation of Governor of the Orenburg region MOSCOW, 27 Sep — RIA Novosti. Orenburg region Governor Yuri Berg in the coming days can write a letter of resignation from his post, told RIA Novosti source familiar with the situation. Upstairs According to him, the change of Berg may the first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on economic policy Vladimir Gutenev. “The region is already Gutenev, together with the presidential envoy in the Volga Federal district, Komarov” — said the Agency interlocutor. While Gutenev has told RIA Novosti that nothing is heard about the possible appointment of the head of the Orenburg region. The gubernatorial reshuffle On the eve of Vladimir Putin has replaced the heads of several regions. So he appointed Sergei Morozov acting Governor of the Astrakhan region, Kazbek Kokov, the acting head of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, and the Sakhalin region Governor

The father of the Prime Minister of Poland sees no need for a US military base

The father of the Prime Minister of Poland sees no need for a US military base UN, 27 Sep — RIA Novosti. The oldest member of the Sejm of Poland, the father of Prime Minister Corneille Moravicki not see the need for the placement on its territory the American military base, he said the radio station RMF FM. Upstairs “I don’t see the need, because it’s kind of preparing us for war,” said Morawiecki. We are trying to improve relations with Russia, we try to fill the order of the Eastern policy as a positive context and not looking for an argument.Corneille Moravicki the father of Prime Minister The MP believes that Poland is the best way to Fund your army, not American. “I’d rather Polish the money spent on the Polish army, Polish soldiers, rather than American.” He also noted that the deployment of American troops in Poland would

Trump explained why his speech to the UN was met with laughter

Trump explained why his speech to the UN was met with laughter NEW YORK, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that those present in the hall during his speech at the opening of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly wasn’t laughing at him. Upstairs “They laughed not over me. They laughed with me. We were having fun. It was the laughter is not me,” said the head of the White house, explaining why it believes. During the download an error has occurred. “I was in front of a group of highly professional people, most of which are from other countries or from the UN. People who are not very inclined to applause, the applause, the smiles. I heard a small noise and said, “Our country is stronger than ever.” And so it is. And I heard a small noise. And I said, “It’s

Media reported about the four conditions of the IMF for a new loan to Ukraine

Media reported about the four conditions of the IMF for a new loan to Ukraine The international monetary Fund (IMF) Ukraine has put forward four conditions for the new loan, according to the Ukrainian newspaper “Economic truth” with reference to sources. Upstairs To obtain a loan of $5-6 billion, Kiev has to raise gas prices by 23%, to adopt a balanced budget, to carry out anti-corruption reform and reorganize the State fiscal service. The IMF in 2015 began a program of financial assistance to Ukraine. It Kiev has already received four tranches for a total of $8.7 billion, the Fifth tranche of the Ukrainian authorities expect to receive before the end of 2017, but until now have not received. Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman said earlier that failure to comply with the requirements of the IMF, including raising gas prices for the population, “put Ukraine on the brink of

Netanyahu did not rule out more serious consequences due to the collapse of the Il-20

Netanyahu did not rule out more serious consequences due to the collapse of the Il-20 The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu said that the crash of the Russian Il-20 aircraft over the Mediterranean sea could lead to more serious consequences, according to radio Kan. Upstairs “The crash of the Russian plane could have far more serious consequences”, — quotes the policy of the radio. The Prime Minister also noted that Israel plans to maintain the dialogue with Russia on the Syrian issue and will oppose the increased military presence of Iranian troops in the country. Earlier, on September 17, the Russian plane Il-20, which was carrying 15 people, disappeared from radar and crashed. The entire crew of the plane died. The Ministry of defence said that the aircraft was shot down during the attack by the Israeli fighter jets that deliberately created in the sky a dangerous situation, hiding

Vladimir Pozner: I definitely support pension reform

Vladimir Pozner: I definitely support pension reform Journalist Vladimir Pozner supports reform of the Russian government about raising the retirement age, because people in the 55-60 years “many more can work and be useful for themselves and for the country as a whole.” This opinion on 27 September he expressed in live RTVI. Upstairs According to Posner, in the modern world “very strange” that women and men retire at the age when “is still a very capable.” The journalist also noted that people have a better life, but their pension support “you need a very powerful pension Fund”. To create such a Fund, people should work and pay taxes. He sees a problem in a demographic hole, which hit Russia. “Working less, and people are aging more. And it is physically impossible to provide pensions at that age,” explained Posner. The skeptical doubts that in Russia, you must first improve