Kuchma will leave the post of representative of Ukraine in the contact group

Kuchma will leave the post of representative of Ukraine in the contact group The former President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma has decided to resign from the post of Plenipotentiary representative of Ukraine in the contact group on conflict settlement in the Donbass. It is reported TASS with reference to the representative of the Presidential Fund Kuchma. Upstairs “Leonid Danilovich decided to leave this post,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, Kuchma made this decision long due to age and the need “to give the opportunity to work with others.” Kuchma was involved in the signing of the Minsk agreements on the settlement of the conflict in the Donbass. The first Minsk Protocol was signed in September 2014 From the Russian side the document was signed by Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov, the OSCE — Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini, with the LC and the DNI in their head Igor

The Kremlin has questioned the reliability of the information about the third person involved in “business Skrypalia”

The Kremlin has questioned the reliability of the information about the third person involved in “business Skrypalia” Moscow. September 28. INTERFAX.RU — IN the Kremlin doubt the authenticity of publications about the perpetrators of the poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skipala and declare that the Russian law enforcement bodies can be connected to the investigation into the incident only after receiving the relevant materials from competent bodies of great Britain. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Asked to comment on media reports of a third suspect in the poisoning Skrobala, which, according to British media reports, is an employee of the GRU, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said In recent months the British media and in the media of other countries appears a lot of news in the “case Skrypalia”. No one can figure out which of these news are false and which are true. “Being different investigations, they are journalists, civil

Erdogan and Merkel said that will not allow its citizens to freeze because of the ambitions of the United States

Erdogan and Merkel said that will not allow its citizens to freeze because of the ambitions of the United States Turkey and Germany opposed the criticism of trump, declare “Europe’s dependence on Russia.” Upstairs Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told about the conversation between him, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Donald trump, held in July at the summit in Brussels. According to the Turkish leader, trump has condemned their European counterparts for the purchase of gas from Russia, but Merkel and Erdogan said that without Russian gas will freeze in the winter. “Trump said that we feed Russia. He was saying that we pay a lot of money to Russia for gas… I could not resist and said, “Dear Mr. President, we import 50% of our gas from Russia. If Turkey refuses to do this in the winter my citizens will just freeze,” — said Erdogan to the

The government explained the change of the calculation of pensions

The government explained the change of the calculation of pensions The project main activities of the government (UNDP) through 2024 are not affected by changes in the formula for calculating pension insurance system, explained in the Secretariat of Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova. “The wording in UNDP for a new order of indexation of pensions from 2019 in connection with the adopted amendments to the law”, — noted in the Secretariat (quoted by TASS). Upstairs Previously, the newspaper “Vedomosti” reported that the authorities plan to change the formula for calculating pension insurance. The publication drew attention to the paragraph about improving “the basic parameters of the distribution component of the pension system, taking into account demographic and economic conditions.” The interlocutor of the newspaper noted that we are talking about the cancellation of the existing Russian from 2015 point pension formula. In a press-service of the Ministry of labour RNS

The government approved the bill on funded pension in 2019

The government approved the bill on funded pension in 2019 MOSCOW, September 28 — RIA Novosti. The government approved the bill about the expected period of payment of pension in 2019, according to the website of the Cabinet. Upstairs After that, the document will submit for consideration to the state Duma. It is noted that the bill is intended to ensure citizens ‘ rights on the establishment of the pension in the compulsory insurance system.Pension changes Yesterday the state Duma adopted in final reading the law on the improvement of the pension system. The project adopted subject to the amendments proposed by the President. They are meant primarily to mitigate the decisions. In particular, the age of retirement for women is 60 years, men — 65. Also mothers with many children will be able to retire early, and the conditions of pensions for the indigenous peoples of the North will

Times: the second suspect in the poisoning Sripala will publish in a week

Times: the second suspect in the poisoning Sripala will publish in a week TASS, 28 September — According to the newspaper, talking about the identity of the suspect, known as Alexander Petrov. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The identity of one of the suspects in the poisoning Skrobala known as Alexander Petrov, will be released in the next 7-10 days. This was reported by the newspaper The Times, citing persons who reported that knowledgeable about the real names of suspects in the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury. “That revealed the identity of Colonel Chepiga, sure, that knows the real name of his younger colleagues, who used the pseudonym Alexander Petrov, and plan to publish it in 7-10 days”, — the newspaper notes. As informed earlier, the British newspaper the Daily Telegraph, under the name Ruslan Bashirov allegedly hiding a 39-year-old Colonel Anatoly Chapiha. According to her, this

The former commander Chepiga called the investigation of Bashirova schizophrenia

The former commander Chepiga called the investigation of Bashirova schizophrenia BLAGOVESHCHENSK, September 28 — RIA Novosti. Former cadet commander of the far Eastern higher military command school (DOKU) Anatoly Chepiga, which were part of the “investigation” of the poisoning of Yulia and Sergei Skripal, Chairman of regional branch DOSAAF of Russia of the Amur region Alexander Borico called “mild schizophrenia” media reports that behind this name hides Ruslan Bashirov. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий On Wednesday, the British Bellingcat project, in collaboration with Insider publishing, previously published materials, did not have a confirmation, said that the suspect was the London of involvement in the “case Skrypalia” Ruslan Bashirov “actually” is allegedly a GRU Colonel named Anatoly Chapiha. According to Insider, Anatoly Chapiha was born 5 April 1979 in the village of Nikolaevka of the Amur region, graduated from DOKU and went to serve in the 14th brigade of the GRU. According to the newspaper,

The United States called the crash of Il-20 in Syria, “a pattern of escalation that must be stopped”

The United States called the crash of Il-20 in Syria, “a pattern of escalation that must be stopped” The crash of the Russian Il-20 aircraft, which was downed over the Mediterranean sea, is a dangerous pattern of escalation of the situation in Syria, said the US special envoy on Syria, James Jeffrey on the sidelines of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “This is an example of what we are trying to avoid a larger scale… This is the scenario of escalation, which we urgently need to stop,” the diplomat said (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). According to the special representative of the United States, the incident with the Il-20 shows that the conflict in Syria to “freeze in any way possible”. Il-20 was shot down by Syrian air defense systems on September 17. The crash killed 15 people. The defense Ministry blamed the incident on Israel: according

Iran said that Israel was secretly developing nuclear weapons

Iran said that Israel was secretly developing nuclear weapons MOSCOW, September 28 — RIA Novosti. The Iranian foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has called on tel Aviv to talk about his “illegal nuclear weapons program”. It happened after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reported the discovery of a secret “nuclear warehouse” in Tehran. Upstairs “Show of arts and crafts will not hide the fact that Israel is the only regime in our region with “the secret” and “undeclared” nuclear weapons program, including “effective nuclear Arsenal.” It is time for Israel to confess and open up its illegal nuclear weapons programme to international inspection,” wrote Zarif on Twitter. The day before, speaking at the UN General Assembly, Netanyahu said about the secret warehouse with tons of nuclear equipment and materials, which was discovered by Israeli intelligence in Tehran. In proof of his words the Prime Minister has shown a satellite image, and

Constantinople explained the decision to grant autocephaly to Ukraine

Constantinople explained the decision to grant autocephaly to Ukraine The Patriarchate of Constantinople explained the decision to grant autocephaly to Ukraine. He published a 29-page text of the “Ecumenical throne and the Church of Ukraine the documents say”, which provides information from the archives proving its independence from the Moscow Patriarchate. It is reported by RIA Novosti. Upstairs Historical study was supported by the educational Fund of the Bank National Bank of Greece. It argues that Constantinople never gave the Metropolitan of Kiev, upon which the Ukrainian Church in the canonical territory of the Moscow Patriarchate. The right of ordination (priesthood), according to the document, Moscow was granted “for financial reasons”, “out of necessity” and “temporary nature”. “Official documents show that the Church of Constantinople never gave de jure rights to their canonical Church of Ukraine… Thus, the Ecumenical Patriarch has the right and obligation to exercise maternal care of