The defence Ministers of the EU approved the creation of a common intelligence school

The defence Ministers of the EU approved the creation of a common intelligence school BRUSSELS, Nov 19 — RIA Novosti, Alexander Shishlo. Defence Ministers of countries-members of EU at a meeting in Brussels approved the project of creation of the General intelligence school (JEIS), told RIA Novosti in the EU Council. Upstairs “JEIS together with the countries-members of EU centre of excellence (in the field of counterintelligence — ed.), NATO and national intelligence and security will carry out education and training in intelligence disciplines and other specific areas of the intelligence staff of the member States of the EU”, — said the Agency interlocutor. The project will involve 25 of the 28 member countries of the EU, except the UK, Denmark and Malta. The creation of a special forces the EU is one of the projects in the framework of permanent structured cooperation of the countries of the community in

The EU has threatened Russia with “targeted measures” because of the situation in the Azov sea

The EU has threatened Russia with “targeted measures” because of the situation in the Azov sea The EU will take “targeted” measures in light of the situation between Russia and Ukraine in the Azov sea, as the EU leaders do not like the behavior of Moscow, said the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini. Earlier, the Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Grigory Karasin met with the Secretary General of the European external action service Helga Schmid expressed concern with the growing military presence of Ukraine in the Azov sea. Upstairs The EU is dissatisfied with Russia’s behavior in the Azov sea and intends to apply in the near future “appropriate” measures, said the Supreme representative of the European Union for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini. This is a question that we will continue to work with member countries and EU institutions, including the adoption of appropriate targeted measures

Ukraine threatened to pull out of Interpol, Russia

Ukraine threatened to pull out of Interpol, Russia MOSCOW, Nov 19 — RIA Novosti. Kyiv may suspend membership in Interpol, if the head of the organization will be the General-the major of Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia Alexander Prokopchuk. About this Twitter wrote the Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov. Upstairs According to him, the appointment of the Russian candidate to head Interpol “is absurd and contrary to the spirit and objectives of the organization.” “If the arguments of the Ukraine and other countries will not be heard, Kiev will consider the suspension of its membership in the Interpol”, — says the publication Avakov. Earlier, Kiev has expressed dissatisfaction with the candidacy of Alexander Prokopchuk head of Interpol and accused Russia of abuse of authority of the organization. Moscow described the position of the Ukrainian side Russophobia. As stated by the head of the Duma Committee on

Putin called the priorities in the development of the Armed forces

Putin called the priorities in the development of the Armed forces BOCHAROV Ruchei, Nov 19 — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin has called a priority in the process of development of the Russian Armed forces. Upstairs The head of state noted that first of all it is necessary to improve the combat training of troops, including taking into account experience of operations in Syria. “During the maneuvers, command post exercises, Maritime campaigns need to develop increasingly complex unconventional, non-standard problems, develop the practice of snap inspections of units and formations, at the same time to keep monitoring the mobilization readiness of the Federal and regional Executive authorities and enterprises of the military-industrial complex and other sectors of the economy”, — Putin said at a meeting on military issues. “This problem we will discuss at a separate meeting, however, asked today Deputy Minister of defence, commanders-in-chief kinds, the commanders of the branches

The U.S. decision on withdrawal from the INF Treaty will not remain without response, Putin said

The U.S. decision on withdrawal from the INF Treaty will not remain without response, Putin said BOCHAROV Ruchei, Nov 19 — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin proposed to discuss Russia’s actions in connection with the US intention to withdraw from the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty). According to the President, the decision of Washington cannot remain and will not remain without response. Upstairs “As I said, we are ready to have dialogue with our American partners on this key issue and I hope that they will treat this with full responsibility,” said Putin during a meeting at UIC. The Treaty on the In October, the President of the United States Donald trump announced that Washington will come from the INF Treaty. According to him, America will increase its nuclear capability as long as the others “comes to her senses”, then Washington will be ready to

Endangered animals protected from trophy hunting

Endangered animals protected from trophy hunting The initiative of the Deputy Reznik criticized. Upstairs After the publication of “Kommersant” about the proposals of the Deputy of the state Duma Vladislav Reznik to assess the possibility of introducing in Russia the trophy hunting of red-listed animals, the Duma Committee on ecology declared that categorically against such an initiative. The deputies considered the proposal of Mr. Reznik’s “attempt to legitimize their own interest” and stated that it will not allow to realize this idea. The Minister of natural resources Dmitry Kobylkin also spoke out strongly against the hunting of animals listed in the Red book. On Monday the Duma Committee on ecology and environmental protection has objected to the possible introduction in Russia of trophy hunting for endangered animals. “They need to protect, not to shoot, — said the head of the Committee Vladimir burmatov.— No decision on the permit trophy hunting

Valentina Matvienko has proposed to introduce paid leave for medical examination

Valentina Matvienko has proposed to introduce paid leave for medical examination The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko has proposed to introduce additional paid leave to all workers, the Russians were able to pass medical examinations. “I believe that all citizens need to do this. Upstairs “To oblige employers, the business also social responsibility for the health of their employees”, — said Mrs. Matvienko at the meeting of senators with the Minister of health Veronika Skvortsova (quoted by “Interfax”). The speaker stressed that the pension reform was put before the health system new challenges. Earlier the state Duma has approved the introduction of two additional paid days off for medical examination of workers before retirement (in five years). Now it is proposed to introduce further amendments in the previous case for workers of all ages. Valentina Matvienko said that the examination “now we have to pay more attention to

Pension reform will remain in the background in the upcoming elections

Pension reform will remain in the background in the upcoming elections In the OIG noted the impact of social unrest on the voting results. Upstairs The Committee of civil initiatives (OIG) analyzed the social well-being of regions in the first half of 2018. According to experts, the situation is generally calm, including by “pre-election financial pump”. However, experts say the growth of social discontent, which began to manifest itself even before the announcement on pension reform. Although pic related protests have gone, discontent can affect the election and the following September, concluded the experts. Economic results for the first half of 2018 was in General successful, the report says the OIG. “The pre-election increase in payments to public sector employees led to statistically significant growth in wages (8%) and (at the expense of taxes to incomes of physical persons) to increase regional budgets”, — experts say. Experts, however, warn that

The North Korean threat

The North Korean threat The US authorities consider the possibility to send to the coast of the Korean Peninsula the aircraft carrier “Ronald Reagan”, F-22 fighters and a nuclear submarine. Such steps can be taken against the background of recent statements by the DPRK about a successful test of a hydrogen bomb. In 2006, 2009 and 2013 DPRK has conducted tests of nuclear warheads, but the country’s hydrogen bomb known nothing. How to change the military rhetoric of North Korea — in the photo gallery “Kommersant”. UpstairsReuters1/22 The threat of force — a favorite method of all North Korean rulers to seek and enjoy economic, financial and food aid from abroad. Whenever Pyongyang started to sound emphatic statement in the capitals of the countries concerned (especially in Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo and Washington) was preparing to record the requirements of the North Koreans and experts fended off journalists ‘ questions about

The defense Ministry showed video of the flight, the su-57 in combat in Syria

The defense Ministry showed video of the flight, the su-57 in combat in Syria Moscow. 19 Nov. INTERFAX.RU on Monday the defense Ministry for the first time released footage of the combat operation, the su-57 in Syria. UpstairsDuring the download an error has occurred. Russian fifth generation fighter, the su-57 was carried out in Syria more than a dozen flights in a real combat situation, said the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. “The flights were carried out to confirm the stated features of the newest aircraft in a real combat situation. The crews of the su-57 was completed more than 10 flights in Syria,” — said in the defense Ministry. “During the flights were in practice checked flight performance of the aircraft, intelligent information-control complex, operation of all onboard systems, including complex weapons, in conditions of high temperatures, complex underlying surface and other factors”, — said the Agency.