The DPRK blew up ten security checkpoints on the border with South Korea

The DPRK blew up ten security checkpoints on the border with South Korea Moscow. 20 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — North Korea destroyed ten security posts located in the demilitarized zone on the border with South Korea, reported on Tuesday by news Agency “Yonhap”, citing a South Korean defense Ministry. Upstairs The #SouthKoreanmilitary Thursday let the media witness the demolition of a guard post in the demilitarised zone (#DMZ) near the border with #NorthKorea. In the recent military agreement reached during the inter-Korean summit in Pyongyang, the two Koreas agreed to remov — Jeremy Song (@tezuma75) November 20, 2018 The military conducted bombings of security posts, after informing South Korea. It is reported that Pyongyang has taken this decision in order to reduce tensions in relations with Seoul and to prevent unwanted incidents escalation in the demilitarized zone. South Korea also pledged to destroy 10 guard posts on its side. While

Bloomberg reported the details of the work of the structures of Prigogine in Africa

Bloomberg reported the details of the work of the structures of Prigogine in Africa Structure businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, who the US accuses of meddling in a presidential election, seeking to “spread Russian influence” on the African continent, writes Bloomberg, citing unnamed interlocutors. Upstairs Two interviewee argued that Prigogine structures offer services for the security, weapons and political counseling to the leadership of African States in exchange for the right of mining and other opportunities. NewsRussian spin doctors will come to know Africa According to the Agency, activities of Prigogine can cover ten countries, cooperating with the Russian military. This is the Central African Republic (CAR), Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Sudan, Libya, Madagascar, Angola, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. According to one source, spin doctors Prigogine participated in the election campaign of the current President of Zimbabwe Emmerson of Mnangagwa. Now, according to the interviewees Bloomberg, Prigogine seeks to

In the United States court blocked the decree trump about illegal migrants

In the United States court blocked the decree trump about illegal migrants District court in San Francisco imposed a temporary ban on the order of the President of the United States Donald trump on the prohibition of granting asylum to illegal migrants, Reuters reports. Upstairs In November, trump signed a document limiting the granting of asylum to migrants who illegally crossed the U.S. border with Mexico. “I temporarily suspend the entry for a certain type of foreign citizens to cope with the problem of the huge number of migrants, illegally or without the necessary documents arrive in our country through the territory of Mexico” — indicating the trump. At the same time, these restrictions were kept for illegal migrants the right “to seek other forms of protection from persecution and torture.” Restrictive measures do not apply to children of migrants who arrived in the U.S. unaccompanied by their parents. Trump

In Georgia, hundreds of thousands of citizens promise to write off debts

In Georgia, hundreds of thousands of citizens promise to write off debts On the eve of the second round of the presidential elections in Georgia, the government announced that more than 600 thousand citizens will forgive their debts. The opposition had previously made a similar initiative, but announced the decision called the election a sham and a trick of the authorities. Upstairs To nullify debts more than 600 thousand citizens who find themselves in the so-called black list, promised the Prime Minister of Georgia Mamuka Bakhtadze. Debt relief a total amount of about half a billion lari (about half a million dollars), according to the Prime Minister, will begin December 15 and will be completed before the new year. The debt will cover the Foundation “Kartu” founded by the Chairman of the ruling party Bidzina Ivanishvili. The government say that we are talking about the citizens whose debt does not

Khinshtein sues Zhirinovsky over insulting in the program Solovyov

Khinshtein sues Zhirinovsky over insulting in the program Solovyov Moscow. 20 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — state Duma Deputy, ex-Advisor to the Director of Regardie Alexander Khinshtein said that supplies the LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky in court for insults in his address on one of the shows. Upstairs “Received the answer of the ethics Commission to my complaint on Zhirinovsky. It’s not even evasion, and trolling of some kind. As colleagues left me with no other choice, I will apply for Zhirinovsky in court,” wrote Khinshtein in his Twitter. Received the Commission @dumagovru ethics to my complaint on Zhirinovsky. It’s not even evasion, and trolling of some kind. As colleagues left me with no other choice, I will apply for Zhirinovsky in court. — Alexander Khinshtein (@Khinshtein) November 20, 2018 Newsthe Manager of the President told about the menu in the cafeterias of the state Duma and the Federation Council Earlier

Ivanka trump used personal email to send official letters, breaking the rules of the White house

Ivanka trump used personal email to send official letters, breaking the rules of the White house The same Donald trump accused Hillary Clinton during the time of the race in the United States in 2016. Upstairs Daughter and adviser Ivanka trump used personal email for official correspondence, thus violating the rules of circulation of Federal documents. About the newspaper the Washington Post. According to sources, during the greater part of 2017 Ivanka discussed the issues related to work in the White house, using the mail address registered on the common with her husband Jared Kushner domain. Who, how and why listening on the phone trump?29 octaborate Guardian reported on the surveillance of Czechoslovakia for Donald Трампом26 oktabraskaya house has denied the information about the NYT wiretapping Трампа25 Oktyabrya Chinese foreign Ministry invited the Tramp to replace your iPhone for Huawei Legal consultant Ivanka Peter he confirmed that she was indeed

US senators compared the candidate of Russia for the post of head of the Interpol the Fox in the henhouse

US senators compared the candidate of Russia for the post of head of the Interpol the Fox in the henhouse A group of us senators urged the administration of US President Donald trump and members of the General Assembly of Interpol to act against the candidacy of Russian Alexander Prokopchuk as the head of the international police. Upstairs “The election of the new President of Interpol, major-General Alexander Prokopchuk is akin to the idea to put Fox at the head of the henhouse,” — said in a statement, the senators published on the website of Republican Roger Wicker. The newsmedia reported the disappearance of the head of Interpol Signatures under the appeal also raised by Republican Marco Rubio and Democrats Jen Shaheen and Chris Koons. According to them, Russia is regularly abusing Interpol to settle accounts with political opponents, to persecute dissidents and journalists. The senators believe that Mr. Prokopchuk

WP: trump intends to declare Venezuela a country-sponsor of terrorism

WP: trump intends to declare Venezuela a country-sponsor of terrorism WASHINGTON, November 20. /TASS/ — this step will allow the Finance Ministry to impose restrictions against those legal entities and individuals as well as States that trade with Caracas. Upstairs The us administration is preparing to declare Venezuela a state sponsor of terrorism, putting it alongside such countries as Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria. This was announced on Monday, the Washington Post, citing sources in the U.S. government. The newspaper gave no details as to when may be declared on the appropriate step and what action may follow. The newspaper’s sources refused to confirm that the decision to include Venezuela in the list was finally accepted, but they explained that in recent days the state Department has requested a response to the potential step from various government agencies. The foreign Ministry did not comment on these data. The inclusion

Reuters: Saudi crown Prince want to take the throne because of the case Kalkaji

Reuters: Saudi crown Prince want to take the throne because of the case Kalkaji TASS, 20 Nov — According to the Agency, another reason for the opposition Mohammed bin Salman is the acquisition of Russian air defense systems s-400. Upstairs Members of the Royal family of Saudi Arabia was opposed to Prince Mohammad bin Salman al Saud inherited the throne because of allegations of involvement in the murder of Jamal Hackage. On Tuesday Reuters reported, citing three sources close to the Royal court. According to them, dozens of princes and cousins are going to prevent the ascent of the crown Prince to the throne. They will not do while alive his father, 82-year-old king Salman bin Abdul Aziz al Saud. As one of the sources, the Royal family intends to support only brother of king Salman, Prince Ahmed. High-ranking U.S. officials also supported his candidacy as the successor, said the

Source: EU may expand blacklist over Ukraine because of the elections in the Donbass

Source: EU may expand blacklist over Ukraine because of the elections in the Donbass BRUSSELS, 19 November. /Offset. TASS / — the Elections in the LPR and the DPR were held on November 11. Upstairs The EU may expand blacklist over Ukraine as a result of the November 11 elections in self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk national republics (DND and LNR). About it journalists were reported by the European source on the sidelines of the meeting of the EU Council, held on Monday in Brussels. We can expect consideration of the expansion of the black list in connection with the situation in the East of Ukraine, in particular, because of the so-called elections. 11 November in the Donbass, the election of the heads LNR and DND and the deputies of unicameral parliaments — the people’s councils. The decision to conduct them was made after the death in the attack of the