Regardie explained the purchase of machinery with the laser emitters of the fight against terrorism

Regardie explained the purchase of machinery with the laser emitters of the fight against terrorism Moscow. 21 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Cars equipped with sound and light effects will be used in counter-terrorist operations, reported Wednesday the “Interfax” Agency spokesman Valery Gribakin. Upstairs He said that the system “is designed to create acoustic and other disturbances during counter-terrorism operations.” Gribakin added that “the procured equipment is not a weapon”. Previously, from materials procurement, it became known that Regardie plans to buy cars equipped with systems of laser radiation. There are two vans that are equipped with an integrated non-lethal effects (CCNV). They provide acoustic impact and also equipped with means for laser radiation. To purchase the Agency plans to spend 65 million 286 thousand rubles. The media in this case reported that the system can be used in the suppression of riots. Later, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov

Regardie armed “Gazelle” with lasers

Regardie armed “Gazelle” with lasers Regardie bought two “Gazelle”, equipped with systems of integrated and non-lethal effects (CKNW) that includes laser emitters. This is according to the procurement website. Upstairs The Agency should obtain the vehicle until the end of November. The car is designed “to create certain behavioral responses from offenders”, the state contract concluded amounting to more than 65 million rubles. CKNW designed to stop and immobilize the perpetrator or offender. For this purpose, a powerful acoustic signals (over 135 decibel peak load) and luminous flux higher than 20 thousand lumens or laser radiation, aiming acting on the retina of the eye. The simultaneous use of all options causes paralysis of the Central nervous system for a period of about 180 seconds or more. While serious consequences for the organism does not occur (other than spontaneous bowel movement). In addition, the effect causes involuntary panic and a desire

The Japanese entered into a territorial dispute with themselves

The Japanese entered into a territorial dispute with themselves Part of the population willing to make concessions, and the top of the ruling party — no. Наверх20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий The softening of the position of the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe on the Kuril Islands, threatens to cause a split in the elites and society. Japanese citizens demonstrated their support for Mr Abe to solve the territorial issue with Russia step by step, on the basis of the 1956 Declaration. This follows from the polls conducted by the Asahi Shimbun, the Sankei Shimbun and Fuji TV channel. It was opposed by the Secretary General of the ruling liberal democratic party (LDP), Toshihiro Nikai, the name change, the country’s position “unacceptable.” Activists in Sakhalin, meanwhile, has started collecting signatures against any form of territorial concessions to Japan. 64,9% of survey participants, conducted by the newspaper Sankei Shimbun and Fuji TV station, supported

Putin want to dress in military uniform to raise his rating

Putin want to dress in military uniform to raise his rating In the government are seriously discussing the idea to put the President, Ministers and the entire civil service in the uniforms or paramilitary form. Supporters of the idea believe that it will help solve the problem of power ratings, the sources of RTVI. Upstairs UPD. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov on a question RTVI said that the Kremlin had not heard about this initiative. To see Vladimir Putin, dressed in military would like, for example, security forces. “The President is the commander in chief. He has a right to wear military uniform. If it is in certain cases will wear shoulder straps, all will benefit from this,” said RTVI source in the defense Ministry. Until now, stylists, Vladimir Putin advised him a variety of clothes. On formal occasions he appears in the clothing business style, the exercises,

The United States accused Russian hackers in new attack

The United States accused Russian hackers in new attack The us company Palo Alto Networks engaged in the systems of cyber security, announced the discovery of several cyber attacks from the hacker group APT28, also known as Fancy Bear or Sofacy, they have the attitude to Russia. Upstairs Palo Alto Networks has discovered a sample of the infected document that was used in the phishing emails of the group in October and early November of this year for “a number of state agencies, including North America, Europe and countries of the former USSR”. Therefore, hackers can retrieve information from the computer of the recipient. According to the company, АРТ28 known “constant development of its mechanisms”. So Palo Alto Networks noticed that the company began to use the program, which experts have called the Cannon. The program is unique in that it has a “low” chance of detection.

Sanctions await children

Sanctions await children What problems faced the heirs of Russian citizens caught in the American lists. Upstairs The heirs of the defendants in the sanctions list of the United States “inevitably will face difficulties of transition” to him American rights to the assets and property of their parents, the report said Pen & Paper. For disposition of blocked property will be required to achieve the exclusion of the deceased person from the list. This procedure can take years, according to the study. Children of Russian politicians and businessmen against whom sanctions were imposed, the United States, “inevitably expect difficulties in exercising their rights” when inheriting U.S. assets of the parents, said in a research report of the lawyer of Pen & Paper, an expert on sanctions law Anton Imanova. “The question of inheritance sanctions and assets the sanctioned individuals were not investigated, — he explained “Kommersant”.— Many have not yet

The Russians have not elected President of Interpol

The Russians have not elected President of Interpol The new President of Interpol elected the representative of South Korea Kim Jong Ian, the press service of the international organization on Twitter. Upstairs Another candidate for the position was Vice-President of the organization, the General-the major of police of Russia Alexander Prokopchuk. The Times newspaper wrote that Russian was considered a contender for the position. However, against his election were made by Lithuania and Ukraine, which threatened to pull out of Interpol if it will be headed by a Russian. The President of Interpol is elected for a term of two years. The previous head of the organization man Hongwei resigned after were arrested in China on suspicion of corruption. See also: US Senators compared the candidate of Russia for the post of head of the Interpol the Fox in the henhouse

FNS will not penalize self-employed for tax evasion in 2019

FNS will not penalize self-employed for tax evasion in 2019 The Federal tax service during the year does not plan to penalize self-employed for tax evasion in connection with the introduction of a new tax regime for this category of citizens. This was announced by the head of the Department Mikhail Mishustin at the meeting with Vladimir Putin. Upstairs “I want to refrain from fines in order to watch for the year, how this situation will be used self-employed,” — said Mishustin in the conversation with the President. He promised to report to the head of state, “about all the nuances to be found”, reports RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin approved the proposal. Mishustin stressed that the new regime will not increase the tax burden, and will be one of the opportunities for self-employed taxpayers. On 15 November the state Duma adopted in the third final reading a package of laws

The projects presented to gebretensae

The projects presented to gebretensae The state Council is encouraged to recognize only implemented four of them. Upstairs The state Council working group before its meeting on 23 November made observations and claims the priority national projects. One of the housing and, when allocated to the funding recognized as unenforceable, the four executable, from a direct assessment of the other nine regions, whose opinion on the projects and a determination will be made by the state Council, declined. One of the main problems is the systemic incompatibility of the principle of “targets” in the national projects and the system of standards on which to build the activities of the state now. The meeting of the state Council (recall from 2000, is a consultative body under the President to coordinate the work of Federal and regional Executive government) on 23 November will be devoted to discussion of the national projects the

Putin: FNS and FTS need to receive from foreign colleagues the value of goods

Putin: FNS and FTS need to receive from foreign colleagues the value of goods The President of Russia Vladimir Putin proposed the Federal tax (FTS) and the Federal customs (FCS) services to negotiate with foreign partners to receive from them objective data on the cost of goods, which are exported to Russia. Upstairs “You need to agree with our partners that we work together with customs it could take into account”, — he said at a meeting with the head of the FTS Mikhail Mishustin. Head FNS Michael Mishustin in the meeting spoke about the increase in volume of transfers in the consolidated budget of 15.6 trillion rubles, compared with the same period last year the growth was 22.9%. According to him, half of the increase in taxes “is non-oil revenues”, including the tax on extraction of mineral resources.