AP: trump allowed the military to open fire on the border with Mexico

AP: trump allowed the military to open fire on the border with Mexico TASS, November 22. The US President Donald trump said that he gave permission to the military on the border with Mexico if necessary to open fire on defeat. This was announced on Thursday the Agency Associated Press (AP), citing the briefing of the President. Наверх15фотографий15фотографий15фотографийя hope that they don’t have (to shoot to kill — approx. TASS), but I have no choice, because they deal with rude people. The President also noted that the US can close the border with Mexico for an indefinite period in the case if the administration decides that Mexico lost control of the situation with the “caravan of migrants”. “We will close the entry into the country throughout the border [with Mexico], if you decide that the situation is out of control,” he said. Previously, the newspaper the Military Times, citing its

The Russian army is recognized as one of the strongest in the world

The Russian army is recognized as one of the strongest in the world MOSCOW, 22 Nov — RIA Novosti. The Russian army took the second place in the ranking of the strongest Armed forces in the world, published on the portal Business Insider. Наверх18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий The experts took into account more than 50 indicators, including the diversity of available equipment, mobilization capacity, level of industrial development, natural resources and other factors. Priority was given to nuclear powers and NATO. In the absence of the fleet from countries that are not landlocked, points were not deducted. The leader of the rating were the United States. The number of us troops — about two million people (active and reservists). In the army nearly six thousand tanks, slightly more than 13 thousand aircraft, including about two thousand fighters, 415 ships of the Navy. The defense budget of the United States reaches 647 billion dollars.

Putin in the military Technopolis “Era” showed the dictionary and saperskoy superpotency

Putin in the military Technopolis “Era” showed the dictionary and saperskoy superpotency The Russian President admired the latest developments of Russian scientists in the field of defense. Upstairs The President of Russia Vladimir Putin visited the new science centre (Technopolis) “Era” in Anapa. The President showed the latest Russian scientific achievements, for example, part of a special saperskoy uniforms — armored boots that protect military personnel in demining operations. During the visit to the scientific center, Putin also participated in a small linguistic debate about the validity of the stress in the word “support”. Linguistic dispute between Putin and Shoigu took place in Anapa. Judged dictionary Dahl. After the demonstration Shoigu, Putin patted him on the shoulder with the words: “I told you so.” pic.twitter.com/XKVmnEgtY8 — Kremlin RIA Poole (@Kremlinpool_RIA) November 22, 2018 Putin in Technopolis “Era” saw the electronic version of the famous words of Vladimir Dahl. Cadet, representing

Peskov not confirmed the discussion of new grounds for a nuclear strike

Peskov not confirmed the discussion of new grounds for a nuclear strike Moscow. 22 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that he knew nothing that in Russia, the discussion was conducted relative to the new bases for the use of nuclear weapons, except those that are recorded in official documents and mentioned by President Vladimir Putin. Upstairs “Recently, the President listed the reasons that can become the basis for the use of nuclear weapons that a concept is recorded in the Russian Federation. I do not know that now there are some discussions in terms of further improvement of this argument,” said Sands. “We don’t have our concept of using nuclear weapons pre-emptive strike. Our concept is a retaliatory strike,” — said Putin, speaking on 18 October at the Valdai forum in Sochi. The Russian leader stressed that this means that Russia is ready to

Volodin called on 20 December a possible date for a big press conference Putin

Volodin called on 20 December a possible date for a big press conference Putin Moscow. 22 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — a Large press conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin could take place on 20 December, the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin at the meeting on Thursday. Upstairs The deputies agreed to hold the last plenary meeting of the autumn session on December 19. Previously, the final meeting was planned for 20 August. Volodin explained that the day is released due to the fact that “we see from the media, and yesterday asked such questions — perhaps there will be a press conference of the President (this day)”. “When landmark events in the political life of the country, as a rule, they are all politicians at the TV,” said the speaker. “Therefore, we understand that the deputies would be torn (between the plenary and the desire to hear the answers

The Kremlin did not rule out holding a press conference by Putin on 20 December

The Kremlin did not rule out holding a press conference by Putin on 20 December MOSCOW, 22 Nov — RIA Novosti. In the Kremlin do not exclude holding a large press conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin on 20 December, the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs Earlier Thursday, speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin said that in the state Duma decided to postpone the last plenary session of autumn session, with 20 to December 19 due to a possible realization of the press conference Putin. “I do not exclude that, when the time comes, we will notify the date,” — said Peskov. Earlier on Monday, the Sands reported that the traditional big press conference Putin held in December.

The EU and UK have agreed on a draft Declaration on relations after Brexit

The EU and UK have agreed on a draft Declaration on relations after Brexit Moscow. 22 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Now the document needs to be examined by EU leaders. Upstairs Representatives of the London and Brussels agreed on a draft Declaration on future relations between the UK and the EU, said Thursday the President of the European Council Donald Tusk. “The European Commission President has informed me that the project was coordinated at the level of negotiators. It was agreed at the political level, now it will have to approve the leaders (the EU — Interfax)”, — Tusk wrote on Twitter. November 14 after a five-hour discussion, the Cabinet of Ministers of the United Kingdom approved the text of the agreement on Brexit. It was reported that the document was the third of the members of the government. The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, earlier announced that he

Chinese foreign Ministry hopes that the scandal with Dolce & Gabbana will not be diplomatic

Chinese foreign Ministry hopes that the scandal with Dolce & Gabbana will not be diplomatic BEIJING, 22 Nov — RIA Novosti. China hopes that the scandal with the world famous Italian fashion brand Dolce&Gabbana will not escalate into diplomatic, said on Thursday foreign Ministry spokesman China Geng Shuang. Upstairs A day earlier, Dolce&Gabbana has been in the center of a scandal in China because of the commercials a fashion show in Shanghai and reviews claiming to be from one of the founders of the brand. The company was accused of racism and sexism, and the show had to be cancelled. The scandal erupted when the official accounts of the brand in social networks was published video that the Chinese model eating with chopsticks Italian dishes — pizza, pasta and cannoli, while the male voice gives her advice on how to cope better with a challenge, “playing on double meanings.” This

Shoigu expressed his condolences in connection with death of head of the GRU

Shoigu expressed his condolences in connection with death of head of the GRU MOSCOW, November 22. /TASS/ Igor Korobov died on 63 th year of life after heavy and long illness. Upstairs The Minister of defence of the Russian Federation General of the army Sergei Shoigu expressed his condolences to the families of the deceased on Tuesday the chief of the Main intelligence Directorate of the General staff of armed forces Colonel-General Igor Korobov, told reporters on Thursday the Russian defense Ministry. “Defense Minister army General Sergei Shoigu on behalf of the leadership of the military Department expressed condolences to the family of Colonel-General Igor Korobov V.”, — said the defense Ministry. The chief of the GRU, died 21 November 2018 on 63-m to year of life after heavy and long illness. Korobov was born on 3 August 1956 in the city of Vyazma in Smolensk region. He served in

Russia regrets that SWIFT cut off of Iran from the system

Russia regrets that SWIFT cut off of Iran from the system MOSCOW, 22 Nov — RIA Novosti. Moscow regrets that SWIFT, submitting illegitimate U.S. sanctions have cut off Iran from the system, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Upstairs “We regret that located in Brussels, the society for worldwide interbank financial communication channels — SWIFT obeyed illegitimate anti-Iran sanctions by the administration (Donald) trump in November and reportedly shut down several banks and credit institutions of Iran, including the Central Bank of this state, from using the shared system for transmitting financial messages,” she said. SWIFT previously reported that suspends the access of Iranian banks to the system exchange data. The decision was made on the backdrop of US withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal and restore their sanctions against Iran. SWIFT — international interbank transfer system information and make payments. Its cofounders are 248 banks