The detainee in the U.S. Butinai deteriorated condition

The detainee in the U.S. Butinai deteriorated condition WASHINGTON, November 28 — RIA Novosti. The state of health of the Russian Maria Butunoi that 67 days is in solitary confinement in prison in the U.S. has worsened, the Embassy of the Russian Federation. Upstairs “Recently, the Russian was transferred to the regime of administrative segregation. The prison administration refuses to provide reasons for discriminatory measures. Isolation for 22 hours a day and has triggered the deterioration of her health. Maria has frequent bouts of claustrophobia”, — stated in the message of the Embassy on the page in Facebook. The Embassy said that in an extraordinary manner, visited Butino, which has already spent 67 days in complete isolation, which is the excess of the limits established by so-called “rules of Nelson Mandela” is the United Nations standard minimum rules on the treatment of prisoners. “Protested the prison authorities in connection with

In the US, citizens of Russia and Kazakhstan accused of fraud on the Internet

In the US, citizens of Russia and Kazakhstan accused of fraud on the Internet US authorities have charged six Russians and two citizens of Kazakhstan in digital fraud is. According to the Prosecutor’s office in the Eastern district of new York, they are accused of causing “damage to the tens of millions of dollars.” Upstairs The charges charged in absentia Russians — Alexander Zhukov, Boris Timokhino, Denis Avdeev, Dmitry Novikov, Alexander Isaev and Mikhail Andreev, and also the citizens of Kazakhstan — Evgeny Timchenko and Sergei Ovsyanikov. In a statement on the website of the Prosecutor’s office States that the Lord Ovsyannikov, beetles, and Timchenko, was arrested in Malaysia, Bulgaria and Estonia, respectively. They are awaiting extradition to the US, the other suspects are on the loose. It was alleged in the court documents, the defendants used sophisticated computer programs and infrastructure around the world for fraud in the digital

Trump has threatened to cancel the meeting with Putin over the conflict with Ukraine

Trump has threatened to cancel the meeting with Putin over the conflict with Ukraine The US President Donald trump may cancel a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the conflict between Moscow and Ukraine in the Kerch Strait. About this American leader said in an interview with The Washington Post. Upstairs According to him, he’s waiting for a full report on the incident from your team dealing with national security issues. It [the report] will be decisive. Maybe I will not make this meeting. I don’t like aggression. I really don’t want aggression. Earlier, on 27 November a bilateral meeting of Russian and American presidents announced by press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders. Adviser to trump John Bolton said that the agenda will, in particular, security issues and arms control. Answering the question about whether to discuss the incident in the Kerch Strait, Bolton did not directly

The state Department urged Europe to carefully follow the sanctions against Russia

The state Department urged Europe to carefully follow the sanctions against Russia WASHINGTON, November 28 — RIA Novosti. Europe needs to make its sanctions imposed against Russia because of the situation around Ukraine, more efficient, said state Department spokesman Heather Nauert. Upstairs “Many European countries have imposed sanctions against Russia over its actions in Crimea in Ukraine. As I said experts, not all of these sanctions are fully implemented. This is one aspect where European countries can do more,” said Nauert at the briefing. We wish our European allies to do more to help Ukraine. The US government takes a very strong stance on her support… I don’t want to say that the United States bear the burden, but they deal with this issue mostly alone. Nauert also said that European countries must go through “Nord stream-2”, needs to think again, if he needed it, as this project “helps the

The Embassy warned the Russians about the mass refusal of entry to Ukraine

The Embassy warned the Russians about the mass refusal of entry to Ukraine MOSCOW, 27 Nov — RIA Novosti. The state border service of Ukraine started to deny Russians entry into the country, according to the website of the Russian Embassy in Kiev. Upstairs However, such failures occur despite the observance of Russian citizens of all requirements noted in the Embassy. “In addition, representatives of the Ukrainian authorities intentionally prolong the duration of test events. From explanations of the reasons for such restrictions, the Ukrainian side has refrained”, — stated in the message. The Embassy has sent the Ukrainian foreign Ministry a note asking for an explanation of the “mass” of non-admission of Russians, and also to stop the “discriminatory actions” by Ukrainian border guards. Previously, the state border service of Ukraine reported that the Agency refused entry to the country more than 75 citizens of Russia in the airports

The Federation Council said that Russia is not planning a war with Ukraine

The Federation Council said that Russia is not planning a war with Ukraine Moscow. 27 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — According to the head of the international Affairs Committee, Konstantin Kosachev, Russian Federation by definition does not consider war with Ukraine as perspective. Upstairs Russia does not consider war as a term in relations with Ukraine, said the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. “The President of Ukraine with masochistic pleasure preparing Ukraine for war with Russia, which our country has never, at any stage not seen and, by definition, does not consider how the perspective in the relations with neighbouring Ukraine,” Kosachev told Interfax on Tuesday, commenting on the statement of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko about the threat of full-scale war with Russia. Poroshenko is a President of war. He came to power through an armed coup and he will not give up power

The court in the Crimea arrested three Ukrainian sailors

The court in the Crimea arrested three Ukrainian sailors Moscow. 27 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Kerch city court decided to arrest for two months, three sailors from the ships of naval forces of Ukraine who were detained in the Kerch Strait. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “Kerch town court of the Republic of Crimea satisfied the petition of the Deputy chief of investigatory Department UFSB of Russia on Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol on election of a measure of restraint in form of detention in respect of three citizens of Ukraine suspected of committing a crime under part 3 of article 322 of the criminal code (illegal crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation) for a period of two months”, — stated in the message of the court. The names of the sailors in a press release stated. As reported earlier Tuesday, the Kiev court of Simferopol on Tuesday arrested until 25

Trump plans to conduct with Putin bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit

Trump plans to conduct with Putin bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit WASHINGTON, November 27. /TASS/ — the US President will also hold meetings with the leaders of Argentina and China, the Prime Minister of Japan and the Chancellor of Germany. Upstairs The President of the United States Donald trump is planning to hold a bilateral meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Argentina. This statement was made by press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders on Tuesday during a briefing for journalists. “The President will hold bilateral meetings with the President of Argentina, President of Russia, Prime Minister of Japan, Chancellor of Germany, as well as a working lunch with the leader of China,” she said. The meeting of the presidents of the USA and Russia on the sidelines of the summit in Argentina will be the development

Poroshenko told about the unsuccessful attempt to talk with Putin

Poroshenko told about the unsuccessful attempt to talk with Putin President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that immediately after the incident in the Black sea tried to contact Russian President Vladimir Putin, but Moscow has not responded to the request of Kiev. Upstairs According to Poroshenko, he appealed to German Chancellor Angela Merkel to speak to Putin about the immediate release of captured Ukrainian sailors. Putin’s press Secretary Dmitry Peskov confirmed to TASS that “any telephone contacts between the presidents was not.” On Sunday evening, 25 November, Russian border guards attacked three Ukrainian warships, which followed in the Azov sea through the Kerch Strait. According to the FSB, the court held in the Russian territorial waters without prior notice and did not respond to requests of the Russian side. Kiev assured that advance notice of the movement of ships. All ships were 24 citizens of Ukraine, three of them were

In Russia opened a criminal case in connection with the attacks on the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ukraine

In Russia opened a criminal case in connection with the attacks on the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ukraine Moscow. 27 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Russian investigators opened two criminal cases about an attack on the Russian Embassy in Kiev and Consulate General in Kharkiv. This was reported by “Interfax” on Tuesday the official representative of the Investigative Committee (IC) Svetlana Petrenko. Upstairs “The main investigative Department of SK of Russia brought two criminal cases on signs of the crime provided by part 2 of article 360 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (an attack on persons or establishment which use the international protection)”, she said. According to her, according to investigators, on 25 and 26 November an unidentified person, acting intentionally, by a group of persons upon prior conspiracy of complications of international relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, attacked the building of the Russian Embassy in Ukraine