The Kremlin hopes to make peace with Greece after the spy scandal

The Kremlin hopes to make peace with Greece after the spy scandal The Kremlin hopes that the visit to Moscow Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras, is scheduled for December 7, will complete the “atypical period” in Russian-Greek relations. The journalists said the Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov. Upstairs “This situation is of concern, since such failures not long ago we watched in our relationship. It’s a shame that this year was supposed to hold the festivities, which were to be dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of friendship and cooperation, and activities that had marked the 190th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations,” — said Ushakov. According to him, Tsipras can expect talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The last time the policy was dated more than a year ago, in may 2017, after relations between the two countries came the “unusual period,”

Kyiv was declared wanted by the eight Russian citizens involved in the arrest of Ukrainian sailors

Kyiv was declared wanted by the eight Russian citizens involved in the arrest of Ukrainian sailors KYIV, 4 Dec. /TASS/. The Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine was declared wanted by the eight Russian citizens involved in the arrest of Ukrainian seamen for the violation of the state border in the Kerch Strait. On Tuesday I reported a press-the Secretary of the attorney-General Larisa Sargan. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “The results of the investigation of reported suspected eight people. Currently obtained a court order to arrest these suspects with the purpose of the actuator for the consideration of petitions for election of a preventive measure in the form of detention”, — she wrote on the page in Facebook. In particular, declared wanted the head of the FSB in the Crimea and Sevastopol rear Admiral Sergei Stankevich, Deputy head of the Border service of FSB of the Russian Federation Gennady Medvedev, the chief of service of

Ushakov: trump himself approached Putin at the G20 summit

Ushakov: trump himself approached Putin at the G20 summit Conversation of presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald trump “on his feet” during the G20 summit occurred after the American leader himself approached the Russian. This was announced by Putin aide Yuri Ushakov. Upstairs According to him, the conversation took place at a reception in honor of leaders of the countries participating in the G20 and lasted 10-15 minutes. Discussed only the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the Kerch Strait and the overall situation in Ukraine, Ushakov said, adding that “can not reveal everything.” Our President detail as can be had for 10-15 minutes, explained our assessment of the incident and the US President listened carefully to our arguments.Yuri Useconomic of the President of the Russian Federation For the Kremlin’s refusal trump from the full length of the meeting was “a slap in the face” and did not cause resentment, said

Poroshenko called the detainees in Russia sailors prisoners of war

Poroshenko called the detainees in Russia sailors prisoners of war The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko at the meeting with the families of the detained Ukrainian sailors said that Moscow has no right to judge them because they are prisoners of war. Upstairs “Not a Russian kangaroo court to judge our guys! They are on the status under the Geneva Convention, prisoners of war are not within the jurisdiction of any court of the Kremlin. Why? There is no truth, no justice, no law,” — quoted Poroshenko in his official Twitter. We will remind, on November 25, Russian border guards detained in the Kerch Strait Ukrainian ship with 24 crew members. The FSB claims that they crossed temporarily closed the Russian border. In connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait, the Ukrainian authorities imposed martial law 10 regions and banned Russian men from 16 to 60 years of age

The public Council of the Ministry of defense to discuss the issue of membership BRILYOV in December

The public Council of the Ministry of defense to discuss the issue of membership BRILYOV in December MOSCOW, December 4. /TASS/. The Charter of the Public Council under the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation does not prohibit dual nationality to members of the Association, however, the question of membership of the journalist Sergei BRILYOV in connection with presence at it citizenship of the UK could be raised at the next Council meeting in December. Upstairs In an interview with radio station “Moscow speaking” on Tuesday, said the Chairman of the Public Council at the Ministry of defence of Russia Pavel Gusev. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov on the meeting with students of MGIMO did not rule out that shaving may be required to leave the Public Council under the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation in connection with presence at it citizenship of

Merkel has once again become the most influential woman of the year according to Forbes

Merkel has once again become the most influential woman of the year according to Forbes The only Russian in the ranking was the Chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina. Upstairs Moscow. 4 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Forbes Magazine has published on Tuesday the list of the 100 most powerful women in 2018, led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The second position was taken by the British Prime Minister Theresa may and the head of the IMF Christine Lagarde. The only Russian in the list was the Governor of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina, she was ranked 49th place in the ranking, ahead of singers Beyonce and Taylor swift, the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini and tennis player Serena Williams. On the 23rd place in the list magazine placed the British Queen Elizabeth II, and on the 24th is the daughter of the President of the United States and

The city Council was unable to locate a traveling Deputy Sergey Kargin

The city Council was unable to locate a traveling Deputy Sergey Kargin Chairman of the Duma of Nizhni Novgorod Dmitry Barykin told reporters that the machine was not able to find 27-year-old Deputy Sergei Kargin, who in December 2017 does not appear at the meeting and does not participate in the work of the city Parliament. Upstairs “Allegedly from him to the Duma came in a strange way delivered a statement of resignation of Deputy powers. Can say carrier pigeon they were taken or how the Harry Potter — owl brought. We searched, called, trying to figure out whether you really want to get out of deputies: it is necessary to personally appear and make a statement, at least at the meeting of the city Council to seem. But the phone Sergei Kargin not responding, disabled. Parents claim that he left to travel,” said the speaker. We will remind, in

The Church became the object of searches

The Church became the object of searches Continue searches of Ministers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate (UOC). If the law enforcement officers visited the home of the rector (Governor) of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, now investigative actions are held in Zhytomyr and Ovruch dioceses. Upstairs In the Zhytomyr and Ovruch dioceses of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate are searched. The security Service of Ukraine (SBU) reported that it has already spent “eight raids on religious institutions, the places of residence of the individual representatives of the dioceses and in the Kiev publishing house that printed products are made by order of the UOC-MP”. These investigations, at the request of the special services connected with the criminal proceedings under article 161 of the Ukrainian criminal code (violation of equality of citizens depending on their race, national origin, religious belief, disability and other grounds). The penalty includes up to five

The French authorities made concessions to the “yellow jackets”

The French authorities made concessions to the “yellow jackets” PARIS, 4 Dec — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. The French authorities introduced a six-month moratorium on the increase in fuel taxes in the background sweeping the country protests. Наверх19фотографий19фотографий19фотографий “The violence must stop. The President of the Republic (Emmanuel Macron) took the following decision. Three tax measures that were supposed to enter into force from January 1,… After consultation for a period of six months I freeze these tax measures will not be accepted without discussion with all parties,” said Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, live French TV channels. He stressed that “no taxes can’t jeopardize the unity of the nation”. During the download an error has occurred. Among the measures, which imposed the moratorium were, in particular, the increase in fuel prices, a comparison of taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel. It was planned since 1 January change in tax on

The Tver officials filed a train to temple

The Tver officials filed a train to temple Governor Igor Rudenya took their subordinates for the Liturgy of the Patriarch. Upstairs Nearly 200 of the Tver officials and deputies on December 4 went to the divine Liturgy Patriarch Kirill, dedicated to the 700th anniversary of the feat of Prince Mikhail of Tver. To refuse was impossible, in spite of faith or belonging to a denomination. The Liturgy itself was to be held in Tver, but at this time do not have time to restore Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral founded by the Prince. According to analysts, such a trip away power from voters. Newsof the Ural hunters officials gave thanks pedicure sets Early on the morning of December 4, nearly 200 officials and deputies of the Tver region on specially ordered “Swallow” went to Moscow at the divine Liturgy the Patriarch in the Uspensky Cathedral of the Kremlin. The trip was organized by