Armenian citizens voted for a new Parliament

Armenian citizens voted for a new Parliament YEREVAN, December 9. /TASS/. Citizens of Armenia re-elected in Sunday of deputies of the National Assembly just eighteen months after the previous parliamentary elections. Upstairs According to preliminary data of the CEC, after processing data from 134 plots in the legislature is likely to pass the four political forces — the block acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinian of “My step”, the party “prosperous Armenia”, the “Enlightened Armenia” and the nationalist party “Dashnaktsutyun”. As predicted by political analysts, the unit leader of the incident in the spring “velvet revolution” Pashinian is in the lead with an impressive margin — and it is gaining 66,37% of the votes and his closest rival — the party of businessman Gagik Tsarukyan, “prosperous Armenia” — 10,62%. The “ARF” — 8.43 percent, the “Enlightened Armenia” and the former ruling Republican party of Armenia numbers fluctuate on the

CEC published the first data

CEC published the first data Moscow. 9 Dec. INTERFAX.RU Led by acting Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan’s election block “step” is leading in the early parliamentary elections held on Sunday. Upstairs According to the electronic scoreboard of the Central electoral Commission, party election bloc “My step”, according to 29 of the 2010 polling, gaining 1 362 thousand voices or 59,71%. Led by ex-President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan of the opposition Republican party, proclaimed the intention of becoming the second political force in the new Parliament, gaining 116 votes or of 5.09%.

Naryshkin told how to get on the SVR and GRU

Naryshkin told how to get on the SVR and GRU Director of the foreign intelligence Service (SVR) Sergei Naryshkin said that his office does not compete with the GRU (Main intelligence Directorate, is currently the Main Directorate of the General staff of the Russian armed forces). He stated this in the “actors with Naila Asker-zade” on TV channel “Russia 1 Upstairs According to him, the SVR and the GRU not only compete, but help each other in work. We have great respect for our colleagues. It’s talented people. We share experience, we share intelligence, help each other. So call it a competition — well, no. Previously Naryshkin said as he met with Putin. See also: Military intelligence is determined by prospects Putin proposed to restore the name for a GRU military intelligence of Russia

Naryshkin said as he met with Putin

Naryshkin said as he met with Putin MOSCOW, 9 Dec — RIA Novosti. The head of the foreign intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin said that he met his future Russian leader Vladimir Putin in 1980 during his service in the Leningrad KGB. Upstairs About it it is told in the actors with Naila Asker-zade” on TV channel “Russia 1”. In 1978 Naryshkin graduated from the Leningrad mechanical Institute. According to him, almost immediately after that he was sent to Moscow for a two-year study at the Higher school of the KGB. Currently it is called the Academy of the FSB. As told the head of the SVR, two years later, he returned to Leningrad and started rebuttal in the intelligence division of the Leningrad KGB. According to him, Putin also took place there service. Thus, Naryshkin a year studying with the future President. See also: Naryshkin told how to get on

France is investigating the alleged involvement of Russia to the protests of the “yellow jackets”

France is investigating the alleged involvement of Russia to the protests of the “yellow jackets” MOSCOW, 9 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Minister of foreign Affairs of France Jean-Yves Le Drian said that the General Secretariat for defence and national security (SGDSN) conducts an investigation about the alleged involvement of Russia to the protests in the country. Наверх20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий The Times newspaper previously reported that the social networking site Twitter has hundreds of accounts allegedly related to Russia, which, according to the newspaper, the daily published more than 1.5 thousand messages to “zoom in street protests” in France. It was noted that the accounts “were spreading disinformation, using pictures of injured protesters and other protests to exaggerate the facts about the brutality of the French police”. “I heard the rumors. Now the General Secretariat for defence and national security are investigating. Look at the results of this investigation. I won’t judge

The American Ambassador was summoned to the foreign Ministry of China

The American Ambassador was summoned to the foreign Ministry of China BEIJING, 9 Dec — RIA Novosti. Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of China Le Yucheng called the U.S. Ambassador, who made a submission in connection with the arrest of the Treasurer of Huawei Meng Wanzhou, said the foreign Ministry. Upstairs The diplomat thanked Ambassador Terry Branstad strong protest. Earlier it became known that the man Wanzhou is the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Janvey and Deputy Chairman of the management Board of the company was arrested in the canadian city of Vancouver on December 1. Its extradition request of the USA on suspicion in violation of us trade sanctions against Iran. Embassy of China in Canada called the detention a gross violation of human rights and has made a submission to both the US and Canada. On the eve of China promised Canada serious consequences if the top Manager

Naryshkin said that Russia is ready to dialogue with the West

Naryshkin said that Russia is ready to dialogue with the West MOSCOW, December 9. /TASS/ — However, according to Director of the SVR, this dialogue should be equal. Upstairs Russia is ready to dialogue and cooperation with countries in the West, but this dialogue should be equal. This was stated by Director of the foreign intelligence Service (SVR) Russia Sergey Naryshkin in an interview to TV channel “Russia 1”, aired on Sunday. Russia is open to dialogue, open to cooperation, and engaging in dialogue. But for us one thing is clear that this dialogue should be equal. Naturally, we can’t afford to talk with us, with Russia. Read also: Lavrov laugh hall compared policies of the West with adultery

In Paris urged Washington not to interfere in the internal Affairs of France

In Paris urged Washington not to interfere in the internal Affairs of France PARIS, 9 Dec. /TASS/ — the head of the White house Donald trump claimed earlier that the French want to see their President. Наверх18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий The US should not interfere in the internal politics of France, said on Sunday foreign Minister of France Jean-Yves Le Drian, commenting on the US President Donald trump about the situation in the country. “I say to Donald Trump, and the President of the Republic told him: “We are not interfering in the American debate, and you let us live our life,” said Le Drian in an interview to LCI. According to him, “do not pay attention to those statements, as the majority of Americans do not support the cancellation of trump from the Paris climate agreement”. Earlier, the US President, commenting on the events in France, argued in his Twitter that the

Mei believes that the rejection by the Parliament of the Brussels deal will put at risk Brexit

Mei believes that the rejection by the Parliament of the Brussels deal will put at risk Brexit LONDON, 9 Dec. /TASS/ — the Prime Minister said that the refusal of the house of Commons to support the government’s draft agreement on Brexit would dip the country “in uncharted waters” would have created a highly uncertain political situation. Upstairs Prime Minister Theresa may believes that if the Parliament rejects agreed upon by the government is a deal with Brussels on the terms of the country’s withdrawal from the EU, it will put Brexit threat will lead to political risks. She stated this in an interview with The Mail on Sunday. According to the head of the government, the refusal of the house of Commons to support the government’s draft agreement on Brexit would dip the country “in uncharted waters”, that is, would create a highly uncertain political situation. This would mean

SBU has accused Russia of unrest in France

SBU has accused Russia of unrest in France The security Service of Ukraine said that Russia could be involved in protests and riots in France. This message was posted on December 9, the page of the office Facebook Наверх19фотографий19фотографий19фотографий A proof of the SBU showed a picture of Paris where two men in yellow jackets are holding the flag of the Donetsk people’s Republic. According to the Agency, the photograph captures Fabrice Sorlin, a member of the analytical centre “Katechon” and Xavier Moreau, which in 2013 is allegedly a citizen of Russia and a member of the public organization “East France” Solidarity “Donbass”. During the download an error has occurred. SBU also accused the Federal security service of Russia and the Main Directorate of the Russian General staff in the leadership of the “right-wing radicals” in France, and stated that the Russian intelligence services can organize such provocations in Belgium,