Bi-bi-si it requires to prove “Russian interference” in the protests in France

Bi-bi-si it requires to prove “Russian interference” in the protests in France MOSCOW, 16 Dec — RIA Novosti. The editors of the Russian service Bi-bi-si requires employees of any evidence of “Russian meddling” in the protests of “yellow jackets” in France. This employee bi-Bi-si has told in correspondence with one of the correspondents, which covers the action in Paris. Upstairs So, the journalist bi-Bi-si was trying to find out whether Moscow has any connection to the protests in the French capital. The reporter explained to her that he had not seen at meetings any Russians. However, the employee Bi-bi-si, this response did not satisfy. “Maybe some Russian business is welded on this one for now okay?” she asked. The reporter just laughed in response. As explained by journalist Bi-bi-si, she needs to “find corners” to prove Moscow’s intervention as a “revision requires blood.” The protests in France The action “yellow

WEF confirmed the participation of the Russian delegation at the Davos forum

WEF confirmed the participation of the Russian delegation at the Davos forum The headquarters of the world economic forum (WEF) in Geneva has confirmed the participation of the Russian delegation at the Davos forum. It is reported that the delegation will include Russian businessmen placed under sanctions. Upstairs “We are pleased that Russia will send a high-level delegation to Davos. In order to address urgent global problems, we need all stakeholders at the annual meeting”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” managing Director of VEF Aloys Zwinggi. Earlier, the WEF refused to invite to the winter session of Davos three Russians included in the sanctions lists of the USA. It was about Oleg Deripaska, Viktor Vekselberg and Andrey Kostin. According to “Kommersant”, the forum organizers refused to accept their payment for participation in the event. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia will not participate in the forum if the restrictions are

Kosachev said the US announcement of Nord Stream 2 interference in the Affairs of sovereign partners

Kosachev said the US announcement of Nord Stream 2 interference in the Affairs of sovereign partners MOSCOW, December 16. /TASS/ — the Senator stressed that “such line is directly contrary to the interests of Russia and interests of any non-US satellites”. Upstairs Appeals from the United States to Germany to abandon the construction of the pipeline “Nord stream — 2”, as well as to the European Union with a proposal to unite against the “Russian aggression” constitutes interference in the Affairs of sovereign partners. This opinion was expressed on Sunday, the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. “A categorical statement by the USA on the “Nord stream — 2” with a call for Germany to abandon it, and to the European Union to close ranks “against Russian aggression” is a blatant and unceremonious interference in the Affairs of sovereign partners that the United States have

Volodin questioned the legitimacy of the “unifying Council” in Ukraine

Volodin questioned the legitimacy of the “unifying Council” in Ukraine Moscow. 16 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin considers the questionable legitimacy of the so-called unification of the Cathedral in Ukraine, because it gathered representatives of all the Orthodox of this country. Upstairs “The legitimacy of the decision on autocephaly, taken in Kiev, is questionable. It is obvious that the unification Council did not take place, simply due to the lack of it on all sides, which had to come to an agreement”, — said Volodin told reporters. “That’s why making statements personally Petro Poroshenko, not the hierarchs of the Church,” he added. According to him, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, announcing the so-called autocephaly, “destroys the already standing on the brink of contention in the Ukrainian society”. The speaker noted that Poroshenko indifferent to the future of congregations and millions of believers of Ukraine.

The creation of the “Ukrainian Autocephalous Church”. Help

The creation of the “Ukrainian Autocephalous Church”. Help In April 2018, the representatives of the unrecognized Orthodox churches of Ukraine — Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC-KP) and the Autocephalous Church (UAOC), Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko and the Verkhovna Rada of the country sent to the address of the Patriarchate of Constantinople a petition for the creation of the “Autocephalous Church.” Upstairs 9 APR 2018 Petro Poroshenko met in Turkey with Patriarch Bartholomew and the members of the Synod of this Church, then said that “Ukraine is closer than ever to having its own Autocephalous national Church. This is testified by the position of the Ecumenical Patriarch and members of the Synod.” 22 APR 2018 President of Ukraine it was stated that the Patriarchate of Constantinople begins the procedure necessary to create the uniform local Autocephalous Church. In July 2018 in Kiev took place the celebration of the 1030-th anniversary of the baptism

Named the date of delivery to Ukraine of the Tomos of autocephaly

Named the date of delivery to Ukraine of the Tomos of autocephaly The Tomos of autocephaly Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will present Ukraine on January 6. This was told in the press service of the Patriarchate on Saturday, December 15. Upstairs “Patriarch Bartholomew has invited the Metropolitan of the Epiphany on 6 January to give him the Tomos of autocephaly”, — quotes the message of RT. It is noted that the meeting of Patriarch with Patriarch “of the local Church of Ukraine,” the Epiphany will be held in Istanbul where is located the residence of the Ecumenical Patriarch. On 15 December Ukraine held a “unification Council”, which was initiated by President of Ukraine Poroshenko and Bartholomew. Primate “of the local Church of Ukraine” was elected Bishop Epiphanius with the title “Metropolitan of Kiev”. The largest split of the Church for 1000 лет15, decaborate announced the creation of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox

The United States welcomed the EU’s decision on the “Nord stream — 2” and the extension of sanctions against Russia

The United States welcomed the EU’s decision on the “Nord stream — 2” and the extension of sanctions against Russia WASHINGTON, 16 Dec. /TASS/. The United States welcomed on Saturday the European Parliament resolution on Ukraine and the “Nord stream — 2”, and the decision of heads of state and government of the European Union to extend by six months the sectoral economic sanctions against Russia. This is stated in a written statement released by the Deputy head of the press service of the state Department Robert Palladino. Upstairs According to him, “the United States welcomes recent steps of the EU and its member countries to attract Russia to justice for the aggression against Ukraine.” The diplomat mentioned, among them the European Parliament resolution of 12 December, which “reaffirms the important role of Ukraine in the European energy system and condemns the construction of the Kremlin-backed pipeline “Nord stream —

In Primorye, opened more than 1.5 thousand polling stations

In Primorye, opened more than 1.5 thousand polling stations VLADIVOSTOK, December 16. /TASS/. More than 1.5 thousand polling stations opened in Primorye, where in Sunday’s repeat elections of the Governor of the region. Upstairs In the list of candidates for the post of the head of region four contenders: Andrey Andreichenko (LDPR), Oleg Kozhemyako (the independent candidate), Alex Timchenko (Batch growth) and rose Chemerys (“For women of Russia”). “In Primorye 1311 stationary sites, shipping more than 200, there are also areas in places of temporary stay, such as hospitals, military units and others . The total number of plots — more than 1.5 thousand”, — TASS was told by the Secretary of the regional election Commission Natalia Kamaeva. According to the electoral Commission of Primorye, July 1, in the region of 1 million 456 thousand 292 voters. Polling stations are open on Sunday from 08:00 to 20:00 local time (01:00

The us Navy predicted the defeat in the war with Russia

The us Navy predicted the defeat in the war with Russia In the event of war with Russia or China, the United States may lose because of obsolete equipment. On Saturday, December 15, writes the journal The National Interest, citing a report of the Center for strategic and budgetary assessments (CSBA). Upstairs “If the American fleet would not be able to transform its aircraft carrier group, then the management of the Navy should reconsider whether to continue funding the wings of carrier-based aircraft or to allocate funds fleet to ensure a more important military units”, — quotes the text of the publication “RIA Novosti”. CSBA drew attention to the reduction of the combat power of the US fleet after the USSR collapse, lack of a credible opponent. So, in carrier battle groups was decommissioned fourth generation fighter Grumman F-14 Tomcat carrier-based ASW aircraft, the Lockheed S-3 Viking. They were replaced

Putin supported the creation of separate sections for different areas of the Council for culture

Putin supported the creation of separate sections for different areas of the Council for culture SAINT PETERSBURG, December 15. /TASS/. This will help make the body more substantive, said the head of state. Upstairs The President of Russia Vladimir Putin considers the interesting possibility of separate sections in different directions in the Council for culture and the arts. This approach, in his opinion, can make the work more substantive. “As for sections, I think it’s interesting, you have to think about it, the President said, commenting on the idea of the General Director of the Moscow Philharmonic Alexei.. — Because maybe our work would be more objective”. In the course of the meeting. proposed to create the Council for the culture section in the areas of culture, which, together with the regions would work on specific tasks. “I would like to suggest to consider the possibility of the formation of