Poroshenko will dismiss civil servants due to relatives in the Crimea

Poroshenko will dismiss civil servants due to relatives in the Crimea The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko instructed to check all public servants for any family with Russian citizenship. He stated this during a press conference in Kiev, which led the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. Upstairs According to him, public service work, many employees who have relatives in the Crimea. The head of state urged to pay special attention to law enforcement and investigative agencies. Check civil servants must be engaged in the security Service of Ukraine. The results of the investigation, such individuals will be dismissed. “Once that’s completed and I’ll have the grounds [for dismissal of civil servants], I will not be”, — he stressed. Earlier in December, the counterintelligence of SBU found that the civil wife and the daughter of the first Deputy head of the foreign intelligence Service Sergei Semochko have Russian citizenship. A criminal case

Yabloko is aiming to the regions and the Duma

Yabloko is aiming to the regions and the Duma “Apple” should get representation in Parliament following the state Duma elections of 2021. This is the task of the party on December 15-16, put it, the Federal Council. Apple in the next two years during the regional campaigns, we want to prove that “start to win” but to ensure victories, the party plans a “change of generations” and the establishment of communication with the public. The expert doubts that the liberal “Yabloko” fit in “conservative for change” that exists in Russian society. Upstairs The Federal Council of Yabloko announced “major reform” within the party. It provides a generational change, a change of working methods (public, citizens, business, media) while maintaining the installations of the “Yabloko” on the idea of “social liberalism, democratic values and European political culture.” “Our goal is to return to the Parliament”, — said the Chairman of the

At the election of the Governor of Primorye defeated Oleg Kozhemyako

At the election of the Governor of Primorye defeated Oleg Kozhemyako Acting Governor of Primorsky Krai Oleg Kozhemyako won re-election. After processing 99.94% of ballots he received 61,88% of the vote, according to the CEC. Upstairs The candidate from LDPR Andrey Andreichenko scored 25,17%, Alexey Timchenko from the Party of growth of 5.17%, rose Chemerys from the party “For women of Russia” — 3,8%. Gubernatorial elections in Primorye took place again. In the single voting day September 9 the region has not revealed the winner. In the second round, which was held on September 16, came the acting Governor Andrei Tarasenko (United Russia) and the candidate from the Communist party Andrei Ishchenko. The results of the second round was cancelled due to numerous violations during the voting. Then Tarasenko resigned, his place was appointed Kozhemyako, who went on elections as the independent candidate. And Ishchenko were not admitted to the

In DND reported about the clashes with the scouts APU

In DND reported about the clashes with the scouts APU MOSCOW, 16 Dec — RIA Novosti. The armed forces of Ukraine attempted to approach the positions of DPR units in the North of the breakaway Republic and were rebuffed. The journalists said the representative of the militia DND Daniel Bessonov. Upstairs According to him, the collision occurred at night near the village Verkhnetoretskoye. Two groups of Ukrainian scouts headed towards the position of the militia. Our observers in a timely manner, revealed the approaching enemy and small arms fire forced him to abandon the task. The result of a failed RAID five Ukrainian scouts were injured. Security officers moved technique Besson also said that the Ukrainian military has deployed four su-25 aircraft to Donetsk region — airfield airfield Melitopol to Berdyansk. “We do not rule out that including these stormtroopers will be used by Ukraine for fire support of the

In Minsk, said Lukashenko held a meeting on independence

In Minsk, said Lukashenko held a meeting on independence MINSK, 16 Dec — RIA Novosti. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has not held any meetings on the topic of independence of the Republic allegedly “under pressure” from Russia. This was reported by RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the President Natalia Eismont. Upstairs Earlier, several media outlets, citing a source reported that Lukashenka met with top officials in a closed meeting. The country’s leaders allegedly discussed the issue of independence in “the face of pressure from the Russian side”. It was noted that the meeting decided “to stand for independence.” On Friday the President of Belarus, speaking to Russian media, said that the country’s sovereignty is sacred, and promised to prevent its loss. The Belarusian leader said that, if you want a Republic “divided into region and return to Russia, this will never happen”. According to Lukashenko, the tax maneuver in the

In France on Saturday to protest detained more than 350 people

In France on Saturday to protest detained more than 350 people PARIS, 16 Dec — RIA Novosti. Police arrested 351 of a man during Saturday’s protest “yellow jackets” in France, reports channel BFMTV. Upstairs It is noted that 242 people from among the detainees were taken into custody. Earlier it was reported that Paris was arrested nearly 180 people. Nine people were injured. The fifth campaign of the “yellow jackets” was much quieter previous, the number of its participants has decreased. According to police, throughout France, the number of protesters amounted to 33.5 thousand, as of December 8, the stock was attended by 77 thousand people. Gilets jaunes: retour sur cinq semaines de mobilisation pic.twitter.com/KpcHXzp9hD — BFMTV (@BFMTV) 16 Dec 2018 The protest movement of the so-called “yellow jackets”, the speakers, in particular, against the increase in gasoline prices that began in France on November 17. Mass protests across the

Poroshenko said that the UN will consider the Ukrainian draft resolution on the sea of Azov

Poroshenko said that the UN will consider the Ukrainian draft resolution on the sea of Azov Moscow. 16 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — According to Ukrainian President, already 41 countries agreed to be co-sponsors of the resolution. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said Monday at the UN General Assembly is to vote on submitted by Ukraine the draft resolution of the United Nations in connection with the militarization of the Black and Azov seas. “On December 17 in new York at the UN will consider the draft UN resolution in connection with the militarization of the Black and Azov seas… as of two hours ago, 41 countries have already agreed to be sponsors of the resolution. We hope that this strong enough tomorrow the General Assembly will be voted”, — said Poroshenko at a press conference in Kiev. Russian border guards on 25 November with a weapon detained near the

The new President of Georgia has avoided opposition accompaniment

The new President of Georgia has avoided opposition accompaniment Salome Zurabishvili has vowed not to accept the “Russian occupation”. Upstairs In the town of Telavi, in Eastern Georgia, on Sunday held a ceremony of inauguration of the fifth President of the country Salome Zurabishvili. The “United opposition” and its leader Grigory Vashadze, the loser Zurabishvili following two rounds of presidential elections, tried to stage near the Royal Palace, where the inauguration took place, a protest rally, but the police did not allow the opposition into the city, blocking all roads from Tbilisi to Telavi. In a speech immediately after the swearing in, Mrs. Zurabishvili promised “not to tolerate Russian occupation” and called Russia “a neighbor of the Caucasus”, who needs to learn civilized norms of relations with the Caucasian States. Simultaneously with the inauguration came into force a new Constitution, according to which Georgia finally transformed from a presidential into

Lukashenko discussed with the officials of “Russian pressure”

Lukashenko discussed with the officials of “Russian pressure” President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko held a closed meeting with the participation of senior officials, the newspaper informs “Nasha Niva” with reference to two sources. The meeting discussed “pressure on the Russian side”. Upstairs “Had a great meeting with the President. (It was said.- “B”) to the end to stand for independence. Everyone supported it,” said one of the sources. According to the newspaper, some officials during a meeting of the proposed “tax maneuvers to not answer meetings, and reforms”. Sources also report that among the assignments were more than “closely” monitoring the information field. The Russian government begins 2019 tax maneuver, which is the gradual abolition of export duties on oil and oil products (from the current 30% is five percentage points per year for six years) with the simultaneous increase in mineral extraction tax. According to estimates of the Ministry

The foreign Ministry will turn to the OSCE for the message about trying bi-Bi-si to link the protests in France with Russia

The foreign Ministry will turn to the OSCE for the message about trying bi-Bi-si to link the protests in France with Russia MOSCOW, December 16. /TASS/ — the Official representative of the Russian depodesta Maria Zakharova called the actions of the journalist bi-Bi-si “it is absolutely outrageous fact.” Upstairs The foreign Ministry intends to ask the Organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE) because of reports about the attempts of journalists the British broadcasting Corporation bi-Bi-si to prove the involvement of Russia to the protests in France. This was stated on Sunday on air of TV channel “Russia-24” the official representative of the Ministry Maria Zakharova. Earlier, several media outlets reported that the correspondent Bi-bi-si in correspondence with one of the stringers, working on coverage of the protests in France, tried to find evidence linking Russia to the movement of the “yellow jackets.” Demonstrations in France are from 17