The foreign Ministry called for the preservation of the INF Treaty

The foreign Ministry called for the preservation of the INF Treaty MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. Moscow is categorically against the collapse of the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty), it is necessary to save, for that the Russian Federation intends to pass a resolution in the UN General Assembly, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. Upstairs He noted that Moscow is against the US initiative to extend the agreement for China, North Korea and Iran. We advocate that the Treaty must be preserved, it is the entire international community has repeatedly recognized as one of the cornerstones of international security and strategic stability. “We are literally today, the UN will be the second time trying to hold a General Assembly resolution that would have called for the preservation of this Treaty,” — said the Minister on radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. He added that

Peskov explained the importance of the transition to domestic hostility situation in the world

Peskov explained the importance of the transition to domestic hostility situation in the world MOSCOW, December 17. /TASS/ — thus a press-the Secretary of the President does not think that Russian software can now completely replace foreign. Upstairs Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov is confident that the domestic state-owned companies will move to the Russian software, although noted some difficulties in this process. NewsSmartphone of national importance. Who will work on import substitution Android and iPhone? “First and foremost is the issue of cybersecurity and cybersurveillance [the passage of the domestic software]. We live in a time when for the sake of politics can be deactivated or can be voiced threats to disable the whole global services. This, of course, is unacceptable, and to live peacefully in such a hostile environment, of course, need to maintain self-sufficiency in key areas”, — explained the representative of the

Lavrov said about the plans of Ukraine to arrange a provocation on the border with the Crimea in December

Lavrov said about the plans of Ukraine to arrange a provocation on the border with the Crimea in December The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in the last week of December, plans to organize an armed provocation on the border with the Crimea, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov on air of radio station “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. As noted by the foreign Minister, Russia will not allow violation of rights of residents of Crimea. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографийон (the President of Ukraine.— “B”) will get a response — will not find our country — our borders. We will not allow that he was trying to defend their own interests and to violate those rights which the Crimean protection in full compliance with international law.Sergey Lavrov, Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia According to him, installed regime in Ukraine “has all the features of a neo-Nazi.” “We are not at war

Media: the US decided not to guide through the Northern sea route your icebreaker

Media: the US decided not to guide through the Northern sea route your icebreaker TASS, 17 Dec — As reported by Business Insider, citing the ex-commander US Coast guard Admiral Paul Zukunft, Washington fears that the ice breaker will be damaged and then you have to ask for help from Russia. Upstairs The US decided not to guide through the Northern sea route its only heavy icebreaker for fear that it will be released in the time of the expedition down and then you have to ask for help Russia. This was announced by the us online publication Business Insider, citing the statements of the former commander of the US Coast guard Admiral Paul Zukunft. It 1 Jun has replaced on this post of Admiral Karl Schultz. “When I was a commander, a representative of the national security Council at the White house contacted me and said the following: “We

WP has published part of a report on “Russian intervention”, which ordered the intelligence Committee of the U.S. Senate

WP has published part of a report on “Russian intervention”, which ordered the intelligence Committee of the U.S. Senate The University of Oxford and analysts Graphika found evidence of alleged Russian interference in the American elections in 2016. Part of the report, which ordered the select Committee on intelligence, U.S. Senate, December 16 was published by the Washington Post. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий Analysts analyzed dozens of accounts on Twitter, Facebook and instagram that link with the “Agency of Internet research” (or “trolls”). The authors of the report noted that the activity on all these sites has increased during the election campaign of 2016. Media: “#Russia’s disinformation campaign … used every major social media platform … to help elect @realDonaldTrump— and worked even harder to support him while in office.” @craigtimberg @TonyRomm @washingtonpost obtained a copy of the report. — Porter Anderson (@Porter_Anderson) August 17, 2018 The report States that the

WP learned about the preparation of the US government to shut down

WP learned about the preparation of the US government to shut down Disputes between Democrats and Republicans around the budget bill may cause the partial suspension of the work of the White house and U.S. government agencies. Preparing for such a scenario began of the us authorities, writes The Washington Post. Upstairs The work of the administration can be partly suspended on 22 December due to the expiry of the relevant resolution. The debate is about cost of $5 billion for the construction of the wall on the border of USA and Mexico due to the influx of illegal migrants. The promise to build the wall was part of the campaign promises of U.S. President Donald trump. The Chairman of the Committee on appropriations of the Senate Richard Shelby expressed the hope that the Congress will manage to agree to postpone the government shutdown. The budgets of agencies had to

The head of government of the Sakhalin region Shcherbina resigned

The head of government of the Sakhalin region Shcherbina resigned YUZHNO-SAKHALINSK, 17 Dec. /TASS/. The Chairman of Sakhalin region government Vera Shcherbina resigned, said on Monday TASS in the press service of the regional government. Upstairs “Yes, she [Vera Shcherbina] has resigned at own will”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Acting Chairman of the government of Sakhalin region appointed Alexey Belik. He previously held the position of Deputy Chairman of the regional government.

Turnout at the repeated elections of the head of Primorye made up of 46.35%

Turnout at the repeated elections of the head of Primorye made up of 46.35% VLADIVOSTOK, December 17. /TASS/. Turnout at the repeated elections of the Governor of Primorye, which took place on Sunday, made up of 46.35%. This was reported to journalists by the Secretary of the regional election Commission Natalia Kamaeva. Upstairs “According to 100% of precinct election commissions that were entered into the SAS “Vybory”, the voter turnout made up of 46.35%, in absolute terms, in the elections participated 680 098 thousand voters,” said Kamaeva. The results of the last in September 2018, the second round of elections of the head of Primorsky Krai was invalidated by the provincial election Commission due to numerous violations. Participated in interim then acting Governor of the region Andrey Tarasenko resigned shortly after the abolition of the voting results. He also refused to participate in the new elections. In late September the

Strategic missile forces until the end of the year will receive about one hundred new weapons

Strategic missile forces until the end of the year will receive about one hundred new weapons MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. Strategic rocket forces (RVSN) Russia will have until the end of the year about 100 new weapons, including missile complexes “YARS”, said the commander of the strategic missile forces Sergei Karakayev. Upstairs “Until the end of the year, the army planned to put about 100 new weapons, among which the missile complexes “YARS” stationary and mobile bases,” Karakayev said in an interview with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation “Red Star”. The resulting technology will allow to complete re-equipment of the regiment in Yoshkar-Ola missile division, to continue the rearmament of Kozelsk connection and to increase the share of modern weapons in the grouping of the strategic missile forces to 70% (it is planned that the Armed Forces as a whole should reach that level by the

In Britain turned against migrants from Europe

In Britain turned against migrants from Europe Britain will toughen the rules of entry of workers from EU countries. About it reports The Times. Upstairs According to the publication, the project for the abolition of the freedom of movement of labour in the EU, and simplified entry into the territory of the Kingdom after December 2020 will soon be presented to the interior Minister Sajid Javid. According to him, immigration from EU countries should be reduced by 80 percent, the maximum number of migrants may not be higher than 15-25 thousand people. It is noted that the plan on the admission of highly skilled workers will be reduced from 15 thousand to 11 thousand people, workers of average qualification — from 18.5 thousand to 4.5 thousand. Also entry will be denied to the majority of low-skilled workers. “We are going to fully control those who can come to the UK,