Press conference of Vladimir Putin

Press conference of Vladimir Putin The most important thing. About nuclear war: “the Danger of such developments in the world somehow obscured, leaves. It seems impossible or something not so important. Meanwhile, if God forbid, something similar occurs, it can lead to the death of an entire civilization, and maybe the entire planet. Therefore, the issues are serious, and it is very unfortunate that this trend of underestimation is the place to be and increases. Of course, it will be necessary to ensure its security some steps. Let then not a peep about the fact that we will achieve some benefits. We don’t benefits achieve and maintain balance and provide safety.” During the download an error has occurred. On gasoline prices: “might be some kind of adjustment associated with the VAT rise in early January, and I don’t think it will be significant. Really should be a mild correction in

Trump spoke about the work done for Russia’s work in Syria

Trump spoke about the work done for Russia’s work in Syria President Donald trump said that the US army is in Syria doing the work of Russia, Iran and the Syrian government. He wrote about this in his Twitter. “Russia, Iran, Syria and other enemies of the Islamic state (the terrorist organization “Islamic state” banned in Russia — approx. “Of the”) in the region. We were doing their work. It’s time to go home,” said the American leader. He noted that the decision on the withdrawal of troops from Syria was not unexpected. “I’ve advocated it for years, and six months ago, when I publicly stated this, I agreed to leave the troops there a little longer,” he added. Then the American President continued: “Does the US want to play the role of policeman in the middle East and NOTHING to gain, to lose precious lives and trillions of

The U.S. Senate has declared the lynching crime

The U.S. Senate has declared the lynching crime The American senators have approved a bill that recognizes lynching as a crime. This is the website of the U.S. Congress. The document was adopted unanimously. Now it must be approved by the House of representatives before it is signed by the President. If the law passes, the penalty for a suspect in a crime without trial will face a life sentence. . The initiators of the amendments made by three senators of African Americans. The bill proposes to consider the lynching of an “absolute form of racism in the United States.” NewsSlaves are dumb. In the slave markets traded in Libya migrants The authors of the term “lynching” is usually considered two — person district judge Charles Lynch and captain William Lynch (the majority believes that the author of the term still Charles Lynch). The term refers to the period of

Putin: the Internet will continue to support positive content

Putin: the Internet will continue to support positive content MOSCOW, 20 Dec — RIA Novosti. State support for the creation of positive content in the Russian segment of the Internet exists and will continue, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. “About support of the Russian segment of the Internet. Yes, that’s right, it should be done, and we do it. We grant there are, can not remember how many, but hundreds of millions of rubles. In General, this activity stands out like 400 million. So do it and will continue,” — said Putin at a press conference.

Putin called the youth support present day and future of Russia

Putin called the youth support present day and future of Russia MOSCOW, 20 Dec — RIA Novosti. Youth is the backbone of present day and future of Russia, said Russian President Vladimir Putin, answering a question on Russian youth during the annual big press conference. “And if you take volunteers? There are thousands of them. And the guys who are engaged in search activities? Also thousands. And we have here this layer is enormous depth. And it’s all young people, is the backbone of present day and future of Russia”, — said the President. “There are young scientists, and talented artists and musicians, including rappers,” said he. During the download an error has occurred. See also: “Let not squeak”: Vladimir Putin about a nuclear war, the Russian feature and breakthrough

Putin urged the doubters in the may decrees “to make room for optimists”

Putin urged the doubters in the may decrees “to make room for optimists” President Vladimir Putin during the annual big press conference explained the feasibility of establishing national projects, which some experts believe is impossible. The issue of national projects, the launch of which gave supercat President, was asked by the news Agency TASS. She asked, is it possible to run these projects, and how well-researched criteria. You need to understand, they (officials) can handle this or not? Of course, the question. And I said “it’s impossible”, but it is said by those who must achieve results. Let them not think that, let them work on the execution. And if you feel that you are not able to fulfill, then let free places for those who are optimistic and ready to work.Mr Putinprime Russia “Yes, some question whether they do. But we need a break. We need to jump into

“Then do not let squeak”

“Then do not let squeak” Vladimir Putin about a nuclear war, the Russian feature and breakthrough. Vladimir Putin once again held a big press conference This time the world trade Center gathered more than 1,700 journalists — so many that organizers had to ask the press not to bring posters larger than A3 size. Posters and signs journalists are usually trying to attract the attention of the President. Curiously, the press conference is the Day of workers of the Federal security service (professional holiday FSB, FSO and other special services), and after talking with the press, Putin will go to the gala evening on the occasion of this date. “Let’s move on to your questions and my attempts to answer them,” — said Putin. On the feasibility of natsproekty make me say a few words about the feasibility of the projects. We need a breakthrough. We need to jump into

Fourteenth Putin holds a Big press conference

Fourteenth Putin holds a Big press conference Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a traditional Big press conference. At a press conference accredited a record number of journalists — 1702. During the download an error has occurred. Big press conference is taking place at the world trade Center on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment. The press conference will be the first since the accession of Putin to the presidency for a new term in may of this year and the fourteenth since 2001. In an interview with TV channel “Russia 24” press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that in this year there were a record number of accredited journalists — 1702. “We really fix the increased interest at the Federal, regional and international media,” he said. He said that 99.9% of journalists who asked for accreditation, got it. There were only a few refusals for security reasons: “So, unfortunately, it happens: people

France decided to stay in Syria

France decided to stay in Syria France will maintain a military presence in Syria despite the US decision to withdraw its military. This statement was made by Minister for European Affairs at the French Ministry of foreign Affairs Nathalie Loiseau, reports RIA Novosti. According to her, while the French military will remain in Syria, as the fight against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) remains a key. “It has been made great progress, it is true, we have done much in Syria, along with the coalition, but the struggle continues, we will continue,” said Loiseau. The Minister stressed that Europe needs “to make decisions independent of the United States, as it has its own priorities.” “We must again consider the need to maintain strategic autonomy in decision-making in Europe. When we are faced with a direct threat, we must decide and act independently,” she said. Prior

In Japan, declassified materials of talks with the US on the Kuril Islands in 1960

In Japan, declassified materials of talks with the US on the Kuril Islands in 1960 TOKYO, 20 Dec — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. The Japanese foreign Ministry has declassified materials on the negotiations on the Kuril Islands with the United States in 1960. It follows that, Nobusuke Kishi, who was then Prime Minister, before a meeting with U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was prepared to discuss the question of the possibility of consent of Japan to receive from the Soviet Union only two, not four Islands the Southern Kurils. “In recent years in our country sometimes discussed the opinion that it is necessary to solve the problem (of the Islands. — Approx. ed.) “Habomai, Shikotan plus “alpha” (a kind of additional condition. — Approx. ed.) and sign a peace Treaty,” the document says. The arguments given the requirement of Japanese fishermen to agree to return a group of Islands Habomai