Human rights activist Lev Ponomarev was released after 16 days of arrest

Human rights activist Lev Ponomarev was released after 16 days of arrest Moscow. 21 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the head of the movement “For human rights” Lev Ponomarev on Friday were released after serving administrative detention, he is appointed, for organizing an unsanctioned rally. As the correspondent of “Interfax”, the police officer on duty in the detention center number 1 for the detention of persons arrested in administrative order of the Main Department of interior Ministry in Moscow told reporters that Ponomarev was released at 10:00. Himself a human rights activist on the phone told reporters that at the moment he was released from OVD petty-bourgeois, where he was taken around 8:30 in the morning. “I refused to go. I was taken by force. Now I was thrown to the street with four bags. I go home, then go to the office”, he said. Administrative arrest The Tver court 5 Dec

The expert explained the resignation of Mattis as head of the Pentagon

The expert explained the resignation of Mattis as head of the Pentagon MOSCOW, 21 Dec — RIA Novosti. The resignation of James Mattis from his post as Minister of defense will be seen as the continuation of the crisis the administration of President trump, the chief researcher of the Institute of USA and Canada studies, Vladimir Vassilyev. According to the expert, Mattis has several aspects. One of the main reasons could be the disagreement of the head of the Pentagon with trump’s decision on the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria. In addition, an important role was played by the desire of the American leader to halve the number of American troops in Afghanistan. Vasilyev noted that Mattis was one of the key strategic figures of authority and could also require more active and aggressive U.S. policy toward China, North Korea, Russia. “It is also clearly associated with increasing financial

Lukashenka commented on the phrase about “a little dough” and “heifers”

Lukashenka commented on the phrase about “a little dough” and “heifers” Moscow. 21 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko commented on the discussion of one of his phrases after a recent meeting at the National Olympic Committee on the development of summer sports, according to the state Agency BelTA. “Like I’m about some “Chicks” (said if), and there are some cows painted in Russia. Attended to, the poor, my phrase,” — said Lukashenko on Thursday at a meeting with activists of Minsk. The President noted that meant thinking of some modern athletes. “They are one conversation, I literally brought them phrase: loot, Mercedes and behind “Chicks”. Sorry, ladies, that I repeated just the word,” he said. “It’s the mindset of our athletes. So work — go to run with a stick or ball, let’s score. That’s what it was. And then it turned out that I put

Zhirinovsky has suggested to transfer a Single voting day on April

Zhirinovsky has suggested to transfer a Single voting day on April Elections in Russia need to be improved, they do not have positive emotions. This opinion was expressed by the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky, proposing to transfer a Single voting day in April, reported the press service of the party. According to Zhirinovsky, “people feel that they are forced to vote, pushed left”. At the same time, the leader of the liberal democratic party, politicians, contesting the vote no understanding that elections are not war to the last cartridge, and political competition. Its main result is to satisfy the citizens, said Zhirinovsky. “Representatives of the ruling party go to the polls as independent candidates, almost never smiling after the elections, do not rejoice in his victory. Opponents never congratulate them on their victory, although this is common in many other democratic countries”, — stated the politician. As an example,

Putin stated that relations between Russia and the United States is a victim of Ukrainian provocations

Putin stated that relations between Russia and the United States is a victim of Ukrainian provocations Moscow. 21 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Relations of Russia and the USA at the moment become hostage to the provocation organized by the Ukrainian authorities in Kerch, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “Indeed, our bilateral Russian-American relations are now in the situation of the victim of the provocations that gave the Ukrainian side near Kerch,” — said Peskov in interview to the program of the First channel “the Big game”. He noted that the endangered status of the Russian-Ukrainian relations worsened in connection with the appearance of the element of the campaign. “President Poroshenko any ways to earn yourself the ranking, which is poor in comparison with those who is ahead of his line, that he actually does, and we all can see with the naked eye,” said Sands. He stressed that

Sands: if the United States after the release of the INF Treaty will put a rocket in Russia will take them under the scope

Sands: if the United States after the release of the INF Treaty will put a rocket in Russia will take them under the scope MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/ — According to the press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, for exit from the INF Treaty could potentially be the placement of intermediate-range and shorter-range in European countries. Russia will be forced to take in the sights of the missile system in Europe, the US, if they after the withdrawal from the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) will place them in the region. About it the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said on air of the program “the Big game” on the First channel, responding to a request to comment on the words of the head of state during an annual big press conference on Thursday about the threat of nuclear

Mattis said that resigning as Pentagon chief because of disagreements with trump

Mattis said that resigning as Pentagon chief because of disagreements with trump WASHINGTON, December 21. /TASS/ — James Mattis has decided to resign as Minister of defense because of differences of views with President Donald trump. This is evidenced by the text of the resignation submitted by the Minister of defense the chief of staff of the United States. The document is dated 20 Dec. “Because you have the right to have a defence Minister whose views are closer converge with yours , I think I should resign from my position. My term of office ends 28 February 2019, which should leave plenty of time for the nomination of the changer and its approval by the [U.S. Senate]”, — stated in the letter of Mattis Trump. In this case the outgoing head of the military Department of the USA expressed the view that the US cannot protect its interests without

Pentagon chief James Mattis retires

Pentagon chief James Mattis retires WASHINGTON, December 21. /TASS/ — the US President Donald trump said that soon will announce the name of the new Minister of defense. Pentagon chief James Mattis will retire at the end of February. This was stated on Thursday, the President of the United States Donald trump on his page on Twitter. “[Retired] General Jim Mattis will retire at the end of February, having served in my administration as Minister of defense the last two years,” wrote the American leader. During Jim’s stay in office has been enormous progress, particularly in terms of procurement of new combat equipment for the Armed forces of the United States]. “General Mattis has given me great help in how to ensure payment by the allies and other countries in its share of military commitments,” stressed the President. “The candidacy of the new defense Minister will be nominated in the

Source: U.S. plans downsizing of the mission in Afghanistan

Source: U.S. plans downsizing of the mission in Afghanistan The administration of U.S. President Donald trump’s plans to significantly reduce the us military mission in Afghanistan. About it reports Reuters with reference to sources in the administration. The reduction may occur on the background of trump’s decision to withdraw its troops from Syria. Currently in Afghanistan are approximately 14 thousand military of the United States. The Pentagon did not comment on this information. Earlier, the special representative of the Secretary of state on the Afghan reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad said the Taliban do not consider a military solution to the crisis in Afghanistan. The Taliban (an organization banned in Russia) is a terrorist group whose activities are banned in several countries, including in Russia. See also: Nebesa questioned the withdrawal of US troops from Syria Trump spoke about the work done for Russia’s work in Syria

Sands: the parties to the peace process in Syria is unlikely to feel sorry about a possible US withdrawal from the country

Sands: the parties to the peace process in Syria is unlikely to feel sorry about a possible US withdrawal from the country MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/ — According to the official representative of the Kremlin, “the presence of Americans on Syrian soil is not conducive to the order to reach the political and diplomatic settlement”. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov doubt that the parties to the peace settlement in Syria regret about a possible U.S. withdrawal from the territory of this country. He said this on air of the program “the Big game” on the First channel, commenting on statements of the Washington administration about the decision to withdraw the SAR American troops. “If you say that someone from the participants in this process and regret that the American military out of Syria, probably, rather, I don’t disagree with it,” — said Peskov, adding that “the presence of