Ukraine has estimated the losses from reduced tariffs for gas transit

Ukraine has estimated the losses from reduced tariffs for gas transit MOSCOW, 24 Dec — RIA Novosti. The company “Ukrtransgaz”, which is a subsidiary company of “Naftogaz” of Ukraine and is engaged in the supply, transportation and storage of gas on the territory of the country in 2019, expect a shortage of funds in the amount of 22 billion hryvnia (about $ 800 million) due to the reduction of tariffs for gas transit, a press release published on the official website of the company. Previously, the national Commission carrying out regulation in the energy and communal services of Ukraine twice reduced tariffs for JSC “Ukrtransgaz” transportation services of natural gas to improve the competitiveness of the company as a more favorable alternative to the gas pipeline “Nord stream”. “The new temporary rates and ignoring the control situation with a critically low level calculation of the regional gas balances make it

British Times on the example of the “Peacemaker” published information of employees of the Russian media

British Times on the example of the “Peacemaker” published information of employees of the Russian media Member of the Scottish Parliament from the liberal democratic party Alex Cole-Hamilton has urged to deprive of the assets of the international Russian TV channel RT and Sputnik Agency, writes The Times. As noted, Cole-Hamilton accuses the resources in the “information war” against Britain. “Other countries took a more assertive position in relation to the assets of Russian citizens than we in Britain,” said Cole-Hamilton. He urged the government to think again about the response, in particular in order to cease the operation of the resource data, proposed policies “seize their assets”. In addition, the article presents photographs of eight employees of the Agency, their names and positions. This is reminiscent of the activities of the Ukrainian Peacemaker website hosting personal information about Russian, Ukrainian and Western media personnel who allegedly are a threat

The head of Roskomnadzor: prospects of disconnection Runet from the global network no

The head of Roskomnadzor: prospects of disconnection Runet from the global network no MOSCOW, December 24. /TASS/. The Russian segment of the Internet is not face a disconnection from the global network. In an interview with TASS said the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov. “Prospects for the shutdown of the Russian Federation from the global Internet, now there”, — said Zharov, answering the question about the purpose of the bill on the Autonomous Internet and external threats to Russian networks. According to him, the state should be ready in the event of an emergency, natural, man-made or man-made reasons, the situation was contained and the provision of telecommunications services, Internet access was restored as soon as possible. “I think that in this direction are being taken proper and timely efforts,” he added. The authors of the bill made by the head of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation and

Bloomberg found out about the letter of the son of Gaddafi to Putin with a request for political support

Bloomberg found out about the letter of the son of Gaddafi to Putin with a request for political support The son of former dictator Muammar Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam, seeking support of their political ambitions on the part of Russia. In early December, his representative met with Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Mikhail Bogdanov and handed him a letter from Gaddafi to President of Russia Vladimir Putin. It is reported Bloomberg citing a Moscow source, knowledgeable about the politics of Libya. In a letter to Gaddafi Jr. explains his vision of the situation in Libya and asks Moscow for political support. The Russian foreign Ministry declined to comment. This meeting was preceded by discussions between the representatives of Moscow with Gaddafi via video link shortly after his release from prison under the Amnesty. Where it’s been out of contact not known, said the source Agency. The interlocutors clarify that

Mattis has signed a decree on the withdrawal of American troops from Syria

Mattis has signed a decree on the withdrawal of American troops from Syria MOSCOW, 24 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis signed a decree on the withdrawal of American troops from Syria, reported by Fox News, citing an official from the Pentagon. Press Secretary of the military Department confirmed in an interview with AFP, that the order on withdrawal of troops was signed. The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria The nineteenth of December, us President, Donald trump declared victory in Syria over ISIS* and the U.S. withdrawal from the Arab Republic, noting that the fight against terrorists was their only goal. Shortly thereafter, James Mattis has resigned from the post of head of the Pentagon, he also published a letter in which clearly mentioned about the existing differences with the President on such issues as U.S. allies, Russia and China. On Sunday,

“Izvestia”: the government has decided to withdraw from free trade in some anabolics

“Izvestia”: the government has decided to withdraw from free trade in some anabolics MOSCOW, December 24. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree, according to which several anabolic steroids is included in the list of potent substances. This was announced on Monday, the newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to the press service of the government. The list includes, in particular, enestebol, epitiostanol, proplanta, mebolazine and maxibolin. They are all modifications of drugs already included in the list. These steroids are not banned but withdrawn from free circulation, explained “news” in a press-service. The Prime Minister also signed the document, according to which the list of prohibited for distribution substances was supplemented with names of new synthetic drugs, the newspaper notes. The Russian interior Ministry in July released a draft resolution on making the listed drugs to the list of potent substances, as defined by article 234 of the criminal code

The army of great Britain thanked for defending against the Russian invasion

The army of great Britain thanked for defending against the Russian invasion Prime Minister Theresa may has addressed a Christmas message to servicemen of the country and thanked them for protection from Russian invasion. It is reported by The Sun. The politician noted the role of the military in the aftermath of the poisoning of the family Skrobala in Salisbury, and also commended the work on the protection of territorial and air borders of Britain from the invasion of Russia. In addition, Mei thanked the military for the fight against terrorism and the group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). The politician stressed that the UK armed forces will continue to resist the use of chemical weapons against civilians in Syria. The Prime Minister predicted the new challenges that await the country in 2019 and called on the military to meet them courageously and steadfastly. “Again and again you

“Al-Qaeda” prepares attack on a passenger aircraft, said in Britain

“Al-Qaeda” prepares attack on a passenger aircraft, said in Britain MOSCOW — RIA Novosti. The Minister for security in the UK Ben Wallace said that the militants of the international terrorist organization “al-Qaeda”* develop technology to shoot down passenger planes, according to the publication Times. Wallace said that “al-Qaeda”* poses a growing threat, which gives British Ministers “to sleep at night.” According to intelligence, the technology to shoot down aircraft can include miniature bombs, and drones, bombs. Sources in the security establishment said that the sketches of drones for delivery of bombs was discovered during the investigation in Britain. “The threat to aviation is real… “al-Qaeda”* revived. They have reorganized. They develop more ideas about Europe, they got acquainted with new methods and still seek to attack the aircraft,” — said the Minister. According to Wallace, the Ministers have invested £ 25 million in the joint research program of the

Erdogan accused Israel of state terror

Erdogan accused Israel of state terror Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says that the government of Israel “sows evil, engaging in state terror.” Speaking at a rally in Istanbul, he stressed that is “the voice of the oppressed” and is taking steps to help them, and Benjamin Netanyahu — “it is the voice of the oppressors”. “Israel has no right to accuse anyone without regard to their own sins, crimes against humanity, mass killings and destruction,” Anadolu bring the words of Mr. Erdogan. The statement of the Turkish President was a response to the accusations of Benjamin Netanyahu. On 22 December he wrote on Twitter: “Erdogan occupier of Northern Cyprus, whose army kills women and children in Kurdish villages inside and outside of Turkey should not preach to Israel.” After the speech of Mr. Erdogan at the meeting, Benjamin Netanyahu, said on Twitter that the Turkish President “is obsessed with

Patrick Shanahan will lead the Pentagon

Patrick Shanahan will lead the Pentagon WASHINGTON, Dec 23 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that from 1 January 2019, the acting Minister of defence is current Deputy head of the Pentagon Patrick Shanahan. “Patrick has a long list of achievements during the work of the Deputy Minister earlier in “Boeing,” wrote Sunday trump in his Twitter. Shanahan worked at the aircraft Corporation as senior Vice President. Deputy Minister of defence he became in March 2017. The Resignation Of Mattis Last week, trump via Twitter announced the resignation of defense Minister James Mattis. Rumors about this went a long time. It was known about disagreements between the President and the Pentagon chief on key issues. After the tweet trump published a letter of resignation Mattis, which explicitly refers to existing disagreements with the President on such issues as U.S. allies, the U.S. approach to Russia and China.