Kim Jong-UN has warned the United States about to change course

Kim Jong-UN has warned the United States about to change course North Korea has sought good relations with the United States but can change the position if Washington does not fulfill its promises. The head of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN said in his new year address to the citizens, reports on Tuesday, January 1, AFP. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографийесли the United States will not fulfill its promise, given to the world, and will remain unchanged in its sanctions and pressure upon the DPRK, we will be forced to find a new way of defending the sovereignty of our country and the higher interests of our state. Clarifies that the North Korean leader signed at the summit in June with his us counterpart Donald trump “undefined” document on nuclear disarmament of the DPRK. Then the solution to this problem has stopped from-for disagreements between heads of state. According to AFP, North Korea condemned the

The period of stay in Russia for the residents of Donbas has been increased to 180 days

The period of stay in Russia for the residents of Donbas has been increased to 180 days The Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers to increase the term of temporary stay in Russia for up to 180 days for residents of Donbass. According to the warrant published on Monday, 31 December, the official portal of legal information, it is proposed “to increase for the citizens of Ukraine, permanently residing on the territory of certain districts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, the continuous period of temporary stay in Russia up to 180 days from the date of each entry into the territory of the Russian Federation”. Previously, citizens of the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk people’s republics had a right to be in Russia for 90 days. In mid-December the state Duma in the third final reading adopted a draft law introducing

The U.S. military apologized for a joke about bombs in times square

The U.S. military apologized for a joke about bombs in times square MOSCOW, 1 Jan — RIA Novosti. Strategic command of the armed forces of the United States apologized for a bad joke in social networks, which has promised to “drop something bigger” than the traditional new year’s ball on the square times square in new York. In the New year’s eve on the square times square is a traditional ceremony of the lowering of the gala ball. The military left in a Twitter message that “if necessary, we are ready to drop something much bigger.” The message was accompanied by a video off bombs of b-2 bombers. The joke caused a lot of critical comments from users of social networks. Some time later the message was deleted from the microblogging service. “Our previous new year’s tweet was in bad taste and did not reflect our values. We’re sorry. We

Lukashenko did not mention Russia in a new year greeting

Lukashenko did not mention Russia in a new year greeting Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in his new year speech avoided the topic of closer cooperation between Russia and Belarus. Congratulation of the Belarusian leader published on the official portal of the President of the country. In his congratulatory message to Lukashenko focused on the fact that the people of Belarus in the new year must “strengthen the state” of your country and that to save the state for “children and grandchildren”. He also noted that 2018 “has helped us especially to feel the connection with mother earth.” Earlier it was reported that new year’s address, Lukashenko rewrote “five times”. In mid-December last year, Lukashenko has suspected Moscow in the desire to “push” Belarus to Russia. See also: Interstate relations of Russia and Belarus

Press Secretary of the Pentagon was forced subordinates to buy the tights and got

Press Secretary of the Pentagon was forced subordinates to buy the tights and got Press Secretary of the Pentagon, Dana white resigned because of the scandal with incorrect treatment of subordinates. A farewell letter to the staff, she wrote in Twitter account. As reported by NBC News, in August, white was caught in the fact that during working hours she was giving the staff personal errands. So, at her request, subordinates bought her pantyhose, took things to the dry cleaners and buying food. Also, the press Secretary of the Pentagon has repeatedly asked employees to help her in planning personal trips and forced them to call child protective services regarding child adoption. The investigators will also explore the fact that white fired at least four employees who complained about her behavior. The Pentagon’s code of ethics States that no employee may request subordinates to use official time to perform personal

Showman Zelensky announced participation in the elections of the President of Ukraine

Showman Zelensky announced participation in the elections of the President of Ukraine Moscow. 1 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Showman and actor Vladimir Zelensky said that makes his candidacy in the presidential elections of Ukraine which will take place March 31. The statement of Vladimir Zelensky performed in the framework of his appeal on the TV channel “1+1”, which was shown before the new year address of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Congratulation of the head of the Ukrainian state was shown in the channel after the new year. 31 Dec Ukraine launched a presidential election campaign.

CEC of Ukraine has eliminated polling stations in Russia

CEC of Ukraine has eliminated polling stations in Russia The Central election Commission (CEC) of Ukraine has eliminated all polling stations on the territory of Russia. The CEC amended the decree on the establishment of polling stations on the day of the presidential campaign. From the document, which is published by the CEC on its website, that eliminated polling station number 900075, 900077, 900078, and 900117 900118, said on Monday, 31 December, TASS reported. Polling station 900075 located in the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow, 900077 was located in the Consulate General in Rostov-on-don, 900078 in the Consulate General in St. Petersburg, 900117 — the Consulate in Yekaterinburg, 900118 — in Novosibirsk the Embassy. Earlier on Monday, Ukraine startofelement campaign. Papers already filed by the former Minister of ecology and natural resources, the independent candidate Igor Shevchenko. The second documents has brought the human rights activist Vladimir town Halls, reports

Juncker has accused the EU in the “blatant hypocrisy”

Juncker has accused the EU in the “blatant hypocrisy” MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The leaders of the countries of the European Union show the hypocrisy in the issue of strengthening the protection of external borders, said the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker in an interview with the newspaper Welt am Sonntag. He noted that for more than two years, all the heads of States and governments of EU member States call for better border security. While recently some of the participating countries talked about the fact that the increase in border population could have a negative impact on national sovereignty. “We are told that everything is developing too fast, and the numbers are too high. This is blatant hypocrisy,” said Juncker. According to him, the European leaders all the time criticize the lack of protection of borders of the Union, but do not want to assume

The United States decided to slow down the withdrawal of troops from Syria

The United States decided to slow down the withdrawal of troops from Syria The US President Donald trump has agreed to slow down the withdrawal of American troops from Syria, “the smart way”. This was at the end of the meeting with the President said Senator Lindsey Graham. “We talked about Syria, and he (tramp — Ed.) told me something I didn’t and now I feel calmer about where we are going in Syria. I think we will slow down this process (of withdrawal) smart In my opinion, we took a break and now we need to reevaluate what better way to achieve the goal of the President”, — quotes the words of Graham, “RIA Novosti”. The Senator also said that trump intends to hold talks with Turkey and prevent Turkish military clashes with the Kurds, notes the Washington Examiner. 19 Dec trump gave the order to withdraw all troops

The Minister of defence of Ukraine told about creating a “powerful weapon”

The Minister of defence of Ukraine told about creating a “powerful weapon” Ukraine will buy and create a new powerful precision weapons, which is not yet in the armed forces, said on 30 December, the Minister of defense Stepan Poltorak during a visit to Lviv region. According to him, the state defense order for the year 2019, adopted by the Council of national security and defense Council (NSDC), is very optimistic, as Kiev will purchase up to 20 items of weapons, mostly of Ukrainian origin. According to the Ukrainian Minister, the state defense order will allow Ukraine to “fight for the future has great prospects”. “We plan to increase procurement of new weapons. 20 names of those that are not now in service, we plan not only to purchase, but also to create. We have a powerful new high-tech weapons, the range of high-precision weapons, which will allow to defeat