Embassy of Ireland in Russia has requested consular access to Paul Whelan

Embassy of Ireland in Russia has requested consular access to Paul Whelan MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/ — At the Irish Embassy reported that it had requested access after requests Whelan for assistance. Irish diplomats have asked for consular access to the detained in Moscow on suspicion in espionage the Floor Whelan. “Irish Embassy in Moscow has requested consular access to our citizen after his requests for assistance”, — told TASS on Wednesday at the Irish Embassy. FSB of Russia on December 28 detained in Moscow Whelan “in conducting espionage action”. Investigating the management of the service in relation to a criminal case under article 276 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Espionage”), providing punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty for a term from 10 to 20 years. In addition to the citizenship of Ireland, Whelan has British citizenship, Canada and the United States. January 2, Whelan visited

Because of the conflict of trump and Democrats in the United States more than two weeks of not running the government: the main facts

Because of the conflict of trump and Democrats in the United States more than two weeks of not running the government: the main facts In the United States since December 22, partially blocked the work of the government (shutdown) after Congress refused to allocate money for the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico. RTVI has gathered the key facts about the conflict between the Democratic party and President Donald trump. Bloomberg January 9 reported that the Democratic party in the U.S. Senate thwarted a vote on the bill on sanctions against Syria, Russia and Iran. Democrats refused to support any bills which do not relate to the partial blocking of the government’s work. From 22 December 2018, the us government had partially suspended work. Funding could not be approved for the ministries of internal security, transport, internal Affairs and justice, as well as for the state Department,

The former head of the CIA called Putin “a gift for NATO”

The former head of the CIA called Putin “a gift for NATO” Retired General David Petraeus, former head of the CIA, called Russian President Vladimir Putin “the greatest gift of NATO since the cold war.” It is reported by RBC with reference to the broadcast of the conference Raisina Dialogue, held in India. According to the publication, Petraeus said that the arrival of Putin to power was for the Alliance “new reason to live”, and the policy of the Russian leader helped the United States “largely to be the linchpin” for a number of countries. Petraeus also noted that the United States is doing to NATO more than the other members of the military-political bloc — primarily in the field of financing. According to him, administration of the President of the United States Donald trump is working on the development of the Alliance: Petraeus mentioned the program of transfer of

Provocations, sanctions and economic crisis

Provocations, sanctions and economic crisis Experts presented international trends forecast to 2019. Consulting Agency MGIMO “Eurasian strategy” presented forecasts of key international trends for 2019. According to experts, we can expect a new geopolitical provocations, sanctions and the deterioration of the global economy. However, there is good news. The forecast was attended by seven experts of the Agency “Eurasian strategy”, including its leader, candidate of political Sciences Andrei Sushentsov (also is program Director of the Valdai club and Director of the Laboratory of analysis in international processes, MGIMO). In the Preface to the survey said that today’s world politics is impossible to explain using one or more key confrontation of Russia with the West, with China, North and South, and so on. “As the guerrilla war with no front lines, the geopolitical rivalry splits into separate foci, spontaneous and sometimes just as suddenly fading,” say the authors. “On the one

In the state Duma proposed to authorize the transfer of the Christmas weekends at any time

In the state Duma proposed to authorize the transfer of the Christmas weekends at any time The Deputy head of the Duma Committee for education and science Boris Chernyshov (LDPR) proposed to allow the Russians to go to work right after the New year and the days of vacation to use at any time of the year. According to the MP, you need to leave everyone the chance to get away for the holidays. Those who are not interested in such long holidays in January, could work with 1 of January and the holidays are at other times of the year, the Agency reports city news “Moscow”. This approach would help to avoid a difficult period of adaptation to work after a long rest, said Chernyshov. According to the survey conducted by VTSIOM in October 2018, 66% of Russians approve of the long new year holidays. 13% are neutral, 14%

Zyuganov called the information-crime stories about the murder of a bear Irkutsk Governor

Zyuganov called the information-crime stories about the murder of a bear Irkutsk Governor Against Sergei Levchenko on the eve of New year, the Federal media launched a campaign to discredit, the leader of the Communist party. Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov said that the Federal mass media a few days before the New year started an information campaign for discredit of the Governor of the Irkutsk region, Communist candidate Sergei Levchenko. A series of television programs in which concerned murder, the slaying of the bear regional head, head of the Communist party called the information banditry, calling for the creation of a special Commission to examine the facts, demonizing Levchenko in the information space. “Within a few days before the New year lost a true record on all the major channels… About the bear illness of the party in power [the results indicate] that showed the Irkutsk oblast. Apparently, the

Moscow and London again bet about Skriblah

Moscow and London again bet about Skriblah Whether the parties to move closer. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий In the Russian Embassy said that a former agent of GRU and his daughter forcibly held power in the UK. The diplomatic mission noted that the mother of Sergei Skripal can’t communicate with his son and granddaughter, the consuls are not allowed to meet them, and the whereabouts of Skrobala unknown. And before that, the Telegraph reported that Skrypali not isolated from society, and the UK authorities have examined all the circumstances of the poisoning of a former agent of GRU and his daughters. New information about the investigation and the lives of Yulia and Sergei Skripal learned correspondent of “Kommersant FM” in London Andrey Ostalsky: “Network GRU almost damaged a network and the other Russian intelligence services, foreign intelligence, which, however, according to The Telegraph, is now taking energetic measures in order to try this

“How much blood must be spilled?”: what trump has said of the nation

“How much blood must be spilled?”: what trump has said of the nation Trump made an appeal to the nation did not declare a state of emergency. The President of the United States Donald trump in a televised address to Americans said about the growing crisis on the border with Mexico. According to him, the behavior of politicians who ignore this crisis, is “immoral”, and the Democrats should sit down at the negotiating table and adopt the budget for the wall. However, sources New York Times noted that even trump himself does not consider his speech to be effective. Supporters of the Democrats, in turn, accused trump of lying. According to Donald trump, the wall on the border of US and Mexico needed to break the cycle of illegal immigration. He also added that all people in the USA suffer from illegal immigrants. “The only solution (of a problem) is

In Congress asked the U.S. Treasury to postpone the lifting of sanctions against RUSAL and En+

In Congress asked the U.S. Treasury to postpone the lifting of sanctions against RUSAL and En+ WASHINGTON, 9 Jan. /TASS/ — the chairmen of the seven committees of the house of representatives has proposed to postpone the entry into force of the decision as long as members of Congress will not have questions. The chairmen of the seven committees of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress urged the administration to trump to postpone the lifting of sanctions against companies RUSAL and En+, associated with Oleg Deripaska. This is stated in a joint statement, published on the website of the foreign Affairs Committee of the lower house. “The chairmen of the seven committees in the House of representatives urge the administration to trump to explain the easing of sanctions against companies associated with the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. In response to the notice dated 19 December 2018, where the

Ryabkov doubt that the US will completely leave Syria

Ryabkov doubt that the US will completely leave Syria NEW DELHI, 9 Jan. /TASS/ Moscow and Washington will hold in the near future the contacts on the situation in the middle Eastern country, said a Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The Russian foreign Ministry doubts that the United States will completely leave Syria militarily. This was stated on Wednesday by Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov. “I personally believe that Washington is a very strong position of the proponents of illegal US military presence in Syria, he said, answering the question TASS, Russia believes that the United States withdraw from Syria. — How can be formatted in this presence, whether it is an open secret, I don’t know.” But I can imagine in the current situation of unbridled chase of Washington for dominance in the world and the desire to be present everywhere,