Moscow has called on Japan to accept Russian sovereignty over the Kuril Islands

Moscow has called on Japan to accept Russian sovereignty over the Kuril Islands Moscow. January 11. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian foreign Ministry ahead of the visit to Moscow of foreign Minister of Japan Taro Kono called on Tokyo to fully acknowledge the outcome of the Second world war, including our country’s sovereignty over the southern Kuril Islands. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий “The key to finding solutions to the problem of a peace Treaty should be the recognition of Tokyo outcome of world war II in full, including the country’s sovereignty over the southern Kuril Islands. Need to bring bilateral relations to a qualitatively new level of genuine trust and partnership, strengthen mutual understanding between the peoples of Russia and Japan”, — said in a commentary the Russian foreign Ministry in connection with the visit to Moscow of Minister of foreign Affairs of Japan, Taro Kono. NewsOf the Kuril Islands not so reported Earlier

Ultimatum trump: the wall on the border with Mexico or the state of emergency?

Ultimatum trump: the wall on the border with Mexico or the state of emergency? In the United States continues shutdown: White house stopped paying for water, as the secret service works for free. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий Donald trump continues in the form of an ultimatum to demand release of 5.7 billion dollars for the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico by refusing to sign the annual budget without the article. Yesterday the US President went to prove his position to the southern border of the country. Previously, trump has acted with the television reference to the nation in which once again repeated the thesis that all illegals are criminals. According to the border service of the USA, the flow of illegal migrants on the border with Mexico last year increased by 30% compared with the 2017 year. However, both indicators (397 thousand and 304 thousand) are the historical minimum.

Russia refused to exchange the American spy on Butino

Russia refused to exchange the American spy on Butino Accused of espionage American Paul Whelan will not be exchanged for the arrested in the US, the Russian Maria Butina. This statement was made by the Russian foreign Ministry, RIA Novosti reported. The Ministry reported that the question about the exchange of American arrested abroad of Russian citizens is not what Whelan is waiting for the court. On Smolensk square confirmed that the man was charged under article 276 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Espionage”), at the moment he is being held in the SIZO “Lefortovo”, he faces up to 20 years in prison.. NewsOf the case’s Butinai ruled out espionage On 9 January press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow never uses people as pawns in the diplomatic game. US citizen Paul Nicholas Whelan was detained December 28, 2018. According to press reports,

A course to defeat aircraft, violators of the state border will be allowed to shoot down

A course to defeat aircraft, violators of the state border will be allowed to shoot down The aircraft with passengers if its intentional collapse will lead to environmental disaster or mass death of people. Civilian planes with passengers on Board, violated the air border of Russia, will allow to bring down. This is stated in the draft government resolution developed by the Ministry of defense. The document will allow to open fire on the aircraft-to the infringer, if there is a real danger that his intentional crash will lead to environmental catastrophe, mass death of people or destruction of strategic objects. This will allow including to prevent terrorist attacks related to the hijacking. Such measures are consistent with international experience, including in the U.S., experts say. The defense Ministry has developed a draft government resolution “About the order of application of weapons and military equipment under the protection of the

Who is she the most powerful woman of the DPRK (spoiler: not his wife)

Who is she the most powerful woman of the DPRK (spoiler: not his wife) Experts believe Kim yo-Jong younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong UN — the most powerful woman in North Korea. Not only is it a high-ranking official in the Department of agitation and propaganda of the country, but is considered the confidant of the President, Korea and, beginning with the Olympic games in 2018, increasingly represents the country as a member of official delegations. In South Korea, journalists call her “Ivanka” North Korea, but North Korean media — despite its growing political influence — never cite. Reliably is known about it very little. Russian service Bi-bi-si has collected some facts about the most influential woman of the DPRK. During the download an error has occurred.HelpWhat has changed after meeting Kim and trump? Explain in 300 slavomacedonia briefly answer the basic questions about the crisis around

Treasury Secretary explained to Congress the decision to lift sanctions against UC Rusal

Treasury Secretary explained to Congress the decision to lift sanctions against UC Rusal The speaker of the house of representatives has called his treatment a waste of time legislators. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin made before the American congressional report on the lifting of sanctions on the assets of Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska’s En+ and UC Rusal and EuroSibEnergo. The decision to lift the sanctions is not through the Kremlin and “has no political motivation,” said Mnuchin reporters after the meeting, which was held behind closed doors (quoted by Bloomberg). According to the Minister, these companies play an important role in the world market of aluminium. NewsNYT reported the United States attempts to recruit Deripaska US authorities will monitor that En+ and UC Rusal has complied with the obligations they have assumed in the negotiations with Washington, said in a statement Mnuchin, which he did before meeting with legislators. He recalled

The United States began the withdrawal of military equipment from Syria

The United States began the withdrawal of military equipment from Syria Moscow. January 11. INTERFAX.RU — US have brought from Syria the first batch of ground military vehicles, reported CNN, citing informed sources. “A certain amount of goods already exported”, — quotes the channel of the source. The report notes that for security reasons it is not specified what goods and what transportation is transported in the first place, and how areas of Syria. According to the channel, started the withdrawal of the equipment from the Northern regions. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump, announcing the decision of withdrawal of troops from Syria, talked about the fact that it will take about two months. He later agreed with the requirement of Congress that this period may be extended. Helpthe United States withdraw troops from Syria The Americans betrayed their allies. This will benefit Russia, Turkey and Iran. Read more

NYT: Mueller checks Ukrainian visitors of the inauguration of the trump

NYT: Mueller checks Ukrainian visitors of the inauguration of the trump Spectacular USA Robert Mueller checks Ukrainians who attended the inauguration of Donald trump in January 2017, according to the newspaper the New York Times, citing sources. Наверх20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий According to the newspaper, at a gala event in honor of the inauguration of the President of the United States came to dozens of Ukrainian politicians and businessmen. Some of them met with “influential Republican members of Congress and close allies of the President trump”. Part of the Ukrainian people can “sympathize with Moscow.” “Some of the Ukrainians who came to Washington for the inauguration, or its allies promoted a Grand bargain or “peace” plans that meet the interests of Russia, including through the lifting of sanctions”, — says the publication. The team is studying Robert Mueller, who invited guests from Ukraine, with whom they met and what was discussed.Newsof the Russian

The American General spoke about the success of Russia and China in the development of hypersonic weapons

The American General spoke about the success of Russia and China in the development of hypersonic weapons Russia and China have largely outpaced the United States in research, development and testing of hypersonic weapons, writes in his article for The Hill, former chief of staff of the command of aerospace defense of North America (NORAD) Howard Thompson. In the beginning of the article, Thompson refers to the report of the Institute of aerospace studies, Mitchell, which States the necessity of the U.S. to more actively develop hypersonic weapons — the development of such weapons will give the US “the rapid and unprecedented coverage of the global access objectives and “effect of the fourth dimension”, effectively reducing the opponents a period for decision-making and fully making existing defenses obsolete.” NewsEngineer revealed the shortcomings of the “Avant-garde” “Russian and Chinese research, testing and development of hypersonic weapons is much work ahead of

The Ministry of communications did not support the bill on punishment for abuse of power on the Internet

The Ministry of communications did not support the bill on punishment for abuse of power on the Internet The Ministry of communications sent to the government a negative opinion on the draft law on administrative punishment for insulting the authorities in the Internet, reported the newspaper “Vedomosti” Deputy head of the Ministry Alexey Volin. He explained that used in the draft terms can be interpreted too broadly, while restrictions on public use of obscene vocabulary is already enshrined in legislation. According to Deputy Minister, citizens have a constitutional right to freely Express their opinion. “One of the tasks of state authorities — quietly listen to criticism of their work. Not made of sugar”, — said Mr. Wolin. He added that the Ministry has similar claims to the bill prohibiting the dissemination on the Internet of “false public interest information”, — written in the rules it can be too widely interpreted.