Who is she the most powerful woman of the DPRK (spoiler: not his wife)
Experts believe Kim yo-Jong younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong UN — the most powerful woman in North Korea.
Not only is it a high-ranking official in the Department of agitation and propaganda of the country, but is considered the confidant of the President, Korea and, beginning with the Olympic games in 2018, increasingly represents the country as a member of official delegations.
In South Korea, journalists call her “Ivanka” North Korea, but North Korean media — despite its growing political influence — never cite.
Reliably is known about it very little. Russian service Bi-bi-si has collected some facts about the most influential woman of the DPRK.
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What has changed after meeting Kim and trump? Explain in 300 slavomacedonia briefly answer the basic questions about the crisis around the DPRK, its nuclear weapons, and the results of the meeting.
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