Expert: trump can’t force to disclose details of the talks with Putin

Expert: trump can’t force to disclose details of the talks with Putin MOSCOW, 13 Jan — RIA Novosti. Members of Congress will not take action to compel President Donald trump to reveal the contents of his talks with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, an initiative of discussing this issue dismantles the political struggle in the United States, the head of the Center Voyenno-political researches, the CLAIM of the RAS Vladimir Batyuk. Previously co-chair of the Committee of the U.S. house of representatives on foreign Affairs Eliot Engel announced their intention to hold hearings on the appointments of the President of Donald trump and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. “No, no action will be taken, but this will further complicate the atmosphere and complicate the situation in the negotiations to overcome the shutdown”, — said the expert, answering the question of RIA Novosti about whether Congress legislated to require

The Union of Russia and China, dubbed the “American nightmare”

The Union of Russia and China, dubbed the “American nightmare” The development of cooperation between Russia and China, as well as the creation of the Union between them can become a real nightmare for US. This writes The National Interest with reference to the experts of the Center for the national interest. In their view, Washington is committing a grave error in not taking sufficient measures to prevent the rapprochement between Russia and China. As a result, experts say, the U.S. lost its advantageous position, which he held in the second half of the cold war, when relations between them and China and the Soviet Union individually were better than relations between Beijing and Moscow. At the same time, according to analysts, despite the deepening of cooperation between China and Russia, the question of a formal Alliance between the two countries. This is because Beijing fears that such an Alliance

Media reported concealing trump the details of the talks with Putin

Media reported concealing trump the details of the talks with Putin Moscow. January 13. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump has taken all measures to ensure that details of his conversation with the Russian leader Vladimir Putin in 2017 in Hamburg not been made public, including that he hid them, and from members of his administration, told the Washington Post. As an example, she said, citing the sources, who was then working in the White house, that after a conversation trump not only gave an indication of who worked on the meeting for the translator to keep the contents of the negotiations secret, but took his working notes, which he had done during the conversation. According to the newspaper, it is not known whether the reported trump in the same way in all five cases, meetings and conversations with Putin, but sources noted that it is not found detailed records

US Ambassador to Germany reported about possible sanctions because of the “Nord stream — 2”

US Ambassador to Germany reported about possible sanctions because of the “Nord stream — 2” MOSCOW, 13 Jan — RIA Novosti. The U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell sent out letters to a number of German companies and hinted at the possibility of imposing sanctions from the United States because of the support of the “Nord stream-2”, said the publication Bild. “As you know, the United States strongly opposed the “Nord stream-2″… Pipeline carries major geopolitical consequences for our European allies and partners. Our concerns are widely shared. EU members from Eastern Europe, many governments in Western Europe and Canada oppose the project. These partners share our concern nerastas aggressive behavior of Russia, especially Moscow is using energy resources as political and economic levers,” — said in a letter to Grenelle placed at the disposal of edition. The publication suggests that such letters were sent out to a number of

On the border of USA and Mexico found the 10-metre tunnel

On the border of USA and Mexico found the 10-metre tunnel WASHINGTON, 13 Jan — RIA Novosti. Near the American state of Arizona discovered the tunnel, which, on suspicion of the authorities of Mexico, was used to transport drugs and people between the two countries, reports The Hill. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий According to the newspaper, this is the third such tunnel discovered in the last month. According to police, the length of this tunnel is about 10 meters. “This is the third tunnel that was discovered last month amid the partial closure of Federal agencies and against the backdrop of fierce debate about the proposal of the President (of the USA Donald) trump to build a wall along the US border and Mexico,” writes The Hill. A number of U.S. agencies, including the state Department, the Ministry of justice, Ministry of internal security, transport and agriculture, are in degraded mode since December

Fled Saudi girl came to Canada in

Fled Saudi girl came to Canada in Rahaf Alcano, who fled from Saudi Arabia and announced “years of violence” on the part of relatives, flew to Canada, the authorities which granted her asylum, Reuters reports. The plane landed at the Pearson international airport in Toronto on Saturday morning, January 12. It is expected that in the near future the Minister of foreign Affairs of Canada Chrystia Freeland will make a formal statement. Original MS ALKANON wanted to go to Australia, in early January, a transit flight, she arrived in Bangkok. There her passport was taken by the staff of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia, who said that the girl should return home. Rahaf ALKANON the escaped diplomats and barricaded himself in the transit area of the airport. On 8 January, she met with representatives of the office of the UN high Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR), who took the girl under

The head of the Japanese foreign Ministry arrived in Moscow to discuss a peace Treaty

The head of the Japanese foreign Ministry arrived in Moscow to discuss a peace Treaty MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. Taro Kono will meet with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. 21фотография21фотография21фотография The Minister of foreign Affairs of Japan, Taro Kono began a five-day visit to Russia, the main point will be the talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on the issue of a peace Treaty. This was reported on Saturday, TASS diplomatic source. “The Minister arrived in Moscow”, — said the Agency interlocutor. The Embassy of Japan does not disclose details of an extensive visit Kono to Russia, guided by considerations of confidentiality. The Russian foreign Ministry announced that the meeting of heads of diplomatic departments of the two countries will be held in the morning of January 14. At a meeting in Singapore on 14 November 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed to intensify

Trump invited the Democrats in the new negotiations on the shutdown

Trump invited the Democrats in the new negotiations on the shutdown The US President Donald trump once again invited representatives of the Democratic party to discuss the draft budget because of disputes over which the us government partially has been up for 22 days. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий At the previous meeting three days ago, political opponents failed to agree. The shutdown began on 22 December after Democrats refused to support the draft budget allocating $5.7 billion to the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico. “Democrats should return to Washington and work to end the shutdown and at the same time to put an end to the terrible humanitarian crisis at the southern border. I’m waiting for you to the White house,” wrote trump on his Twitter page. Democrats could solve the Shutdown in 15 minutes! Call your Dem Senator or Congresswoman/man. Tell them to get it done! Humanitarian Crisis.

In demonstrations of the “yellow jackets” in France involved 32 thousand people

In demonstrations of the “yellow jackets” in France involved 32 thousand people PARIS, January 12. /TASS/. Demonstrations of the “yellow jackets” gathered on Saturday in various cities of France 32 thousand people. These data resulted in the TV channel BFM with reference to information informally received from law enforcement agencies. The channel stressed that this is a significant increase in the number of participants, which a week ago as the middle of Saturday there were 26 thousand In Paris as of 14:00 local time (16:00 GMT), there were 8 thousand protesters. It also indicates the increased activity of the protest movement: a week ago, the “yellow jackets” on the streets and squares of the capital were at the same time, no more than 2 thousand Now in Paris on the avenues near the Etoile, where the arc de Triomphe, are clashes of protesters with the police. In response to flying

Fought with the Nazis against the Soviet Union, the Hungarians called heroes

Fought with the Nazis against the Soviet Union, the Hungarians called heroes The Hungarian government urged to honour the memory of the Hungarian soldiers “fought until the end for Hungary-on-don” in the course of the Second world war. A message posted on the page of the Hungarian government in Facebook. “Let us remember the courage of our forefathers, the heroic Hungarian soldiers, who till the end fought for Hungary-on-don”, — stated in the message of the government. Also in Budapest, recalled the 76th anniversary of the beginning of the Ostrogozhsk-Rossosh operation. “January 12, 1943, the Soviet army attacked a 200-strong Hungarian army. Hungary lost 120 thousand heroes, many were captured. Respect to the heroes!” — the authors of the post. Hungary participated in world war II on the side of Nazi Germany. 2nd Hungarian army at the initial stage of the great Patriotic war was the most prepared and well-equipped