Germany is ready to Finance the monitoring of the Kerch Strait, said Maas

Germany is ready to Finance the monitoring of the Kerch Strait, said Maas KIEV, January 18 — RIA Novosti. The format of the mission to monitor the situation in the Kerch Strait will be agreed during the negotiation process, Germany is ready to share the cost of its funding, said the foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas on Friday. “There will be costs that we will undertake. In the end, there should be a transparent decision, all parties must give their consent,” said Maas at the briefing following the meeting with foreign Minister of Ukraine, which was broadcast live. He noted that the process of harmonization of the proposal has just started. “Paul (Klimkin, Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine-ed.) some issues raised that are important for Ukraine that we will consider. The Russian side there are some questions that are of great importance. That is, we have not come

“Living legend”: what about Vladimir Putin in Serbia I think

“Living legend”: what about Vladimir Putin in Serbia I think The President of Russia arrived in Serbia. On the streets of Belgrade he was met by over 100 thousand people, i.e. one tenth of the population of the city. 6фотографий6фотографий Vladimir Putin arrived in Serbia. On the streets of Belgrade he was met by over 100 thousand people — a tenth of the total population of the city. Serbian media reported that people had to pay 13 euros daily. However, the ruling Serbian progressive party denies it. Russian service Bi-bi-si asked the people in the streets of Belgrade, what they think about Vladimir Putin and the situation in Russia. During the download an error has occurred. See also: Putin met with Survived in Belgrade and gave him a ride in a limousine Aurus Vucic gave Putin a puppy sarplaninski shepherd Provocations Kosovo could destabilize the Balkans, Putin said

The foreign Ministry has supported the trend of “10 years ago”, laying out a photo with the “reset”button

The foreign Ministry has supported the trend of “10 years ago”, laying out a photo with the “reset”button MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has joined the growing turnover in the social media trend of “10 years ago” (#10yearschallenge) and placed in your account in Instagram a photo of the meeting of the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and then-Secretary of state Hillary Clinton in Geneva with the famous “reset button”. In the accompanying photo of the signature indicated that in 2009, at a meeting in Geneva, Clinton presented Lavrov with a “reset button” in Russian-American relations. “On the button it was written in English “reset” (restart), and in Russian-“overload””, — stated in the message under the photo. View this post in Instagram Publication of the MFA of Russia / Russia’s MFA (@mid.eng) Jan 18, 2019 at 4:11

Russia will study proposals of Germany in the Kerch Strait

Russia will study proposals of Germany in the Kerch Strait MOSCOW, January 18. /TASS/ — Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moscow sees no possibility for Kiev to participate in any of the formats through the Strait. Russia has received from the foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas document with proposals for the Kerch Strait and intends to explore them. This was stated Friday by the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov at press conference following talks with his German counterpart. We just received this document, I saw it for the first time in the negotiations. I will not go into the details, we need it [the document] to study. The head of the Russian foreign Ministry said that Russia does not consider the possible participation of Ukraine in any of the formats on the Kerch Strait. “German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to

In Kyiv told about the plans to break dozens of agreements with Russia

In Kyiv told about the plans to break dozens of agreements with Russia KIEV, January 18 — RIA Novosti. Kiev is planning to break nearly fifty agreements with Russia, said the foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin at the briefing, which was broadcast “the Fifth channel”. In addition, according to him, forty-nine documents have been terminated. He promised that Ukraine will be “to consistently go down that track”. “And we are revising the entire legal framework with Russia”, — said Klimkin. In September last year, Kiev has decided not to renew the Treaty of friendship, cooperation and partnership between the two countries. Then Klimkin said that Ukraine will consistently work on the revision of all treaties with Russia. He explained that agreements concluded before 2014, “do not make sense”. Moscow called the decision of Kiev’s destructive and ill-advised step which violates the interests of the Ukrainian people. Read also: NATO

Arctic joined the Far East

Arctic joined the Far East The development of the Northern regions will be engaged in Ministry. The issues of development of the Arctic zone will be entrusted to a Ministry, whose work so overlaps with work in the Arctic regions, — to this end, the Ministry plans to introduce the post of first Deputy Minister of coordinating this subject. This management decision today asked Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin and received approval. The idea is explained by the need to work on the “Arctic” agenda system — now structure that would be involved in it on a permanent basis, the government does not exist. Ministry will have new authority for the development of the Arctic — a proposal to create the Agency profile office of the first Deputy Minister addressed the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. This idea

The Zimbabwean authorities soothe people off the Internet

The Zimbabwean authorities soothe people off the Internet Large-scale protests continued in the country since the departure of the President to Moscow. 6фотографий6фотографий The largest Internet provider in Zimbabwe, Econet Wireless, the company announced the shutdown of its services on the orders of the state. Authorities trying to cope with many thousands of protests and riots caused by rising gasoline prices, went on blocking the Internet to the protest organizers could not coordinate their actions. However, I suffered from this more than not protesters, and ordinary Zimbabweans. Mass protests began on Monday, January 14, at the call of the Congress of trade Union Zimbabwe, the participants spoke out against a sharp increase in gasoline prices. On Saturday, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has announced that a litre of petrol will now cost 45 Rand ($3,3), more than two times higher than the previous — 19 rands (us$1.4). And on Monday, when Mr

The German foreign Ministry urged Russia to destroy missile 9М729 for the sake of preserving the INF Treaty

The German foreign Ministry urged Russia to destroy missile 9М729 for the sake of preserving the INF Treaty Russian Federation can save the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty), if you destroy a cruise missile 9М729, which allegedly violates the provisions of the document. This was stated by foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas in an interview to “Interfax”, published January 18. The head of German diplomacy said that “serious doubts” was discussed with Moscow in the course of various negotiations, but they were unsuccessful. It should be noted that a return to the observance of the INF Treaty and its conservation potential and possible suspension after his actions. In his opinion, in this issue the ball is on Russia’s side. On the eve of US Deputy Secretary of state on arms control and international security Andrea Thompson called the preservation of the INF Treaty, the destruction of

A former lawyer, trump confessed to rigging the poll in his best interest

A former lawyer, trump confessed to rigging the poll in his best interest Former counsel to Donald trump Michael Cohen has publicly acknowledged that in 2015 actually paid for cheat an online poll on the website of The Wall Street Journal in the interests of the current President of the United States. “Regarding the WSJ article about the falsification of the polls: what I did was I made at the direction and in the sole interest of Donald trump. I sincerely regret his blind loyalty to the man who doesn’t deserve her,” — wrote Cohen in his Twitter. This post was a response to an article in the WSJ, which stated that Cohen underpaid for cheating the owner of a small technology company RedFinch Solutions John popular gouger. Himself popular gouger told the newspaper that Cohen promised him $50,000 for two surveys (one of the possible candidates from the Republican

Tokyo has called the date of Abe’s visit to Moscow and Davos

Tokyo has called the date of Abe’s visit to Moscow and Davos TOKYO, 18 Jan — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on January 21-24, will visit Russia and Switzerland, reported on a press-conferences in Tokyo the Secretary General of the government of Japan Acehide Suga. “Prime Minister Abe from 21 to 24 January will pay a visit to Russia, in Moscow and in Davos, Switzerland. In Moscow, as it was announced after a meeting of Ministers of foreign Affairs, 22 January the meeting will be held at the highest level”, — said the Secretary General. The arrangement of the meeting between the leaders of Russia and Japan in January have been achieved in the last year and reaffirmed in the negotiations of the foreign Ministers of both countries on Monday. They were officially announced the first round of bilateral negotiations on the conclusion of a peace Treaty at the