In a British nightclub was sprayed with an unknown substance, write media

In a British nightclub was sprayed with an unknown substance, write media MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. In a nightclub Cameo in the British city of Bournemouth sprayed an unknown substance, suffered at least 40 visitors, reports the Daily Mirror. Upstairs People complained about breathing problems, cough and pain in the eyes. They got help arrived on the scene the paramedics. Law enforcement officers believe that the club sprayed “some kind of substance irritant CS is possible (the so-called gas “lilac”. — Approx. ed.)”. Police seem to have cordoned off an area outside Cameo and speaking to clubbers, no one seems to know exactly what’s happened but there is a very large emergency presence — Josh Wilde (@josh_wilde20) 29 Sep 2018. All visitors urgently evacuated. The exact number of people who were in the club, is not specified, but we know that this night there was a planned

Media: Sergei Skripal worked for four intelligence, NATO

Media: Sergei Skripal worked for four intelligence, NATO A former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal to 2017 collaborated with the secret services of great Britain, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Spain, informs German edition of Focus, citing a source. According to him, Mr. Skripal was provided to the four countries participating in NATO’s information about “active agents of Russian military intelligence”. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to the interlocutor of the edition, in 2012, Sergei Skripal, accompanied by agents of British intelligence Mi-6 went to Prague and “informed the local security services on the Russian spies”. In the summer of 2016, the former Colonel GRU of Estonia provided data that helped to expose the three Russian spies. In addition, Sergei Skripal, as the source of the Focus provided by the national intelligence center of Spain (CNI) information “about contacts between the Russian mafia operating in Costa del Sol, with influential politicians and officials in

There was a video from the crash site of the F-35B

There was a video from the crash site of the F-35B MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. The video of the alleged crash site the latest fifth generation fighter F-35B in the state of South Carolina appeared in social networks. Upstairs Entry was posted in Twitter account Breaking News Aviation, specializing in aviation subjects. The survey was conducted from the opposite Bank of the pond, where the incident occurred. Over the earth rises black smoke, in the comments to the video States that the scene is recorded an hour after the disaster. The scene one hour after a military plane crash five miles outside the Marine Corps Air Station in Beaufort. According to several news reports, the crash involved an F-35B — Breaking Aviation News (@breakingavnews) September 28, 2018 Earlier it was reported that at about 11.45 am (18.45 GMT) on Friday during a training flight in South

The Rosselkhoznadzor returned to China nearly 20 tons of toxic peanut

The Rosselkhoznadzor returned to China nearly 20 tons of toxic peanut VLADIVOSTOK, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. The Rosselkhoznadzor returned to China, arrived in Primorye 19 tons of peanuts, which contained a dangerous toxin cadmium, according to the management office for Primorsky Krai and Sakhalin region. Upstairs “According to the results of laboratory tests of samples that were selected from a batch of peanuts received in Primorsky Krai from China September 12,… exceeded the permissible level for cadmium in twice, which does not meet the requirements of Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 015/2011 “On safety of grain”, — is spoken in the message. The party returned to the exporting country. According to experts, one reason for cadmium in peanuts could be the excessive saturation of soil with phosphate fertilizers. A pair of cadmium and all its compounds are toxic. Cadmium is a cumulative poison, as they are able to

South Korea has detained the Russian vessel

South Korea has detained the Russian vessel TASS, September 29. Cargo ship “Sevastopol” company “Hudson” detained in South Korea, the reason could be the U.S. sanctions against the shipowner. This was reported by TASS on Saturday the inspector of the International transport workers ‘ Federation (ITF) in Vladivostok, Peter Osichansky. Upstairs “According to my information, [the reason for the detention of the vessel steel] echoes of the sanctions imposed against it. Today, the company received a letter in Korean, which says that the ship is not arrested, and detained for some time for finding — out of circumstances”, – he said. According to Oceanscope about the situation informed the Consul of Russia in Busan. TASS failed to obtain prompt review of the company’s representatives, “Hudson”, and the Russian Consulate in Busan. Earlier, the U.S. Treasury announced the extension of the sanctions lists of the DPRK. They’ve been based in the

Media: Killed in CAR Orkhan Jemal investigated the supply of Russian weapons PMC

Media: Killed in CAR Orkhan Jemal investigated the supply of Russian weapons PMC The CAR was supposed to be a transfer of weapons from the defense Ministry of the Russian PMC, according to sources editions. Upstairs Killed in the Central African Republic (CAR) is a Russian journalist Orkhan Jemal February 2018 led its own investigation on the possible supply of weapons from the Russian defense Ministry existing in the Republic of private military companies. It is reported “Rain”, citing one of the sources Jemal among the security forces and a close friend of the journalist. The journalist was investigating in parallel with the production of the film about the activities of PMCs Wagner for “control Center investigations” (sdgs), according to the interlocutor of the edition in the LRC. According to him, Jemal in addition to the film “doing something” and not told about it. Close to the FSB the source

A swarm of bees hijacked a plane to South Africa (video)

A swarm of bees hijacked a plane to South Africa (video) Came to the aid of specially trained people. Upstairs September 26, at the airport named King Shaka in Durban was an emergency there was cancelled three scheduled flights. And all because of the bees, who were looking for a new home. Almost before departure the airport staff noticed something was wrong: a great number of insects were Packed into one of the engines of the aircraft of the airline Mango Airlines. So as to cope with such a buzzing army, they could not, you had to call experts from local beekeeping organizations ABeeC Bee Removers. Two beekeepers were called into remove a swarm of bees that had started building a nest in the engine of one of our aircrafts in Durban on Sunday. Unfortunately This meant delays on three of our scheduled flights. The bees were safely removed.#flymango

Journalist disappeared during a trip from Ekaterinburg to Chelyabinsk

Journalist disappeared during a trip from Ekaterinburg to Chelyabinsk Moscow. September 28. INTERFAX.RU — coordinator of the Chelyabinsk edition Irina Kryuchkova went missing during a trip from Ekaterinburg to Chelyabinsk, the newspaper reports on Friday. Upstairs The journalist went to a meeting in Chelyabinsk on Wednesday afternoon. “Around 16:30 Irina called to the woman were supposed to meet, said he was going and that she had a conflict with the driver of the car (pre: Bla-Bla-Car or private driver) to the place of disembarkation. After that, the connection is terminated, then the phone turned off,” — says the publication. According to the chief editor of the website Aksana Panova, who are reported, native women and journalists wrote applications to the police of Yekaterinburg and in GU MVD in the Chelyabinsk region. “The police received a complaint about the disappearance of the hook. It was, her location is established”,

The court arrested the Deputy of people’s Assembly of Dagestan Abdulatipov

The court arrested the Deputy of people’s Assembly of Dagestan Abdulatipov MOSCOW, September 28 — RIA Novosti. A court in Makhachkala was arrested 2 months brother of the former head of Dagestan, the Deputy of the National Assembly of the Republic of Rajab Abdulatipov, who was detained for participation in a criminal Association, said on Friday the channel of the RF IC in your WhatsApp. Upstairs “The court in Makhachkala has satisfied the petition of the investigation and arrested for 2 months of the Deputy of people’s Assembly of Dagestan Rajab Abdulatipov,” — said in the message. The authority previously reported on the detention of abdulatipova for participation in a criminal Association and went to court with a petition for his arrest. Soon he was charged. According to the SC, members of the criminal community for bribes illegally established citizens with disabilities. Earlier in this criminal case was arrested the

The owner of Pushkino were found in Ukraine

The owner of Pushkino were found in Ukraine Russian Prosecutor General’s office requests to extradite a fugitive banker Alexey Alyakin. Upstairs The Prosecutor General of Russia, “Kommersant” reported that Ukraine sent a request for extradition of Alexei Alyakin host the notorious Bank “Pushkino” — located in the international wanted list for fraud and detained in Odessa region. The representatives of Mr. Alyakin claim that he sponsored the law enforcers who fought on the South-East of the country, however the authorities decided that the Ukrainian nationality fugitive banker received illegally. Alexey Alyakin was detained by the SBU as a person in the international wanted list through Interpol, and after of the interior of Russia sent to Ukraine confirm its investigation, the court placed under arrest preextraction. The Prosecutor General of Russia, “Kommersant” reported that Ukraine requested the extradition of Mr Alyakin, however, the results of its examination, the Supervisory Agency is