UGC reported an unprecedented theft of grain from state Fund

UGC reported an unprecedented theft of grain from state Fund United grain company (UGC) has identified “the fact of an unprecedented theft of grain” from the Federal intervention Fund. Upstairs With Orel grain base No. 36, a member of the UGC, was kidnapped 19 035 tonnes of grain cost increase to 202.3 per million roubles, is spoken in the message of the company. Recently, the staff of the UGC in collaboration with the FSB, interior Ministry, Prosecutor General’s office and representatives of Rosselkhozbank increased control and were more likely to conduct scheduled and unscheduled inspections aimed “at ensuring food security” of Russia, the company said. During one of these inspections, 15 November and were detected stealing grain “in an unprecedented volume,” said UGC. The theft of the investigators of the Oryol Department of the interior opened a criminal case under paragraph “b” of part 4 St. 158 criminal code (theft

American Blues singer Otis rush died at the age of 84 years

American Blues singer Otis rush died at the age of 84 years MOSCOW, 30 Sep — RIA Novosti. American Blues singer and guitarist Otis rush died on the 85th year of life, reported on the official website of the musician. Upstairs According to his wife, rush died on Saturday, September 29, from complications after a stroke he suffered in 2003. Family rush was asked to maintain confidentiality, noting that details will be informed later. As writes the edition of Rolling Stone, his first record, “I can’t quit you, baby” (I Can’t Quit You Baby), taken in 1956, reached sixth on the Oricon chart “rhythms & Blues” edition of the Billboard and brought him to international recognition. Feature of the game rush was that he, a Lefty, played on the “right guitar” and it was affecting the sound.

Revealed the world’s first human case of infection with rat hepatitis

Revealed the world’s first human case of infection with rat hepatitis The scientists of Hong Kong University was diagnosed with rat hepatitis E virus in humans. Upstairs As reported by South China Morning Post, the victim was 56-year-old man who underwent liver transplantation. His tests showed abnormal organ function for no reason. Scientists suggest that the man may have contracted the virus after eating, which got a litter of rats. The victim received antiviral treatment, his condition is stable. Often the hepatitis E virus via infected fresh water in Eastern and southern Asia. A series of viral hepatitis A were previously recorded among workers of automobile factories of Nissan and Toyota in St. Petersburg.

In Greece in the refugee camp riots.

In Greece in the refugee camp riots. ATHENS, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Clashes between refugees occurred in the migration center in Malakasa, North of Athens, killed one Syrian refugee, eight people were injured, reports the online edition iefimerida. Upstairs Clashes between groups of Syrians and Afghans began on Friday and continued on Saturday afternoon. Was severely beaten by 31-year-old Syrian, who later died, eight people were injured and hospitalized. Now police are investigating to find the culprits. The cause of the conflict is still unknown.

The number of victims of earthquake in Indonesia has reached 420 people

The number of victims of earthquake in Indonesia has reached 420 people About this informed the portal Kompas with reference to the head of the National Directorate on liquidation of consequences of natural disasters, Sutopo Purvo Nugroho. Earlier it was reported 384 victims. Upstairs According to the official, still have not counted the number of victims in the districts Dongala and Mamuyu. Residents are afraid to sleep indoors in anticipation of aftershocks. Families are mourning their relatives. Unclear the fate of the participants of the festival in Pala, which was attended by hundreds of people. #BREAKING: Death toll caused by Friday’s M7.4 #the ensuing earthquake and #tsunami in #Indonesia has jumped to 384, authorities said — People’s Daily,China (@PDChina) September 29, 2018. We will remind, on Friday coast of the island of Sulawesi has undergone an earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale. Then, on the coastal town was

Nearly 300 people were poisoned by alcohol in Iran, at least 24 dead

Nearly 300 people were poisoned by alcohol in Iran, at least 24 dead MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. At least 24 people died from alcohol poisoning in Iran, where alcohol is prohibited by law, the Agency ISNA, citing the rescue service. Upstairs According to the Agency, poisoning occurred in the Iranian provinces of Kohgiluye and Boyerahmad, North Khorasan, Hormozgan and Alborz. “Two hundred and ninety people received poisoning, 24 people were killed and another three people have been brain dead,” — said the head of the ambulance of Iran PIR Hossein Kulivan, quoted by the Agency. The head of the ambulance noted that 217 people have been hospitalized, 15 of them are in the ICU. The rest, he said, after medical care was discharged from the hospital.

In Barcelona the crowd was decorated with the police

In Barcelona the crowd was decorated with the police The guards came to March in support of police actions during the “referendum on the recognition of the independence of Catalonia”. Upstairs In Barcelona, the crowd threw colored paints police officers that came to the parade. This footage was shown Spanish TV channel “24 hours”. A procession of security officials was held in support of police actions on recognized the illegal referendum on the independence of Catalonia. The clashes between independence supporters and the police, the police arrested six people, 24 people were injured. According to doctors, 19 of them help was provided on the spot. The condition of one person is estimated as average weight. On a place of events was visited by a journalist from Barcelona Dmitry kozhurin: “About 300-400 thousand Spanish policemen guard “urban”, that is, from the national police arrived on the weekend specially to the Catalan

Daily Mail disclosed method Skripal transmission MI6 secret data

Daily Mail disclosed method Skripal transmission MI6 secret data British agent, a former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal, who were injured in the result of the use of nerve agents in Salisbury, twice passed secret information to London while working for the British intelligence service MI6. For this, he made notes in the books invisible ink, the newspaper Daily Mail. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The edition published on September 28 excerpts from the work of the journalist of the British broadcasting Corporation bi-Bi-si Mark Urbana, which he wrote based on interviews with former GRU Colonel. It is argued that Skripal in the 90-ies became acquainted with a British intelligence agent named Richard Bagnell, who suggested that the Russian work for MI6. According to the newspaper, Skripal worked at the Russian Embassy in Spain and received for every meeting with Bagnella a few thousand dollars. However, after returning to Moscow in 1996, scouts had to

The plane caught on the steel cable and hung over the ground (video)

The plane caught on the steel cable and hung over the ground (video) Passengers saved by a courageous guide. Upstairs Light sport aircraft caught on the steel cable zipline in South Africa and hung vertically on the propeller. During the download an error has occurred. On Board were two men — pilot Peter and his wife Mary, both about 60 years. They patrolled the area, looking for poachers who are hunting rhinos. Anti-poacher plane crashes into a zip wire in South Africa leaving the survivors dangling in midair — Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) September 29, 2018. The aircraft hovered at an altitude of about one hundred meters. The police began a rescue operation. It was planned that in the cabin, people will save from above by a police helicopter, but then participants in the operation were abandoned this idea. During the download an error has occurred. In the end,

In Donetsk explosions at a Congress of the Communist party wounded candidate to head DNR

In Donetsk explosions at a Congress of the Communist party wounded candidate to head DNR DONETSK, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Among the victims of the explosion at the Communist party Congress in Donetsk a candidate for the presidency of the breakaway Donetsk national Republic Igor Khakimzyanov, said a member of the Communist party of the DNI Gennady Fomenko. Upstairs Earlier the Deputy of the people’s Council Vladislav berdichevskiy reported an explosion at the Congress of the Communist party of the DPR in Donetsk, three people were injured. “At the moment of explosion inside the building there were about 50 people. On the site of the explosion pack, everything inside is burned. Two women suffered, one of them severe burns. Also affected Igor Khakimzyanov”, — said Fomenko. The head of the Communist party of the DNR Boris Litvinov told reporters that the explosion was directed against candidates in the upcoming