Investigators of the Central apparatus of the TFR was caught on a bribe of five million

Investigators of the Central apparatus of the TFR was caught on a bribe of five million The investigators of the Investigative Committee of Russia Sergey Dubinsky and Andrew Trenev caught red-handed when receiving a large bribe. About it “” said the official representative of SKR Svetlana Petrenko. Upstairs She said, Dubinsky and Treneva caught in a joint operation, investigators from the Central office of the TFR and the field investigators of management “M” of FSB of Russia. “They are suspected of receiving bribes in the amount of not less than 5 million rubles (part 6 of article 290 of the criminal code). In the near future the presentation of the charges, then the investigation will go to court with the petition for election measures of restraint”, — said Petrenko. She stressed that the struggle for the purity of their own ranks remains a priority for TFR, and each of these

Riyadh rejected the version about the involvement of the crown Prince to the murder of Kalkaji

Riyadh rejected the version about the involvement of the crown Prince to the murder of Kalkaji Moscow. 20 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the foreign Ministry of Saudi Arabia has called baseless allegations of involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Kalkaji Saudi crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Upstairs “We are in the Kingdom know that such accusations against the crown Prince not have a truthful basis. And we categorically deny them,” — said the foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia Adel al-Jubeir, in an interview to the newspaper “Ash-shark al-Ausat”. “The leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by king and the crown Prince, is the red line, and we will not allow anybody tried to hurt them,” he said. His words came amid the recent publication of the newspaper the Washington Post. It said that, according to the findings of the CIA, responsible for the murder of journalist Kalkaji lies

The Prosecutor General’s office revealed 17 thousand violations of the law in the construction of the East 2014

The Prosecutor General’s office revealed 17 thousand violations of the law in the construction of the East 2014 MOSCOW, November 20. /TASS/. Russian Prosecutor General’s office revealed during the construction of the Vostochny space centre 2014 17 thousand violations of the law. About this informed the official representative of the Prosecutor General Aleksandr Kurennoy. Upstairs “2014 is revealed 17 thousand violations of the law, more than 1,000 people held accountable, including officials. The Prosecutor’s office has carried out over 14 thousand measures of prosecutorial response, including heading the claims in court,” he said in the interview to the Internet channel of the Prosecutor General “Broadcast”. Kurennoy said that among the violations as delaying the timing of construction, and billions of dollars in embezzlement of budget funds, has been weakened control of the administration of the cosmodrome. And outrageous story, when not observed even building codes — there were problems with

Prisoners staged a riot in prison because of hunger

Prisoners staged a riot in prison because of hunger In Venezuela, inmates at the prison of Puente Ayala staged a mutiny because of lack of food. It is reported by local newspaper El Pitazo. Upstairs According to representatives of the convicts, they are given a portion of rice and pasta twice a day, but they had not received food for three days, since last Friday. The jailers allow relatives to bring food for bribes — for one dish, they require 1.5 thousand bolivars (with a minimum salary of 1.8 thousand). According to media reports, during the riot, one person died, prison riots continue. At the end of March in Venezuela, the prisoners set fire to mattresses in order to escape from prison. As a result of a fire that killed 68 people. In January last year in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, at least 200 prisoners escaped from prison

Direct tax crimes add all indirect

Direct tax crimes add all indirect In SKR have developed a new tactic investigation of tax evasion. Upstairs As it became known””, to strengthen the fight against tax evasion, the Central office of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) has encouraged its employees to identify and to investigate the concomitant crimes, including connected with illegal Bank activity. Previously, such compositions of jurisdiction were transferred to the interior Ministry, but in the TFR believe that tax crimes should be investigated in a complete set with those that contribute to them. According to “Kommersant”, the initiative was organized by the Department of procedural control over the investigation of certain types of crimes TFR. After analyzing the practice of bringing to criminal liability of persons who have committed tax crimes, inspectors found that the case of related crimes, envisaged in article 172, 173.1, 173.2, 303 and 327 of the criminal code (illegal banking

In Argentina have recreated the prospective scenario of death of the submarine “San Juan”

In Argentina have recreated the prospective scenario of death of the submarine “San Juan” MEXICO city, Nov 20 — RIA Novosti. Argentine experts have reconstructed a possible scenario of death of the submarine “San Juan”, which could take several hours, according to the portal Nacion. Upstairs A year ago, the sunken submarine was found last Friday and deformed with signs of the explosion, 500 miles from shore and at a depth of over 900 metres. As the newspaper writes, citing a draft report of the expert Commission under the Ministry of defense of Argentina, it is likely that the first fire could occur on Board in the area of the nasal electric batteries 14 November 2017, that is, the day before the death of the submarine. Explosion and fire could have caused the ingress of water into the battery through the ventilation system. According to this version, and “San Juan”

WP: in the United States court recognized two people guilty of the murder of a Russian citizen Sibarova

WP: in the United States court recognized two people guilty of the murder of a Russian citizen Sibarova WASHINGTON, November 20. /TASS/ — we are Talking about Rani Alexander the Auditorio da Galicia and Edgar Garcia Gion. Upstairs The court of Montgomery County (MD.) on Monday admitted two more persons guilty of the murder in Washington, 18-year-old citizen of Russia and the USA Artem Sibarova and his classmate, 17-year-old Shadi ADI Najjar. This was reported by the newspaper The Washington Post. According to her, we are talking about 26-year-old Ronnie Alexander the Auditorio da Galicia and 25-year-old Edgar Garcia Gion. On Monday they were found guilty on all counts: the crime of murder in the first degree, conspiracy to commit murder, using a firearm in the Commission of a criminal offence, and committing armed robbery. In mid-January, the court also recognized other Edgar garcía Regions — 26-year-old Jose Yanes Canales

ABC: the man who allegedly opened fire near a hospital in Chicago, died

ABC: the man who allegedly opened fire near a hospital in Chicago, died NEW YORK, November 20. /TASS/ — the Earlier, the police announced that a “potential violator” of the rule of law was injured. Upstairs The man allegedly opened Monday shooting near the hospital in Chicago (Illinois), is dead. This was reported by broadcaster ABC, citing law enforcement sources. Whether the assailant was eliminated during a firefight with police, was not specified. Earlier, the police announced that a “potential violator” of the rule of law was injured. Also, according to ABC, the accident killed at least one person. His identity is not specified. Two more people, including a policeman, were injured, said the broadcaster. Officially this information has not been confirmed. Earlier it was reported that near the hospital in East Chicago the shooting occurred. A medical facility had been partially evacuated. According to AVS, shots were fired both

NBC: the hospital in Chicago the shooting occurred

NBC: the hospital in Chicago the shooting occurred TASS, November 20 — it is Reported that there are victims. Upstairs The shooting occurred near the hospital in East Chicago (Illinois). This was in the night of Tuesday, citing the police, reported NBC. According to the TV channel, the incident resulted in numerous casualties. A representative of the city police Department Anthony Guglielmi reported that at least one policeman was injured. As he wrote on his Twitter page that the incident “was shot” Chicago police. According to Guglielmi injured “is in critical condition,” doctors treating him. Guglielmi also confirmed that police raided the hospital after a reported shooting. According to him, at least one “potential violator” of the rule of law “was shot”. His condition is not reported. Further details are not yet available. At the scene there are dozens of police cars.

SK has averaged 100 murders of children in Russia monthly

SK has averaged 100 murders of children in Russia monthly Moscow. 20 Nov. INTERFAX.RU More than 900 children in Russia were killed by criminals this year, opened nearly 15.5 thousand criminal cases of assaults on minors, reported the press service of the Investigative Committee (IC). Upstairs “In just 9 months of this year, 917 children were killed from criminal attacks. Investigating bodies SK initiated 15 thousand 492 criminal cases on crimes committed against minors, 11 675 thousand persons recognized as victims”, — stated in the message of the press service, arrived on Tuesday to “Interfax”. The SC recalled that on 20 November Russia celebrates universal children’s day — date was introduced in 1954, the UN General Assembly, when it adopted a Declaration and the Convention on the rights of the child. “The head of Department Alexander Bastrykin require their subordinates principled approach to the protection of children’s rights, protection of