In Krasnodar detained the rapper Husky

In Krasnodar detained the rapper Husky Rapper Dmitry Kuznetsov, acting under the pseudonym Husky, detained in Krasnodar, according to the advocacy of “Open Russia”. Upstairs Twitter “MBH Media” posted a video in which a performer performs on the street. The Huskies concert in Krasnodar today looked like this. Video: “human Rights Cards” — MBH Media (@MBKhMedia) 21 Nov 2018 Earlier it became known that planned for 21 November in Krasnodar performance the rapper was canceled at the request of prosecutors. In office of public Prosecutor of Kuban has informed “Kommersant” that the leaders of the clubs of Krasnodar, on platforms which could pass the Husky speech, warned about the undesirability of such a concert. The day before in Rostov-on-don law enforcement agencies raided the club and stopped the concert. See also: Police did not appreciate the lyrics Husky

Rostransnadzor will inspect the safety Sheremetyevo

Rostransnadzor will inspect the safety Sheremetyevo As the man was able to get on the runway. Upstairs Rostransnadzor unscheduled check Sheremetyevo airport because of the death of the men on the runway. About it reported in a press-Department service. In particular, inspect the security and organization of airport activities. The incident occurred the day before. The body of 25-year-old man found after the plane, EN route flight from Moscow to Athens. The victim was a citizen of Armenia albert yepremyan. Man deported from Spain to his homeland with a stopover in Moscow. In the capital, the offender was removed from the Board and sent on a flight to Yerevan. According to the preliminary version, during landing in the airport Shuttle the man managed to escape, after which he was on the strip. How the man could get on the tarmac? The newsBecame known the details of the death of men

A couple of Irkutsk region deceived the ATM denominations “Bank of tricks”

A couple of Irkutsk region deceived the ATM denominations “Bank of tricks” MOSCOW, Nov 21 — RIA Novosti. A couple of Irkutsk region tricked the ATM by using the denominations “Bank of tricks” and got about 430 thousand rubles, the press service of the Ust-Ilimsk city court. Upstairs In March, the young man and the girl bought banknote “Bank of tricks” “denomination” five thousand rubles. Then they tried to make a note on the account to your card through the ATM, and the money was credited. For several days the defendants in the various stores of the city and district have gained such bills of various denominations and enroll them using the same ATM to a personal account. “The map of the defendant. D. has been credited funds in the amount of 428 500 rubles”, — stated in the message on the court’s website. Young people were removed thus obtained

The choreographer told about the conflict with the deceased in Sheremetyevo man

The choreographer told about the conflict with the deceased in Sheremetyevo man MOSCOW, Nov 21 — RIA Novosti. The head of the “Russian national ballet” Sergey Radchenko argues that deported from Spain a citizen of Armenia, who the day before had shot down the plane at the airport “Sheremetyevo”, before it attacked him in the cabin of the aircraft, EN route Madrid-Moscow. Upstairs On Tuesday, a representative of the emergency services in the region told RIA Novosti that the man’s body was found on the runway of the airport after takeoff, a passenger plane Boeing 737 Moscow — Athens. According to sources, the victim was a citizen of Armenia, who was deported from Spain. As the head of Rosaviation Alexander Neradko, the aircraft belongs to the airline “Aeroflot”. Criminal case is brought. According to the choreographer, it turned out that the flight was flying deported Armenian citizen who attacked him.

American missionary killed by a primitive Indian tribe

American missionary killed by a primitive Indian tribe Moscow. 21 Nov. INTERFAX.RU American was the victim of an Indian tribe of sentinels who for centuries lived in isolation in the South Andaman Islands and kill outsiders, wrote Wednesday in India Today. Upstairs US citizen shot from a bow. The murder occurred on the North Sentinelese island, a visit which is prohibited by the Indian authorities. The police arrested seven local fishermen who helped the American to get there. NewsLatest Avatar: a photo of the rare tribes that will soon disappear from the planet Under one data, the victim was a tourist thrill-seeker; however, according to Indian media, he was a missionary and went to the island to convert the savages to Christianity. According to their information, he has five times visited this region and have long wanted to visit the sentinelese tribes. Sentinels actively resist any contact with the outside

Elena Khakhaleva resigned as Chairman of the Board on administrative cases, Krasnodar regional court

Elena Khakhaleva resigned as Chairman of the Board on administrative cases, Krasnodar regional court As reported by “Kommersant” in the press service of the Krasnodar regional court, Elena Khakhaleva left the post of Chairman of the Board on administrative cases. This decision was taken at the end of the yesterday, November 20, meeting of the Board of this court. Upstairs “Yesterday, the Bureau held a meeting, the results of which have been personnel changes. Now the chair of the Board on administrative Affairs is Alexander Pyatigor”, — said “Kommersant” the press officer. We will remind that on 7 September, the Supreme court decided to strike the lady Hahaleva of the Presidium of the Krasnodar regional court, where Elena Khakhaleva included from July 2015. The reason for the verdict is not clear. Elena Khakhaleva became widely known after a video was published of the marriage of her daughter, which was estimated

Mediator Syria was accused of fraud

Mediator Syria was accused of fraud Lieutenant-General of the Ministry of defense brought “dead souls”. Upstairs As it became known “” the figurant of criminal case about fraud was the former head of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria Sergey Charkov. Lieutenant-General, who now serves as the Deputy chief of Military Academy of the General staff, is accused in three years stole 6 million rubles in the implementation of a 400-million state contract with a commercial firm. Protection of Mr. Charkova claims that their client is alleged to act innocent, and consequently no direct evidence of his participation in the theft is not submitted. A criminal case under part 4 St. 159 criminal code (fraud in especially large size) was brought to the military investigative Department of the TFR in Moscow in April 2018, against unidentified persons. the First and so far the only defendant

Man shot down in “the Sheremetyevo” “Boeing” villages in Athens with a damaged fuselage

Man shot down in “the Sheremetyevo” “Boeing” villages in Athens with a damaged fuselage Moscow. 21 Nov. INTERFAX. EN — the Plane during takeoff shot down of an Armenian citizen, who was deported home by transit through Moscow. Upstairs The plane, shot down during the flight from Moscow airport “Sheremetyevo” man, got into Athens at night with a damaged fuselage. As reported “Interfax” in the services of the airport “Eleftherios Venizelos” (Athens), “Boeing 737” from Moscow landed at 22:50 (23:50 Moscow time). “The Russian aircraft carrier on the tarmac was met by the police and ground services, which immediately after planting, thoroughly inspected the liner from the outside,” — said the Agency interlocutor. When viewed on the external elements of the fuselage found biological traces and damage. “Aircraft in conjunction with the police recorded on the landing gear, the traces of biological origin. On the fuselage of the aircraft detected

By shooting in a Chicago hospital, which killed four, brought about the abolition of engagement

By shooting in a Chicago hospital, which killed four, brought about the abolition of engagement Moscow. 21 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Termination of the engagement was the motive for the killings of three people in the hospital in Chicago, told the Associated Press. Upstairs The first victim of the attacker Juan Lopez was a former bride-to-be — Dr. Tamara O’neill calling off the engagement. According to eyewitnesses, the couple were arguing in the Parking lot near the hospital, the man demanded to return the engagement ring and being refused, shot. Before that, O’neill had to call the rescue service. Inside the hospital, the assailant wounded the employee of the pharmacy Dinah Loess and police officer Samuel Jimenez, who soon died. Witnesses say that Lopez wanted to continue shooting, but the police wounded him in the stomach, after which he killed himself. According to police, the assailant has not been previously

The Russians worked as a surgeon and head of the hospital by the bought diploma

The Russians worked as a surgeon and head of the hospital by the bought diploma Man almost a year worked as a surgeon and head of Medvedev’s precinct hospital in the Volgograd region on a fake diploma. This was reported in the regional Prosecutor’s office. Upstairs It is noted that the man had a profession of a pediatrician, and then bought a diploma on profilephotos and certificate with admission on the specialty “Surgery” at the Russian University of friendship of peoples (RUDN). Prosecutors revealed that he’s never studied, writes URA.RU. Also, the Supervisory Agency said that over the past year, he has not carried out any operations, he is dismissed. The man was charged for knowingly using a forged document. In March 2018, a court in Khabarovsk Krai banned access to five Internet sites, which sold diplomas of higher and secondary vocational education.