In Petrozavodsk the ATM gave out 500-ruble banknotes instead of the 200-ruble

In Petrozavodsk the ATM gave out 500-ruble banknotes instead of the 200-ruble PETROZAVODSK, 30 Nov — RIA Novosti. The police of Petrozavodsk had initiated criminal cases on the facts of thefts from ATM that “confused” the value of the requested bills, a few people took advantage of this, according to the interior Ministry in Karelia Republic. Upstairs “The police Department asked the employee of one of the commercial establishments with the statement that ATM, some citizens took cash in the amount exceeding the requested. Terminal almost daily were given 500-ruble banknotes instead of the 200-ruble”, — stated in the message. Newsa Couple of Irkutsk region deceived the ATM denominations “Bank of tricks” A few days later, the Bank staff phoned all the customers who enjoyed the day the faulty terminal, explained that there was a technical error and asked to return the money. Most of the clients did so. At

SBU start the search from the Governor of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

SBU start the search from the Governor of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Moscow. 30 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Employees of security Service of Ukraine conducted searches on the residence of the Governor of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) Paul in the case of inciting sectarian strife. Upstairs “The SBU conducts searches in the place of residence of the Primate of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Metropolitan Pavel on charges of violation of equality of citizens depending on their racial, national belonging or attitude towards religion (article 161 of the criminal code of Ukraine — if). Case faktovoe”, — said the Agency “Interfax-Ukraine” on Friday morning to the security service of Ukraine. Earlier, the Governor of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed) said in relation to him, as he filed several cases “classified”. “There are rumors, and I know from reliable sources that against me as a citizen of Ukraine opened a

Merkel missed out on the first day of the G20 summit

Merkel missed out on the first day of the G20 summit The Chancellor of Germany will miss the first day of the G20 summit. Angela Merkel will arrive in Buenos Aires late due to problems with the plane on which she flew to Argentina, the newspaper “Kommersant”. Upstairs Earlier in mass media appeared information that the ship of the Chancellor was forced to return to Berlin airport due to technical problems. According to the German newspaper Die Welt, the German delegation will have to wait for the next plane until morning. Merkel admitted during a forced landing of her plane, she did not immediately realize what happened. According to her, the first thought was that something happened in Germany. According to the newspaper, German Chancellor does not doubt the professionalism of the captain and crew of the government jet. According to her, the case can’t talk about the unreliability of

Media: Germany does not rule out a criminal cause of failure of the liner Merkel

Media: Germany does not rule out a criminal cause of failure of the liner Merkel TASS, 30 November — At the same time, as reported by the newspaper Rheinische Post, the investigation will go “in all directions”. Upstairs The German government believes that the failure of the aircraft, the Chancellor of the country Angela Merkel could have a criminal trail. On Friday told the newspaper Rheinische Post, citing sources in the security agencies of Germany. According to the publication, the incident will initially be regarded as “criminal”. In the security agencies said that the investigation will continue “in all directions”. As emphasized by the publication, such a failure is unprecedented. Despite the fact that the plane was not far from Amsterdam, the plane had to fly to the airport Cologne due to the fact that in this refusal the runway for landing airport in Amsterdam was long enough. In addition,

Spiegel: hackers from Russia suspect in the attack on German politicians

Spiegel: hackers from Russia suspect in the attack on German politicians Email several German deputies, and also of the Bundeswehr and several embassies of Germany have been subjected to hacker attacks, according to the magazine Spiegel. According to the German Federal office for the protection of Constitution and fighting terrorism (BVT), to the attacks involved Russian hackers from the group “Snake”, also known as “Turla”. Upstairs In BTV said that he had suffered from cyber-attacks “predominantly public and political sectors” of the country. The latest attack was carried out on 14 November, according to the Department. It is not yet known, did the hackers to steal any data and to what extent. As Spiegel puts it, hackers from the “Snake” has already attacked the German officials in the past. In particular, in March 2018, they stole the information of employees of the German foreign Ministry, the newspaper writes. The paper

The Israeli army has denied reports of plane downed in Syria

The Israeli army has denied reports of plane downed in Syria TEL AVIV, 30 Nov — RIA Novosti. The Israeli military has denied allegations that the Syrian air defense allegedly shot down a military aircraft of the Jewish state. Upstairs A source in the Syrian security authorities had earlier told RIA Novosti that the air defense of the Arab Republic knocked over the settlement of al-Kiswa South of Damascus, Israeli military aircraft and four missiles. While Syrian state media reported that the air defense system of Syria on Thursday hit several targets in the sky over the South of the country. “Reports of a damaged Israeli aircraft or other aerial targets the Israeli do not correspond to reality,” said the army press-service. The Israeli military still does not comment on reports of his involvement in the airstrike. The Israelis recognize that over the past two years 200 once bombed Iranian

In CSKA there were signs OPS

In CSKA there were signs OPS Disclosed in a Navy corruption scheme may qualify as a serious offence. Upstairs As it became known “Kommersant”, the former head of the sports club CSKA Mikhail Baryshev and his staff arrested for corruption and fraud, can be charged with the organization of criminal community and participation in it. Along with the military involved in the case were the heads of large companies, who paid kickbacks for signing with CSKA Moscow state contracts for the sum more than 200 million rubles. To reconstruct the system of the criminal-economic relations in CSKA, according to the close investigation of the source “b”, the 517 th military investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) has been due to the active repentance of approximately half of the accused. At the beginnings of this process were arrested and detained in July this year on charge in especially

In Syria shot down an Israeli warplane

In Syria shot down an Israeli warplane DAMASCUS, November 29 — RIA Novosti. The Syrian air defense system shot down Thursday in the sky over the settlement of al-Kiswa South of Damascus, Israeli military aircraft and four missiles before they hit their targets, said to RIA Novosti a source in the security agencies of the SAR. Upstairs Informed Syrian military source told RIA Novosti that the air defense system of Syria on Thursday hit several targets in the sky over the South of the country, without specifying that it was for a purpose. “Our air defenses shot down an Israeli aircraft and four missiles before they reached the targets,” said the source. He noted that thus destroyed all the missiles aimed at targets in the area of al-Kiswa. “Our defense is able to accurately reflect all enemy targets”, — he said. TV Syria live showcases the work of Syrian air

In the CBD destroyed three militants who attacked the FSB and the interior Ministry

In the CBD destroyed three militants who attacked the FSB and the interior Ministry The militants showed resistance during the arrest. Upstairs Employees of the Federal security service (FSB) together with the police destroyed three members of the terrorist cell in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR). According to law enforcement agencies, the militants had planned killings of security officials and businessmen in the region. In Mayskiy district of Kabardino-Balkaria, four armed men opened fire on security forces from car in response to the requirement to stop. Returning fire, three of them were killed, one managed to hold.Eliminated were members of the extremist cell — Video Technician Igor (@Telemaster68) November 29, 2018 When exactly the operation was carried out on detention, the FSB said. The operation was in the May district of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic. The militants moved on the car VAZ 2105. At the request of law enforcement officers to

Michael Cohen confessed to perjury at the hearings in Congress on the case of “Russian intervention”

Michael Cohen confessed to perjury at the hearings in Congress on the case of “Russian intervention” The former lawyer of the President of the United States Donald trump Michael Cohen confessed to perjury at the hearings in the committees of the Congresses in the case of “Russian intervention”. On November 29 the AP reports. Upstairs Cohen admitted that in 2017 he gave false testimony to the U.S. Senate about the possible construction of the trump tower in Moscow. The former lawyer of the President noted that he had lied about the date of the negotiations and other details that does not contradict the “political message” of trump. News“the Worst day in the life of trump” At the end of August it became known that Cohen made a deal with the Federal Prosecutor’s office in new York in the case of violations in campaign financing, Bank fraud and tax evasion. In